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Neurons And Cognition

Frontoparietal Connectivity Neurofeedback Training for Promotion of Working Memory: An fNIRS Study in Healthy Male Participants

Neurofeedback cognitive training is a promising tool used to promote cognitive functions effectively and efficiently. In this study, we investigated a novel functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)-based frontoparietal functional connectivity (FC) neurofeedback training paradigm related to working memory, involving healthy adults. Compared with conventional cognitive training studies, we chose the frontoparietal network, a key brain region for cognitive function modulation, as neurofeedback, yielding a strong targeting effect. In the experiment, 10 participants (test group) received three cognitive training sessions of 15 min using fNIRS-based frontoparietal FC as neurofeedback, and another 10 participants served as the control group. Frontoparietal FC was significantly increased in the test group (p D 0.03), and the cognitive functions (memory and attention) were significantly promoted compared with the control group (accuracy of 3-back test: p D 0.0005, reaction time of 3-back test: p D 0.0009). After additional validations on long-term training effect and on different patient populations, the proposed method exhibited considerable potential to be developed as a fast, effective, and widespread training approach for cognitive function enhancement.

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Neurons And Cognition

Functional MRI applications for psychiatric disease subtyping: a review

Psychiatric disorders have historically been classified using symptom information alone. With the advent of new technologies that allowed researchers to investigate brain mechanisms more directly, interest in the mechanistic rationale behind defined pathologies and aetiology redefinition has greatly increased. This is particularly appealing for the field of personalised medicine, which searches for data-driven approaches to improve individual diagnosis, prognosis and treatment selection. Here we intend to systematically analyse the usage of functional MRI on both the elucidation of psychiatric disease biotypes and the interpretation of subtypes obtained via unsupervised learning applied to symptom or biomarker data. We searched the existing literature for functional MRI applications to the obtention or interpretation of psychiatric disease subtypes. The PRISMA guidelines were applied to filter the retrieved studies, and the active learning framework ASReviews was applied for article prioritization. From the 20 studies that met the inclusion criteria, 5 used functional MRI data to interpret symptom-derived disease clusters, 4 used it for the interpretation of clusters derived from biomarker data other than fMRI itself, and 11 applied clustering to fMRI directly. Major depression disorder and schizophrenia were the two most studied pathologies, followed by ADHD, psychosis, autism disorder, and early violence. No trans-diagnostic studies were retrieved. While interest in personalised medicine and data-driven disease subtyping is on the rise and psychiatry is not the exception, unsupervised analyses of functional MRI data are inconsistent to date, and much remains to be done in terms of gathering and centralising data, standardising pipelines and model validation, and method refinement. The usage of fMRI in the field of trans-diagnostic psychiatry remains vastly unexplored.

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Neurons And Cognition

Functional compensation after lesions: Predicting site and extent of recovery

In some cases, the function of a lesioned area can be compensated for by another area. However, it remains unpredictable if and by which other area a lesion can be compensated. We assume that similar incoming and outgoing connections are necessary to encode the same function as the damaged region. The similarity can be measured both locally using the matching index and looking at a more global scale by non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). We tested how well both measures can predict the compensating area for the loss of the visual cortex in kittens. For this case study, the global comparison of connectivity turns out to be a better method for predicting functional compensation. In future studies, the extent of the similarity between the lesioned and compensating regions might be a measure of the extent to which function can be successfully recovered.

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Neurons And Cognition

Functional connectome fingerprinting: Identifying individuals and predicting cognitive function via deep learning

The dynamic characteristics of functional network connectivity have been widely acknowledged and studied. Both shared and unique information has been shown to be present in the connectomes. However, very little has been known about whether and how this common pattern can predict the individual variability of the brain, i.e. "brain fingerprinting", which attempts to reliably identify a particular individual from a pool of subjects. In this paper, we propose to enhance the individual uniqueness based on an autoencoder network. More specifically, we rely on the hypothesis that the common neural activities shared across individuals may lessen individual discrimination. By reducing contributions from shared activities, inter-subject variability can be enhanced. Results show that that refined connectomes utilizing an autoencoder with sparse dictionary learning can successfully distinguish one individual from the remaining participants with reasonably high accuracy (up to 99:5% for the rest-rest pair). Furthermore, high-level cognitive behavior (e.g., fluid intelligence, executive function, and language comprehension) can also be better predicted using refined functional connectivity profiles. As expected, the high-order association cortices contributed more to both individual discrimination and behavior prediction. The proposed approach provides a promising way to enhance and leverage the individualized characteristics of brain networks.

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Neurons And Cognition

GEFF: Graph Embedding for Functional Fingerprinting

It has been well established that Functional Connectomes (FCs), as estimated from functional MRI (fMRI) data, have an individual fingerprint that can be used to identify an individual from a population (subject-identification). Although identification rate is high when using resting-state FCs, other tasks show moderate to low values. Furthermore, identification rate is task-dependent, and is low when distinct cognitive states, as captured by different fMRI tasks, are compared. Here we propose an embedding framework, GEFF (Graph Embedding for Functional Fingerprinting), based on group-level decomposition of FCs into eigenvectors. GEFF creates an eigenspace representation of a group of subjects using one or more task FCs (Learning Stage). In the Identification Stage, we compare new instances of FCs from the Learning subjects within this eigenspace (validation dataset). The validation dataset contains FCs either from the same tasks as the Learning dataset or from the remaining tasks that were not included in Learning. Assessment of validation FCs within the eigenspace results in significantly increased subject-identification rates for all fMRI tasks tested and potentially task-independent fingerprinting process. It is noteworthy that combining resting-state with one fMRI task for GEFF Learning Stage covers most of the cognitive space for subject identification. In addition to subject-identification, GEFF was also used for identification of cognitive states, i.e. to identify the task associated to a given FC, regardless of the subject being already in the Learning dataset or not (subject-independent task-identification). In addition, we also show that eigenvectors from the Learning Stage can be characterized as task-dominant, subject dominant or neither, providing a deeper insight into the extent of variance in functional connectivity across individuals and cognitive states.

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Neurons And Cognition

Galvanic vestibular stimulation produces cross-modal improvements in visual thresholds

Background: Stochastic resonance (SR) refers to a faint signal being enhanced with the addition of white noise. Previous studies have found that vestibular perceptual thresholds are lowered with noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation (i.e., "in-channel" SR). Auditory white noise has been shown to improve tactile and visual thresholds, suggesting "cross-modal" SR. Objective: We aimed to study the cross-modal impact of noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation (nGVS) (n=9 subjects) on visual and auditory thresholds. Methods: We measured auditory and visual perceptual thresholds of human subjects across a swath of different nGVS levels in order to determine if a subject-specific best nGVS level elicited a reduction in thresholds as compared the no noise condition (sham). Results: We found an 18% improvement in visual thresholds (p = 0.026). Among the 7 of 9 subjects with reduced thresholds, the average improvement was 26%. Subjects with higher (worse) visual thresholds with no stimulation (sham) improved more than those with lower thresholds (p = 0.005). Auditory thresholds were unchanged by vestibular stimulation. Conclusions: These results are the first demonstration of cross-modal improvement with nGVS, indicating galvanic vestibular white noise can produce cross-modal improvements in some sensory channels, but not all.

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Neurons And Cognition

Generalized half-center oscillators with short-term synaptic plasticity

How can we develop simple yet realistic models of the small neural circuits known as central pattern generators (CPGs), which contribute to generate complex multi-phase locomotion in living animals? In this paper we introduce a new model (with design criteria) of a generalized half-center oscillator (gHCO), (pools of) neurons reciprocally coupled by fast/slow inhibitory and excitatory synapses, to produce either alternating bursting or synchronous patterns depending on the sensory or other external input. We also show how to calibrate its parameters, based on both physiological and functional criteria and on bifurcation analysis. This model accounts for short-term neuromodulation in a bio-physically plausible way and is a building block to develop more realistic and functionally accurate CPG models. Examples and counterexamples are used to point out the generality and effectiveness of our design approach.

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Neurons And Cognition

Generative embeddings of brain collective dynamics using variational autoencoders

We consider the problem of encoding pairwise correlations between coupled dynamical systems in a low-dimensional latent space based on few distinct observations. We used variational autoencoders (VAE) to embed temporal correlations between coupled nonlinear oscillators that model brain states in the wake-sleep cycle into a two-dimensional manifold. Training a VAE with samples generated using two different parameter combinations resulted in an embedding that represented the whole repertoire of collective dynamics, as well as the topology of the underlying connectivity network. We first followed this approach to infer the trajectory of brain states measured from wakefulness to deep sleep from the two endpoints of this trajectory; next, we showed that the same architecture was capable of representing the pairwise correlations of generic Landau-Stuart oscillators coupled by complex network topology

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Neurons And Cognition

Geodesic distance on optimally regularized functional connectomes uncovers individual fingerprints

Background: Functional connectomes (FCs), have been shown to provide a reproducible individual fingerprint, which has opened the possibility of personalized medicine for neuro/psychiatric disorders. Thus, developing accurate ways to compare FCs is essential to establish associations with behavior and/or cognition at the individual-level. Methods: Canonically, FCs are compared using Pearson's correlation coefficient of the entire functional connectivity profiles. Recently, it has been proposed that the use of geodesic distance is a more accurate way of comparing functional connectomes, one which reflects the underlying non-Euclidean geometry of the data. Computing geodesic distance requires FCs to be positive-definite and hence invertible matrices. As this requirement depends on the fMRI scanning length and the parcellation used, it is not always attainable and sometimes a regularization procedure is required. Results: In the present work, we show that regularization is not only an algebraic operation for making FCs invertible, but also that an optimal magnitude of regularization leads to systematically higher fingerprints. We also show evidence that optimal regularization is dataset-dependent, and varies as a function of condition, parcellation, scanning length, and the number of frames used to compute the FCs. Discussion: We demonstrate that a universally fixed regularization does not fully uncover the potential of geodesic distance on individual fingerprinting, and indeed could severely diminish it. Thus, an optimal regularization must be estimated on each dataset to uncover the most differentiable across-subject and reproducible within-subject geodesic distances between FCs. The resulting pairwise geodesic distances at the optimal regularization level constitute a very reliable quantification of differences between subjects.

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Neurons And Cognition

Geometrical Optical Illusion via Sub-Riemannian Geodesics in the Roto-Translation Group

We present a neuro-mathematical model for geometrical optical illusions (GOIs), a class of illusory phenomena that consists in a mismatch of geometrical properties of the visual stimulus and its associated percept. They take place in the visual areas V1/V2 whose functional architecture have been modelled in previous works by Citti and Sarti as a Lie group equipped with a sub-Riemannian (SR) metric. Here we extend their model proposing that the metric responsible for the cortical connectivity is modulated by the modelled neuro-physiological response of simple cells to the visual stimulus, hence providing a more biologically plausible model that takes into account a presence of visual stimulus. Illusory contours in our model are described as geodesics in the new metric. The model is confirmed by numerical simulations, where we compute the geodesics via SR-Fast Marching.

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