Featured Researches

Quantitative Methods

Cell Mechanics Based Computational Classification of Red Blood Cells Via Machine Intelligence Applied to Morpho-Rheological Markers

Despite fluorescent cell-labelling being widely employed in biomedical studies, some of its drawbacks are inevitable, with unsuitable fluorescent probes or probes inducing a functional change being the main limitations. Consequently, the demand for and development of label-free methodologies to classify cells is strong and its impact on precision medicine is relevant. Towards this end, high-throughput techniques for cell mechanical phenotyping have been proposed to get a multidimensional biophysical characterization of single cells. With this motivation, our goal here is to investigate the extent to which an unsupervised machine learning methodology, which is applied exclusively on morpho-rheological markers obtained by real-time deformability and fluorescence cytometry (RT-FDC), can address the difficult task of providing label-free discrimination of reticulocytes from mature red blood cells. We focused on this problem, since the characterization of reticulocytes (their percentage and cellular features) in the blood is vital in multiple human disease conditions, especially bone-marrow disorders such as anemia and leukemia. Our approach reports promising label-free results in the classification of reticulocytes from mature red blood cells, and it represents a step forward in the development of high-throughput morpho-rheological-based methodologies for the computational categorization of single cells. Besides, our methodology can be an alternative but also a complementary method to integrate with existing cell-labelling techniques.

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Quantitative Methods

Challenges in constructing genetic instruments for pharmacologic therapies

The genes that encode the targets of most therapies do not have rare variants with large-effect or common variants with moderate effects on the biomarker reflecting the pharmacologic action of the corresponding therapy. Therefore, providing genetic target validation for most therapies is challenging. Novel methods are being developed to combine multiple variants in the gene encoding the target of a therapy that are weakly associated with the biomarker reflecting the pharmacologic action of that therapy into a genetic score that can be used as an adequate instrumental variable. We describe one approach to solve this important problem.

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Quantitative Methods

Chemical Property Prediction Under Experimental Biases

The ability to predict the chemical properties of compounds is crucial in discovering novel materials and drugs with specific desired characteristics. Recent significant advances in machine learning technologies have enabled automatic predictive modeling from past experimental data reported in the literature.However, these datasets are often biased due to various reasons, such as experimental plans and publication decisions, and the prediction models trained using such biased datasets often suffer from over-fitting to the biased distributions and perform poorly on subsequent uses.The present study focuses on mitigating bias in the experimental datasets. To this purpose, we adopt two techniques from causal inference and domain adaptation combined with graph neural networks capable of handling molecular structures.The experimental results in four possible bias scenarios show that the inverse propensity scoring-based method makes solid improvements, while the domain-invariant representation learning approach fails.

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Quantitative Methods

Classification of particle trajectories in living cells: machine learning versus statistical testing hypothesis for fractional anomalous diffusion

Single-particle tracking (SPT) has become a popular tool to study the intracellular transport of molecules in living cells. Inferring the character of their dynamics is important, because it determines the organization and functions of the cells. For this reason, one of the first steps in the analysis of SPT data is the identification of the diffusion type of the observed particles. The most popular method to identify the class of a trajectory is based on the mean square displacement (MSD). However, due to its known limitations, several other approaches have been already proposed. With the recent advances in algorithms and the developments of modern hardware, the classification attempts rooted in machine learning (ML) are of particular interest. In this work, we adopt two ML ensemble algorithms, i.e. random forest and gradient boosting, to the problem of trajectory classification. We present a new set of features used to transform the raw trajectories data into input vectors required by the classifiers. The resulting models are then applied to real data for G protein-coupled receptors and G proteins. The classification results are compared to recent statistical methods going beyond MSD.

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Quantitative Methods

Classifying sleep states using persistent homology and Markov chain: a Pilot Study

Obstructive sleep Apnea (OSA) is a form of sleep disordered breathing characterized by frequent episodes of upper airway collapse during sleep. Pediatric OSA occurs in 1-5% of children and can related to other serious health conditions such as high blood pressure, behavioral issues, or altered growth. OSA is often diagnosed by studying the patient's sleep cycle, the pattern with which they progress through various sleep states such as wakefulness, rapid eye-movement, and non-rapid eye-movement. The sleep state data is obtained using an overnight polysomnography test that the patient undergoes at a hospital or sleep clinic, where a technician manually labels each 30 second time interval, also called an "epoch", with the current sleep state. This process is laborious and prone to human error. We seek an automatic method of classifying the sleep state, as well as a method to analyze the sleep cycles. This article is a pilot study in sleep state classification using two approaches: first, we'll use methods from the field of topological data analysis to classify the sleep state and second, we'll model sleep states as a Markov chain and visually analyze the sleep patterns. In the future, we will continue to build on this work to improve our methods.

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Quantitative Methods

Clinical connectivity map for drug repurposing: using laboratory tests to bridge drugs and diseases

Drug repurposing has attracted increasing attention from both the pharmaceutical industry and the research community. Many existing computational drug repurposing methods rely on preclinical data (e.g., chemical structures, drug targets), resulting in translational problems for clinical trials. In this study, we propose a clinical connectivity map framework for drug repurposing by leveraging laboratory tests to analyze complementarity between drugs and diseases. We establish clinical drug effect vectors (i.e., drug-laboratory test associations) by applying a continuous self-controlled case series model on a longitudinal electronic health record data. We establish clinical disease sign vectors (i.e., disease-laboratory test associations) by applying a Wilcoxon rank sum test on a large-scale national survey data. Finally, we compute a repurposing possibility score for each drug-disease pair by applying a dot product-based scoring function on clinical disease sign vectors and clinical drug effect vectors. We comprehensively evaluate 392 drugs for 6 important chronic diseases (e.g., asthma, coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, etc.). We discover not only known associations between diseases and drugs but also many hidden drug-disease associations. Moreover, we are able to explain the predicted drug-disease associations via the corresponding complementarity between laboratory tests of drug effect vectors and disease sign vectors. The proposed clinical connectivity map framework uses laboratory tests from electronic clinical information to bridge drugs and diseases, which is explainable and has better translational power than existing computational methods. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework and suggest that our method could help identify drug repurposing opportunities, which will benefit patients by offering more effective and safer treatments.

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Quantitative Methods

Clustering Future Scenarios Based on Predicted Range Maps

Predictions of biodiversity trajectories under climate change are crucial in order to act effectively in maintaining the diversity of species. In many ecological applications, future predictions are made under various global warming scenarios as described by a range of different climate models. The outputs of these various predictions call for a reliable interpretation. We propose a interpretable and flexible two step methodology to measure the similarity between predicted species range maps and cluster the future scenario predictions utilizing a spectral clustering technique. We find that clustering based on ecological impact (predicted species range maps) is mainly driven by the amount of warming. We contrast this with clustering based only on predicted climate features, which is driven mainly by climate models. The differences between these clusterings illustrate that it is crucial to incorporate ecological information to understand the relevant differences between climate models. The findings of this work can be used to better synthesize forecasts of biodiversity loss under the wide spectrum of results that emerge when considering potential future biodiversity loss.

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Quantitative Methods

Clustering methods and Bayesian inference for the analysis of the evolution of immune disorders

Choosing appropriate hyperparameters for unsupervised clustering algorithms in an optimal way depending on the problem under study is a long standing challenge, which we tackle while adapting clustering algorithms for immune disorder diagnoses. We compare the potential ability of unsupervised clustering algorithms to detect disease flares and remission periods through analysis of laboratory data from systemic lupus erythematosus patients records with different hyperparameter choices. To determine which clustering strategy is the best one we resort to a Bayesian analysis based on the Plackett-Luce model applied to rankings. This analysis quantifies the uncertainty in the choice of clustering methods for a given problem

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Quantitative Methods

Cognitive Biomarker Prioritization in Alzheimer's Disease using Brain Morphometric Data

Background:Cognitive assessments represent the most common clinical routine for the diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Given a large number of cognitive assessment tools and time-limited office visits, it is important to determine a proper set of cognitive tests for different subjects. Most current studies create guidelines of cognitive test selection for a targeted population, but they are not customized for each individual subject. In this manuscript, we develop a machine learning paradigm enabling personalized cognitive assessments prioritization. Method: We adapt a newly developed learning-to-rank approach PLTR to implement our paradigm. This method learns the latent scoring function that pushes the most effective cognitive assessments onto the top of the prioritization list. We also extend PLTR to better separate the most effective cognitive assessments and the less effective ones. Results: Our empirical study on the ADNI data shows that the proposed paradigm outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines on identifying and prioritizing individual-specific cognitive biomarkers. We conduct experiments in cross validation and level-out validation settings. In the two settings, our paradigm significantly outperforms the best baselines with improvement as much as 22.1% and 19.7%, respectively, on prioritizing cognitive features. Conclusions: The proposed paradigm achieves superior performance on prioritizing cognitive biomarkers. The cognitive biomarkers prioritized on top have great potentials to facilitate personalized diagnosis, disease subtyping, and ultimately precision medicine in AD.

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Quantitative Methods

Combining multi-site Magnetic Resonance Imaging with machine learning predicts survival in paediatric brain tumours

Background Brain tumours represent the highest cause of mortality in the paediatric oncological population. Diagnosis is commonly performed with magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy. Survival biomarkers are challenging to identify due to the relatively low numbers of individual tumour types, especially for rare tumour types such as atypical rhabdoid tumours. Methods 69 children with biopsy-confirmed brain tumours were recruited into this study. All participants had both perfusion and diffusion weighted imaging performed at diagnosis. Data were processed using conventional methods, and a Bayesian survival analysis performed. Unsupervised and supervised machine learning were performed with the survival features, to determine novel sub-groups related to survival. Sub-group analysis was undertaken to understand differences in imaging features, which pertain to survival. Findings Survival analysis showed that a combination of diffusion and perfusion imaging were able to determine two novel sub-groups of brain tumours with different survival characteristics (p <0.01), which were subsequently classified with high accuracy (98%) by a neural network. Further analysis of high-grade tumours showed a marked difference in survival (p=0.029) between the two clusters with high risk and low risk imaging features. Interpretation This study has developed a novel model of survival for paediatric brain tumours, with an implementation ready for integration into clinical practice. Results show that tumour perfusion plays a key role in determining survival in brain tumours and should be considered as a high priority for future imaging protocols.

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