Featured Researches

Subcellular Processes

Cooperative protein transport in cellular organelles

Compartmentalization into biochemically distinct organelles constantly exchanging material is one of the hallmarks of eukaryotic cells. In the most naive picture of inter-organelle transport driven by concentration gradients, concentration differences between organelles should relax. We determine the conditions under which cooperative transport, i.e. based on molecular recognition, allows for the existence and maintenance of distinct organelle identities. Cooperative transport is also shown to control the flux of material transiting through a compartmentalized system, dramatically increasing the transit time under high incoming flux. By including chemical processing of the transported species, we show that this property provides a strong functional advantage to a system responsible for protein maturation and sorting.

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Subcellular Processes

Cortical microtubule nucleation can organise the cytoskeleton of Drosophila oocytes to define the anteroposterior axis

Many cells contain non-centrosomal arrays of microtubules (MT), but the assembly, organisation and function of these arrays are poorly understood. We present the first theoretical model for the non-centrosomal MT cytoskeleton in Drosophila oocytes, in which bicoid and oskar mRNAs become localised to establish the anterior-posterior body axis. Constrained by experimental measurements, the model shows that a simple gradient of cortical MT nucleation is sufficient to reproduce the observed MT distribution, cytoplasmic flow patterns and localisation of oskar and naive bicoid mRNAs. Our simulations exclude a major role for cytoplasmic flows in localisation and reveal an organisation of the MT cytoskeleton that is more ordered than previously thought. Furthermore, modulating cortical MT nucleation induces a bifurcation in cytoskeletal organisation that accounts for the phenotypes of polarity mutants. Thus, our three-dimensional model explains many features of the MT network and highlights the importance of differential cortical MT nucleation for axis formation.

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Subcellular Processes

Cryoelectron Microscopy as a Functional Instrument for Systems Biology, Structural Analysis & Experimental Manipulations with Living Cells. A comprehensive review of the current works

The aim of this paper is to give an introductory review of the cryoelectron microscopy as a complex data source for the most of the system biology branches, including the most perspective non-local approaches known as "localomics" and "dynamomics". A brief summary of various cryoelectron mi-croscopy methods and corresponding system biological ap-proaches is given in the text. The above classification can be considered as a useful framework for the primary comprehen-sions about cryoelectron microscopy aims and instrumental tools. We do not discuss any of these concepts in details, but merely point out that their methodological complexity follows only from the structure-functional complexity of biological systems which are investigated in this manner. We also postu-late that one can employ some of the cryoelectron microscopic techniques not only for observation, but also for modification and structural refunctionalization of some biological and similar soft matter objects and microscopic samples. In other worlds, we start with the cryoelectron microscopy as a tool for the sys-tem biology and progress to its applying as an instrument for system biology and functional biomimetics; i.e. "system cryobi-ology" goes over into "synthetic cryobiology" or "cryogenic biomimetics". All these conclusions can be deduced from the most recent works of the latest years, including just submitted foreign papers. This article provides an up-to-date description of the conceptual basis for the novel view on the computational cryoelectron microscopy (in silico) approaches and the data mining principles which lie at the very foundation of modern structural analysis and reconstruction.

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Subcellular Processes

Curvature-sensitive kinesin binding can explain microtubule ring formation and reveals chaotic dynamics in a mathematical model

Microtubules are filamentous tubular protein polymers which are essential for a range of cellular behaviour, and are generally straight over micron length scales. However, in some gliding assays, where microtubules move over a carpet of molecular motors, individual microtubules can also form tight arcs or rings, even in the absence of crosslinking proteins. Understanding this phenomenon may provide important explanations for similar highly curved microtubules which can be found in nerve cells undergoing neurodegeneration. We propose a model for gliding assays where the kinesins moving the microtubules over the surface induce ring formation through differential binding, substantiated by recent findings that a mutant version of the motor protein kinesin applied in solution is able to lock-in microtubule curvature. For certain parameter regimes, our model predicts that both straight and curved microtubules can exist simultaneously as stable steady-states, as has been seen experimentally. Additionally, unsteady solutions are found, where a wave of differential binding propagates down the microtubule as it glides across the surface, which can lead to chaotic motion. Whilst this model explains two-dimensional microtubule behaviour in an experimental gliding assay, it has the potential to be adapted to explain pathological curling in nerve cells.

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Subcellular Processes

Cytoplasmic nanojunctions between lysosomes and sarcoplasmic reticulum are required for specific calcium signaling

We demonstrate how nanojunctions between lysosomes and sarcoplasmic reticulum (L-SR junctions) serve to couple lysosomal activation to regenerative, ryanodine receptor-mediated cellular calcium (Ca2+) waves. In pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP) may trigger increases in cytoplasmic Ca2+ via L-SR junctions, in a manner that requires initial Ca2+ release from lysosomes and subsequent Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release (CICR) via ryanodine receptor (RyR) subtype 3 on the SR membrane proximal to lysosomes. L-SR junction membrane separation has been estimated to be <400 nm and thus beyond the resolution of light microscopy. This study utilizes transmission electron microscopy to provide a thorough ultrastructural characterization of the L-SR junctions in PASMCs. These junctions are prominent features in these cells and we estimate that the membrane separation and extension are about 15 nm and 300 nm, respectively. We also develop a quantitative model of the L-SR junction using these measurements, prior kinetic and specific Ca2+ signal information as input data. Simulations of NAADP-dependent junctional Ca2+ transients show that the magnitude of these signals can breach the threshold for CICR via RyR3. By correlation analysis of live cell Ca2+ signals and simulated L-SR junctional Ca2+ transients, we estimate that "trigger zones" with a 60-100 junctions are required to confer a signal of similar magnitude. This is compatible with the 130 lysosomes/cell estimated from our ultrastructural observations. Most importantly, our model shows that increasing the L-SR junctional width above 50 nm lowers the magnitude of junctional [Ca2+] such that there is a failure to breach the threshold for CICR via RyR3. L-SR junctions are therefore a pre-requisite for efficient Ca2+ signal coupling and may contribute to cellular function in health and disease.

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Subcellular Processes

Cytoskeleton mediated effective elastic properties of model red blood cell membranes

The plasma membrane of human red blood cells consists of a lipid bilayer attached to a regular network of underlying cytoskeletal polymers. We model this system at a dynamic coarse-grained level, treating the bilayer as an elastic sheet and the cytoskeletal network as a series of phantom entropic springs. In contrast to prior simulation efforts, we explicitly account for dynamics of the cytoskeletal network, both via motion of the protein anchors that attach the cytoskeleton to the bilayer and through breaking and reconnection of individual cytoskeletal filaments. Simulation results are explained in the context of a simple mean-field percolation model and comparison is made to experimental measurements of red blood cell fluctuation amplitudes.

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Subcellular Processes

DNA to DNA transcription might exist in eukaryotic cells

Till now, in biological sciences, the term, transcription, mainly refers to DNA to RNA transcription. But our recently published experimental findings obtained from Plasmodium falciparum strongly suggest the existence of DNA to DNA transcription in the genome of eukaryotic cells, which could shed some light on the functions of certain noncoding DNA in the human and other eukaryotic genomes.

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Subcellular Processes

Damping Properties of the Hair Bundle

The viscous liquid surrounding a hair bundle dissipates energy and dampens oscillations, which poses a fundamental physical challenge to the high sensitivity and sharp frequency selectivity of hearing. To identify the mechanical forces at play, we constructed a detailed finite-element model of the hair bundle. Based on data from the hair bundle of the bullfrog's sacculus, this model treats the interaction of stereocilia both with the surrounding liquid and with the liquid in the narrow gaps between the individual stereocilia. The investigation revealed that grouping stereocilia in a bundle dramatically reduces the total drag. During hair-bundle deflections, the tip links potentially induce drag by causing small but very dissipative relative motions between stereocilia; this effect is offset by the horizontal top connectors that restrain such relative movements at low frequencies. For higher frequencies the coupling liquid is sufficient to assure that the hair bundle moves as a unit with a low total drag. This work reveals the mechanical characteristics originating from hair-bundle morphology and shows quantitatively how a hair bundle is adapted for sensitive mechanotransduction.

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Subcellular Processes

Dependence of Substrate Irradiation Reaction Rate Stimulation on Lactic Dehydrogenase Source

Stimulation of LDH initial reaction rates by timed pre-irradiation of crystalline sodium pyruvate and lithium lactate is reported for enzymes isolated from rabbit muscle, pig heart, human erythrocytes and chicken heart. The phenomenon investigated is referred to as the Comorosan effect. For the mammalian source enzymes, the pyruvate irradiation stimulations occurred at irradiation times of 5 and 35 sec. and the lactate irradiation times at 15 and 45 seconds. In contrast, for the chicken heart enzyme, the pyruvate irradiation stimulations occurred at 15 and 35 sec., while those for lactate occurred at 5 and 20 sec. Thus, a shift in stimulatory irradiation times is found on going from the mammalian enzymes to the avian enzyme. A similar shift between mammalian and yeast enzymes has been established by Comorosan and co-workers. For the chicken heart LDH, the separation between successive irradiation times is different for the forward and reverse reactions. This is the first reported incidence of the separation not being the same.

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Subcellular Processes

Deregulation of calcium homeostasis in Bcr-Abl-dependent chronic myeloid leukemia

Background: Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) results from hematopoietic stem cell transformation by the bcr-abl chimeric oncogene, encoding a 210 kDa protein with constitutive tyrosine kinase activity. In spite of the efficiency of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI; Imatinib), other strategies are explored to eliminate CML leukemia stem cells, such as calcium pathways. Results: In this work, we showed that Store-Operated Calcium Entry (SOCE) and thrombin induced calcium influx were decreased in Bcr-Abl expressing 32d cells (32d-p210). The 32d-p210 cells showed modified Orai1/STIM1 ratio and reduced TRPC1 expression that could explain SOCE reduction. Decrease in SOCE and thrombin induced calcium entry was associated to reduced Nuclear Factor of Activated T cells (NFAT) nucleus translocation in 32d-p210 cells. We demonstrated that SOCE blockers enhanced cell mobility of 32d-p210 cells and reduced the proliferation rate in both 32d cell lines. TKI treatment slightly reduced the thrombin-induced response, but imatinib restored SOCE to the wild type level. Bcr-Abl is also known to deregulate Protein Kinase C (PKC), which was described to modulate calcium entries. We showed that PKC enhances SOCE and thrombin induced calcium entries in control cells while this effect is lost in Bcr-Abl-expressing cells. Conclusion: The tyrosine kinase activity seems to regulate calcium entries probably not directly but through a global cellular reorganization involving a PKC pathway. Altogether, calcium entries are deregulated in Bcr-Abl-expressing cells and could represent an interesting therapeutic target in combination with TKI.

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