Featured Researches

Tissues And Organs

A mechanical model for diversified insect wing margin shapes

The wings in different insect species are morphologically distinct with regards to their size, outer contour (margin) shape, venation, and pigmentation. The basis of the diversity of wing margin shapes remains unknown, despite the fact that gene networks governing the Drosophila wing development have been well characterised. Among the different types of wing margin shapes, smoothly curved contour is the most frequently found and implies the existence of a highly organised, multicellular mechanical structure. Here, we developed a mechanical model for diversified insect wing margin shapes, in which non-uniform bending stiffness of the wing margin is considered. We showed that a variety of spatial distribution of the bending stiffness could reproduce diverse wing margin shapes. Moreover, the inference of the distribution of the bending stiffness from experimental images indicates a common spatial profile among insects tested. We further studied the effect of the intrinsic tension of the wing blade on the margin shape and on the inferred bending stiffness. Finally, we implemented the bending stiffness of the wing margin in the cell vertex model of the wing blade, and confirmed that the hybrid model retains the essential feature of the margin model. We propose that in addition to morphogenetic processes in the wing blade, the spatial profile of the bending stiffness in the wing margin can play a pivotal role in shaping insect wings.

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Tissues And Organs

A mechanistic framework for a priori pharmacokinetic predictions of orally inhaled drugs

The fate of orally inhaled drugs is determined by pulmonary pharmacokinetic (PK) processes such as particle deposition, pulmonary drug dissolution, and mucociliary clearance. Although each single process has been systematically investigated, a quantitative understanding on their interaction remains limited and hence identifying optimal drug and formulation characteristics for orally inhaled drugs is still challenging. To investigate this complex interplay, the pulmonary processes can be integrated into mathematical models. However, existing modeling attempts considerably simplify these processes or are not systematically evaluated against (clinical) data. In this work, we developed a mathematical framework based on physiologically-structured population equations to integrate all relevant pulmonary processes mechanistically. A tailored numerical resolution strategy was chosen and the mechanistic model was evaluated systematically against different clinical datasets. Without any parameter estimation based on individual study data, the developed model simultaneously predicted (1) lung retention profiles of inhaled insoluble particles, (2) particle size-dependent PK of inhaled monodisperse particles, (3) PK differences between inhaled fluticasone propionate and budesonide, and (4) PK differences between healthy volunteers and asthmatic patients. Finally, to identify the most impactful optimization criteria for orally inhaled drugs, we investigated the impact of input parameters on both pulmonary and systemic exposure. Solubility of the inhaled drug did not have any relevant impact on local and systemic PK. Instead, pulmonary dissolution rate, particle size, tissue affinity, and systemic clearance were impactful potential optimization parameters. In the future, the developed prediction framework should be considered a powerful tool to identify optimal drug and formulation characteristics.

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Tissues And Organs

A migrating epithelial monolayer flows like a Maxwell viscoelastic liquid

We perform a bidimensional Stokes experiment in an active cellular material: an autonomously migrating monolayer of Madin-Darby Canine Kidney (MDCK) epithelial cells flows around a circular obstacle within a long and narrow channel, involving an interplay between cell shape changes and neighbour rearrangements. Based on image analysis of tissue flow and coarse-grained cell anisotropy, we determine the tissue strain rate, cell deformation and rearrangement rate fields, which are spatially heterogeneous. We find that the cell deformation and rearrangement rate fields correlate strongly, which is compatible with a Maxwell viscoelastic liquid behaviour (and not with a Kelvin-Voigt viscoelastic solid behaviour). The value of the associated relaxation time is measured as τ=70±15 ~min, is observed to be independent of obstacle size and division rate, and is increased by inhibiting myosin activity. In this experiment, the monolayer behaves as a flowing material with a Weissenberg number close to one which shows that both elastic and viscous effects can have comparable contributions in the process of collective cell migration.

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Tissues And Organs

A multilayer interstitial fluid flow along vascular adventitia

Objective: Interstitial fluid flow through vascular adventitia has been disclosed recently. However, its kinetic pattern was unclear. Methods and Results: We used histological and topographical identifications to observe ISF flow along venous vessels in rabbits. By MRI in alive subjects, the inherent ISF flow pathways in legs, abdomen and thorax were enhanced by paramagnetic contrast from ankle dermis. By fluorescence stereomicroscopy and layer-by-layer dissection after the rabbits were sacrificed, the perivascular and adventitial connective tissues (PACT) along the saphenous veins and inferior vena cava were found to be stained by sodium fluorescein from ankle dermis, which coincided with the findings by MRI. By confocal microscopy and histological analysis, the stained PACT pathways were verified to be the fibrous connective tissues and consisted of longitudinally assembled fibers. By usages of nanoparticles and surfactants, a PACT pathway was found to be accessible for a nanoparticle under 100nm and contain two parts: a tunica channel part and an absorptive part. In real-time observations, the calculated velocity of a continuous ISF flow along fibers of a PACT pathway was 3.6-15.6 mm/sec. Conclusion: These data further revealed more kinetic features of a continuous ISF flow along vascular vessel. A multiscale, multilayer, and multiform interstitial/interfacial fluid flow throughout perivascular and adventitial connective tissues was suggested as one of kinetic and dynamic mechanisms for ISF flow, which might be another principal fluid dynamic pattern besides convective/vascular and diffusive transport in biological system.

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Tissues And Organs

A multiscale model of vascular function in chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension

Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is caused by recurrent or unresolved pulmonary thromboemboli, leading to perfusion defects and increased arterial wave reflections. CTEPH treatment aims to reduce pulmonary arterial pressure and reestablish adequate lung perfusion, yet patients with distal lesions are inoperable by standard surgical intervention. Instead, these patients undergo balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA), a multi-session, minimally invasive surgery that disrupts the thromboembolic material within the vessel lumen using a catheter balloon. However, there still lacks an integrative, holistic tool for identifying optimal target lesions for treatment. To address this insufficiency, we simulate CTEPH hemodynamics and BPA therapy using a multiscale fluid dynamics model. The large pulmonary arterial geometry is derived from a computed tomography (CT) image, whereas a fractal tree represents the small vessels. We model ring- and web-like lesions, common in CTEPH, and simulate normotensive conditions and four CTEPH disease scenarios; the latter includes both large artery lesions and vascular remodeling. BPA therapy is simulated by simultaneously reducing lesion severity in three locations. Our predictions mimic severe CTEPH, manifested by an increase in mean proximal pulmonary arterial pressure above 20 mmHg and prominent wave reflections. Both flow and pressure decrease in vessels distal to the lesions and increase in unobstructed vascular regions. We use the main pulmonary artery (MPA) pressure, a wave reflection index, and a measure of flow heterogeneity to select optimal target lesions for BPA. In summary, this study provides a multiscale, image-to-hemodynamics pipeline for BPA therapy planning for inoperable CTEPH patients.

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Tissues And Organs

A mutual information-based in vivo monitoring of adaptive response to targeted therapies in melanoma

The mechanisms of adaptive resistance to genetic-based targeted therapies of solid malignancies have been the subject of intense research. These studies hold great promise for finding co-targetable hub/pathways which in turn would control the downstream non-genetic mechanisms of adaptive resistance. Many such mechanisms have been described in the paradigmatic BRAF-mutated melanoma model of adaptive response to BRAF inhibition. Currently, a major challenge for these mechanistic studies is to confirm in vivo, at the single-cell proteomic level, the existence of dependencies between the co-targeted hub/pathways and their downstream effectors. Moreover, the drug-induced in vivo modulation of these dependencies needs to be demonstrated. Here, we implement such single-cell-based in vivo expression dependency quantification using immunohistochemistry (IHC)-based analyses of sequential biopsies in two xenograft models. These mimic phase 2 and 3 trials in our own therapeutic strategy to prevent the adaptive response to BRAF inhibition. In this mechanistic model, the dependencies between the targeted Li2CO3-inducible hub HuR and the resistance effectors are more likely time-shifted and transient since the minority of HuRLow cells, which act as a reservoir of adaptive plasticity, switch to a HuRHigh state as they paradoxically proliferate under BRAF inhibition. Nevertheless, we show that a copula/kernel density estimator (KDE)-based quantification of mutual information (MI) efficiently captures, at the individual level, the dependencies between HuR and two relevant resistance markers pERK and EGFR, and outperforms classic expression correlation coefficients. Ultimately, the validation of MI as a predictive IHC-based metric of response to our therapeutic strategy will be carried in clinical trials.

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Tissues And Organs

A new parsimonious method for classifying Cancer Tissue-of-Origin Based on DNA Methylation 450K data

DNA methylation is a well-studied genetic modification that regulates gene transcription of Eukaryotes. Its alternations have been recognized as a significant component of cancer development. In this study, we use the DNA methylation 450k data from The Cancer Genome Atlas to evaluate the efficacy of DNA methylation data on cancer classification for 30 cancer types. We propose a new method for gene selection in high dimensional data(over 450 thousand). Variance filtering is first introduced for dimension reduction and Recursive feature elimination (RFE) is then used for feature selection. We address the problem of selecting a small subsets of genes from large number of methylated sites, and our parsimonious model is demonstrated to be efficient, achieving an accuracy over 91%, outperforming other studies which use DNA micro-arrays and RNA-seq Data . The performance of 20 models, which are based on 4 estimators (Random Forest, Decision Tree, Extra Tree and Support Vector Machine) and 5 classifiers (k-Nearest Neighbours, Support Vector Machine, XGboost, Light GBM and Multi-Layer Perceptron), is compared and robustness of the RFE algorithm is examined. Results suggest that the combined model of extra tree plus catboost classifier offers the best performance in cancer identification, with an overall validation accuracy of 91% , 92.3%, 93.3% and 93.5% for 20, 30, 40 and 50 features respectively. The biological functions in cancer development of 50 selected genes is also explored through enrichment analysis and the results show that 12 out of 16 of our top features have already been identified to be specific with cancer and we also propose some more genes to be tested for future studies. Therefore, our method may be utilzed as an auxiliary diagnostic method to determine the actual clinicopathological status of a specific cancer.

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Tissues And Organs

A new role for exhaled nitric oxide as a functional marker of peripheral airway caliber changes: a theoretical study

Though considered as an inflammation marker, exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) was shown to be sensitive to airway caliber changes to such an extent that it might be considered as a marker of them. It is thus important to understand how these changes and their localization mechanically affect the total NO flux penetrating the airway lumen (JawNO), hence FENO, independently from any inflammatory status change. A new model was used which simulates NO production, consumption and diffusion inside the airway epithelium wall, then, NO excretion through the epithelial wall into the airway lumen and, finally, its axial transport by diffusion and convection in the airway lumen. This model may also consider the presence of a mucus layer coating the epithelial wall. Simulations were performed that showed the great sensitivity of JawNO to peripheral airways caliber changes. Moreover, FENO showed distinct behaviors depending on the location of the caliber change. Considering a bronchodilation, absence of FENO change was associated with dilation of central airways, FENO increase with dilation up to pre-acinar small airways, and FENO decrease with intra-acinar dilation due to amplification of the back-diffusion flux. The presence of a mucus layer was also shown to play a significant role in FENO changes. Altogether, the present work provides theoretical evidences that specific FENO changes in acute situations are linked to specifically located airway caliber changes in the lung periphery. This opens the way for a new role for FENO as a functional marker of peripheral airway caliber change.

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Tissues And Organs

A new strain energy function for modelling ligaments and tendons whose fascicles have a helical arrangement of fibrils

A new strain energy function for the hyperelastic modelling of ligaments and tendons whose fascicles have a helical arrangement of fibrils is derived. The stress-strain response of a single fascicle whose fibrils exhibit varying levels of crimp throughout its radius is calculated and used to determine the form of the strain energy function. The new constitutive law is used to model uniaxial extension test data for human patellar tendon and is shown to provide an excellent fit, with the average relative error being 9.8%. It is then used to model shear and predicts that the stresses required to shear a tendon are much smaller than those required to uniaxially stretch it to the same strain level. Finally, the strain energy function is used to model ligaments and tendons whose fascicles are helical, and the relative effects of the fibril helix angle, the fascicle helix angle and the fibril crimp variable are compared. It is shown that they all have a significant effect; the fibril crimp variable governs the non-linearity of the stress-strain curve, whereas the helix angles primarily affect its stiffness. Smaller values of the helix angles lead to stiffer tendons; therefore, the model predicts that one would expect to see fewer helical sub-structures in stiff positional tendons, and more in those that are required to be more flexible.

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Tissues And Organs

A note on stress-driven anisotropic diffusion and its role in active deformable media

We propose a new model to describe diffusion processes within active deformable media. Our general theoretical framework is based on physical and mathematical considerations, and it suggests to use diffusion tensors directly coupled to mechanical stress. A proof-of-concept experiment and the proposed generalised reaction-diffusion-mechanics model reveal that initially isotropic and homogeneous diffusion tensors turn into inhomogeneous and anisotropic quantities due to the intrinsic structure of the nonlinear coupling. We study the physical properties leading to these effects, and investigate mathematical conditions for its occurrence. Together, the experiment, the model, and the numerical results obtained using a mixed-primal finite element method, clearly support relevant consequences of stress-assisted diffusion into anisotropy patterns, drifting, and conduction velocity of the resulting excitation waves. Our findings also indicate the applicability of this novel approach in the description of mechano-electrical feedback in actively deforming bio-materials such as the heart.

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