Featured Researches

Populations And Evolution

Could Deficiencies in South African Data Be the Explanation for Its Early SARS-CoV-2 Peak?

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic peaked very early in comparison to the thresholds predicted by an analysis of prior lockdown regimes. The most convenient explanation is that some, external factor changed the value of the basic reproduction number, r 0 ; and there certainly are arguments for this. Other factors could, nonetheless, have played a role. This research attempts to reconcile the observed peak with the thresholds predicted by lockdown regimes similar to the one in force at the time. It contemplates the effect of two, different, hypothetical errors in the data: The first is that the true level of infection has been underestimated by a multiplicative factor, while the second is that of an imperceptible, pre-existing, immune fraction of the population. While it is shown that it certainly is possible to manufacture the perception of an early peak as extreme as the one observed, solely by way of these two phenomena, the values need to be fairly high. The phenomena would not, by any measure, be insignificant. It also remains an inescapable fact that the early peak in infections coincided with a fairly profound change in r 0 ; in all the contemplated scenarios of data-deficiency.

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Populations And Evolution

Coupled Contagion: A Two-Fears Epidemic Model

We present a differential equations model in which contagious disease transmission is affected by contagious fear of the disease and contagious fear of the control, in this case vaccine. The three contagions are coupled. The two fears evolve and interact in ways that shape distancing behavior, vaccine uptake, and their relaxation. These behavioral dynamics in turn can amplify or suppress disease transmission, which feeds back to affect behavior. The model reveals several coupled contagion mechanisms for multiple epidemic waves. Methodologically, the paper advances infectious disease modeling by including human behavioral adaptation, drawing on the neuroscience of fear learning, extinction, and transmission.

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Populations And Evolution

Coupling between COVID-19 and seasonal influenza leads to synchronization of their dynamics

Interactions between COVID-19 and other pathogens may change their dynamics. Specifically, this may hinder the modelling of empirical data when the symptoms of both infections are hard to distinguish. We introduce a model coupling the dynamics of COVID-19 and seasonal influenza, simulating cooperation, competition and asymmetric interactions. We find that the coupling synchronizes both infections, with a strong influence on the dynamics of influenza, reducing its time extent to a half.

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Populations And Evolution

Covid-19 Belgium: Extended SEIR-QD model with nursing homes and long-term scenarios-based forecasts

Following the spread of the covid-19 pandemic and pending the establishment of vaccination campaigns, several non pharmaceutical interventions such as partial and full lockdown, quarantine and measures of physical distancing have been imposed in order to reduce the spread of the disease and to lift the pressure on healthcare system. Mathematical models are important tools for estimating the impact of these interventions, for monitoring the current evolution of the epidemic at a national level and for estimating the potential long-term consequences of relaxation of measures. In this paper, we model the evolution of the covid-19 epidemic in Belgium with a deterministic age-structured extended compartmental model. Our model takes special consideration for nursing homes which are modelled as separate entities from the general population in order to capture the specific delay and dynamics within these entities. The model integrates social contact data and is fitted on hospitalisations data (admission and discharge), on the daily number of covid-19 deaths (with a distinction between general population and nursing homes related deaths) and results from serological studies. The sensitivity analysis of the estimated parameters relies on a Bayesian approach using Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods. We present the situation as in November 2020 with the estimation of some characteristics of the covid-19 deduced from the model. We also present several mid-term and long-term projections based on scenarios of reinforcement or relaxation of social contacts for different general sectors, with a lot of uncertainties remaining.

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Populations And Evolution

Crucial Inflammatory Mediators and Efficacy of Drug Interventions in Pneumonia Inflated COVID-19: An Invivo Mathematical Modelling Study

The virus SARS-COV-2 caused disease COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by WHO. Currently, over 210 countries and territories have been affected. Careful, well-designed drugs and vaccine for the total elimination of this virus seem to be the need of the hour. In this context, the invivo mathematical modelling studies can be extremely helpful in understanding the efficacy of the drug interventions. These studies can also help understand the role of the crucial inflammatory mediators and the behaviour of immune response towards this novel coronavirus. Motivated by these facts, in this paper, we study the invivo dynamics of Covid-19. The results obtained here are inline with some of the clinical findings for Covid-19. This invivo modelling study involving the crucial biomarkers of Covid-19 is the first of its kind and the results obtained from this can be helpful to researchers, epidemiologists, clinicians and doctors who are working in this field.

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Populations And Evolution

Cumulated burden of Covid-19 in Spain from a Bayesian perspective

The main goal of this work is to estimate the actual number of cases of Covid-19 in Spain in the period 01-31-2020 / 06-01-2020 by Autonomous Communities. Based on these estimates, this work allows us to accurately re-estimate the lethality of the disease in Spain, taking into account unreported cases. A hierarchical Bayesian model recently proposed in the literature has been adapted to model the actual number of Covid-19 cases in Spain. The results of this work show that the real load of Covid-19 in Spain in the period considered is well above the data registered by the public health system. Specifically, the model estimates show that, cumulatively until June 1st, 2020, there were 2,425,930 cases of Covid-19 in Spain with characteristics similar to those reported (95\% credibility interval: 2,148,261 - 2,813,864), from which were actually registered only 518,664. Considering the results obtained from the second wave of the Spanish seroprevalence study, which estimates 2,350,324 cases of Covid-19 produced in Spain, in the period of time considered, it can be seen that the estimates provided by the model are quite good. This work clearly shows the key importance of having good quality data to optimize decision-making in the critical context of dealing with a pandemic.

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Populations And Evolution

Daily Forecasting of New Cases for Regional Epidemics of Coronavirus Disease 2019 with Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification

To increase situational awareness and support evidence-based policy-making, we formulated two types of mathematical models for COVID-19 transmission within a regional population. One is a fitting function that can be calibrated to reproduce an epidemic curve with two timescales (e.g., fast growth and slow decay). The other is a compartmental model that accounts for quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing, a non-exponentially distributed incubation period, asymptomatic individuals, and mild and severe forms of symptomatic disease. Using Bayesian inference, we have been calibrating our models daily for consistency with new reports of confirmed cases from the 15 most populous metropolitan statistical areas in the United States and quantifying uncertainty in parameter estimates and predictions of future case reports. This online learning approach allows for early identification of new trends despite considerable variability in case reporting. We infer new significant upward trends for five of the metropolitan areas starting between 19-April-2020 and 12-June-2020.

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Populations And Evolution

Data-Driven Methods to Monitor, Model, Forecast and Control Covid-19 Pandemic: Leveraging Data Science, Epidemiology and Control Theory

This document analyzes the role of data-driven methodologies in Covid-19 pandemic. We provide a SWOT analysis and a roadmap that goes from the access to data sources to the final decision-making step. We aim to review the available methodologies while anticipating the difficulties and challenges in the development of data-driven strategies to combat the Covid-19 pandemic. A 3M-analysis is presented: Monitoring, Modelling and Making decisions. The focus is on the potential of well-known datadriven schemes to address different challenges raised by the pandemic: i) monitoring and forecasting the spread of the epidemic; (ii) assessing the effectiveness of government decisions; (iii) making timely decisions. Each step of the roadmap is detailed through a review of consolidated theoretical results and their potential application in the Covid-19 context. When possible, we provide examples of their applications on past or present epidemics. We do not provide an exhaustive enumeration of methodologies, algorithms and applications. We do try to serve as a bridge between different disciplines required to provide a holistic approach to the epidemic: data science, epidemiology, controltheory, etc. That is, we highlight effective data-driven methodologies that have been shown to be successful in other contexts and that have potential application in the different steps of the proposed roadmap. To make this document more functional and adapted to the specifics of each discipline, we encourage researchers and practitioners to provide feedback. We will update this document regularly.

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Populations And Evolution

Data-driven Identification of Number of Unreported Cases for COVID-19: Bounds and Limitations

Accurate forecasts for COVID-19 are necessary for better preparedness and resource management. Specifically, deciding the response over months or several months requires accurate long-term forecasts which is particularly challenging as the model errors accumulate with time. A critical factor that can hinder accurate long-term forecasts, is the number of unreported/asymptomatic cases. While there have been early serology tests to estimate this number, more tests need to be conducted for more reliable results. To identify the number of unreported/asymptomatic cases, we take an epidemiology data-driven approach. We show that we can identify lower bounds on this ratio or upper bound on actual cases as a factor of reported cases. To do so, we propose an extension of our prior heterogeneous infection rate model, incorporating unreported/asymptomatic cases. We prove that the number of unreported cases can be reliably estimated only from a certain time period of the epidemic data. In doing so, we construct an algorithm called Fixed Infection Rate method, which identifies a reliable bound on the learned ratio. We also propose two heuristics to learn this ratio and show their effectiveness on simulated data. We use our approaches to identify the upper bounds on the ratio of actual to reported cases for New York City and several US states. Our results demonstrate with high confidence that the actual number of cases cannot be more than 35 times in New York, 40 times in Illinois, 38 times in Massachusetts and 29 times in New Jersey, than the reported cases.

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Populations And Evolution

Data-driven Optimized Control of the COVID-19 Epidemics

Optimizing the impact on the economy of control strategies aiming at containing the spread of COVID-19 is a critical challenge. We use daily new case counts of COVID-19 patients reported by local health administrations from different Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) within the US to parametrize a model that well describes the propagation of the disease in each area. We then introduce a time-varying control input that represents the level of social distancing imposed on the population of a given area and solve an optimal control problem with the goal of minimizing the impact of social distancing on the economy in the presence of relevant constraints, such as a desired level of suppression for the epidemics at a terminal time. We find that with the exception of the initial time and of the final time, the optimal control input is well approximated by a constant, specific to each area, which contrasts with the implemented system of reopening `in phases'. For all the areas considered, this optimal level corresponds to stricter social distancing than the level estimated from data. Proper selection of the time period for application of the control action optimally is important: depending on the particular MSA this period should be either short or long or intermediate. We also consider the case that the transmissibility increases in time (due e.g. to increasingly colder weather), for which we find that the optimal control solution yields progressively stricter measures of social distancing. {We finally compute the optimal control solution for a model modified to incorporate the effects of vaccinations on the population and we see that depending on a number of factors, social distancing measures could be optimally reduced during the period over which vaccines are administered to the population.

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