Featured Researches

Populations And Evolution

Maximum Covering Subtrees for Phylogenetic Networks

Tree-based phylogenetic networks, which may be roughly defined as leaf-labeled networks built by adding arcs only between the original tree edges, have elegant properties for modeling evolutionary histories. We answer an open question of Francis, Semple, and Steel about the complexity of determining how far a phylogenetic network is from being tree-based, including non-binary phylogenetic networks. We show that finding a phylogenetic tree covering the maximum number of nodes in a phylogenetic network can be be computed in polynomial time via an encoding into a minimum-cost maximum flow problem.

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Populations And Evolution

Mean-Field Game Analysis of SIR Model with Social Distancing

The current COVID-19 pandemic has proven that proper control and prevention of infectious disease require creating and enforcing the appropriate public policies. One critical policy imposed by the policymakers is encouraging the population to practice social distancing (i.e. controlling the contact rate among the population). Here we pose a mean-field game model of individuals each choosing a dynamic strategy of making contacts, given the trade-off of gaining utility but also risking infection from additional contacts. We compute and compare the mean-field equilibrium (MFE) strategy, which assumes each individual acting selfishly to maximize its own utility, to the socially optimal strategy, which maximizes the total utility of the population. We prove that the optimal decision of the infected is always to make more contacts than the level at which it would be socially optimal, which reinforces the important role of public policy to reduce contacts of the infected (e.g. quarantining, sick paid leave). Additionally, we include cost to incentivize people to change strategies, when computing the socially optimal strategies. We find that with this cost, policies reducing contacts of the infected should be further enforced after the peak of the epidemic has passed. Lastly, we compute the price of anarchy (PoA) of this system, to understand the conditions under which large discrepancies between the MFE and socially optimal strategies arise, which is when intervening public policy would be most effective.

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Populations And Evolution

Measuring Tree Balance with Normalized Tree Area

The study of species organization and their clustering by genetic or phenotypic similarity is carried out with the tools of phylogenetic trees. An important structural property of phylogenetic trees is the balance, which measures how taxa are distributed among clades. Tree balance can be measured using indices such as the Sackin ( S ) and the Total Cophenetic ( Φ ), which are based on the distance between nodes of the tree and its root. Here, we propose a new metric for tree balance, d ¯ , the Area per Pair (APP) of the tree, which is a re-scaled version of the so called tree area. We compute d ¯ for the rooted caterpillar and maximally balanced trees and we also obtain exact formulas for its expected value and variance under the Yule model. The variance of APP for Yule trees has the remarkable property of converging to an asymptotic constant value for large trees. We compare the Sackin, Total Cophenetic and APP indices for hundreds of empirical phylogenies and show that APP represents the observed distribution of tree balances better than the two other metrics.

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Populations And Evolution

Metastable states in plateaus and multi-wave epidemic dynamics of Covid-19 spreading in Italy

The control of Covid 19 epidemics by public health policy in Italy during the first and the second epidemic waves has been driven by using reproductive number Rt(t) to identify the supercritical (percolative), the subcritical (arrested), separated by the critical regime. Here we show that to quantify the Covid-19 spreading rate with containment measures (CSRwCM) there is a need of a 3D expanded parameter space phase diagram built by the combination of Rt(t) and doubling time Td(t). In this space we identify the dynamics of the Covid-19 dynamics Italy and its administrative Regions. The supercritical regime is mathematically characterized by i) the power law of Td vs. [Rt(t)-1] and ii) the exponential behaviour of Td vs. time, either in the first and in the second wave. The novel 3D phase diagram shows clearly metastable states appearing before and after the second wave critical regime. for loosening quarantine and tracing of actives cases. The metastable states are precursors of the abrupt onset of a next nascent wave supercritical regime. This dynamic description allows epidemics predictions needed by policymakers to activate non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs), a key issue for avoiding economical losses, reduce fatalities and avoid new virus variant during vaccination campaign

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Populations And Evolution

Method to monitor the evolution of an epidemic in real time

The emergence of an epidemic evokes the need to monitor its spread and assess and validate any mitigation measures enacted by governments and administrative bodies in real time. We present here a method to observe and quantify this spread and the response of affected populations and governing bodies and apply it to COVID-19 as a case study. This method provides means to simultaneously track in real time quantities such as the mortality and the recovery rates as well as the number of new infections caused by an infected person. With sufficient data, this method enables thorough monitoring and assessment of an epidemic without assumptions regarding the evolution of the pandemic in the future.

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Populations And Evolution

Methodology for Modelling the new COVID-19 Pandemic Spread and Implementation to European Countries

After the breakout of the disease caused by the new virus COVID-19, the mitigation stage has been reached in most of the countries in the world. During this stage, a more accurate data analysis of the daily reported cases and other parameters became possible for the European countries and has been performed in this work. Based on a proposed parametrization model appropriate for implementation to an epidemic in a large population, we focused on the disease spread and we studied the obtained curves, as well as, we investigated probable correlations between the country's characteristics and the parameters of the parametrization. We have also developed a methodology for coupling our model to the SIR-based models determining the basic and the effective reproductive number referring to the parameter space. The obtained results and conclusions could be useful in the case of a recurrence of this repulsive disease in the future.

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Populations And Evolution

Mimicking the TYC strategy: Weak Allee effects, and a nonhyperbolic extinction boundary

The Trojan Y Chromosome strategy (TYC) is a genetic biocontrol strategy designed to alter the sex ratio of a target invasive population by reducing the number of females over time. Recently an alternative strategy is introduced, that mimics the TYC strategy by harvesting females whilst stocking males . We consider the FHMS strategy, with a weak Allee effect, and show that the extinction boundary need note be hyperbolic. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first example of a non-hyperbolic extinction boundary in mating models, structured by sex. Next, we consider the spatially explicit model and show that the weak Allee effect is both sufficient and necessary for Turing patterns to occur. We discuss the applicability of our results to large scale biocontrol, as well as compare and contrast our results to the case with a strong Allee effect.

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Populations And Evolution

Minimal effect of prescribed burning on fire spread rate and intensity in savanna ecosystems

Fire has been an integral part of the Earth for millennia. Several recent wildfires have exhibited an unprecedented spatial and temporal extent and their control is beyond national firefighting capabilities. Prescribed or controlled burning treatments are debated as a potential measure for ameliorating the spread and intensity of wildfires. Machine learning analysis using random forests was performed in a spatio-temporal data set comprising a large number of savanna fires across 22 years. Results indicate that fire return interval was not an important predictor of fire spread rate or fire intensity, having a feature importance of 3.5%, among eight other predictor variables. Manipulating burn seasonality showed a feature importance of 6% or less regarding fire spread rate or fire intensity. While manipulated fire return interval and seasonality moderated both fire spread rate and intensity, their overall effects were low in comparison with meteorological (hydrological and climatic) variables. The variables with the highest feature importance regarding fire spread rate resulted in fuel moisture with 21%, relative humidity with 15%, wind speed with 14%, and last years rainfall with 14%. The variables with the highest feature importance regarding fire intensity included fuel load with 21.5%, fuel moisture with 16.5%, relative humidity with 12.5%, air temperature with 12.5%, and rainfall with 12.5%. Predicting fire spread rate and intensity has been a poor endeavour thus far and we show that more data of the variables already monitored would not result in higher predictive accuracy.

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Populations And Evolution

Minimal epidemic model considering external infected injection and governmental quarantine policies: Application to COVID-19 pandemic

Due to modern transportation networks (airplanes, cruise ships, etc.) an epidemic in a given country or city may be triggered by the arrival of external infected agents. Posterior government quarantine policies are usually taken in order to control the epidemic growth. We formulate a minimal epidemic evolution model that takes into account these components. The previous and posterior evolutions to the quarantine policy are modeled in a separate way by considering different complexities parameters in each stage. Application of this model to COVID-19 data in different countries is implemented. Estimations of the infected peak time-occurrence and epidemic saturation values as well as possible post-quarantine scenarios are analyzed over the basis of the model, reported data, and the fraction of the population that adopts the quarantine policy.

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Populations And Evolution

Minimal models of invasion and clonal selection in cancer

In this thesis we develop minimal models of the relationship between motility, growth, and evolution of cancer cells. We utilise simple simulations of a population of individual cells in space to examine how changes in mechanical properties of invasive cells and their surroundings can affect the speed of cell migration. We also find that the growth rate of large lesions depends weakly on the migration speed of escaping cells, and has stronger and more complex dependencies on the rates of other stochastic processes in the model, namely the rate at which cells transition to being motile and the reverse rate at which cells cease to be motile. To examine how the rates of growth and evolution of an ensemble of cancerous lesions depends on their geometry and underlying fitness landscape, we develop an analytical framework in which the spatial structure is coarse grained and the cancer treated as a continuously growing system with stochastic migration events. Both approaches conclude that the whole ensemble can undergo migration-driven exponential growth regardless of the dependence of size on time of individual lesions, and that the relationship between growth rate and rate of migration is determined by the geometrical constraints of individual lesions. We also find that linear fitness landscapes result in faster-than-exponential growth of the ensemble, and we can determine the expected number of driver mutations present in several important cases of the model. Finally, we study data from a clinical study of the effectiveness of a new low-dose combined chemotherapy. This enables us to test some important hypotheses about the growth rate of pancreatic cancers and the speed with which evolution occurs in reality. Despite this, we find that the frequency of resistant mutants is far too high to be explained without resorting to novel mechanisms of cross-resistance to multiple drugs.

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