Featured Researches

Subcellular Processes

A mechanism for sarcomere breathing: volume change and advective flow within the myofilament lattice

During muscle contraction, myosin motors anchored to thick filaments bind to and slide actin thin filaments. These motors rely on energy derived from ATP, supplied, in part, by diffusion from the sarcoplasm to the interior of the lattice of actin and myosin filaments. The radial spacing of filaments in this lattice may change or remain constant during during contraction. If the lattice is isovolumetric, it must expand when the muscle shortens. If, however, the spacing is constant or has a different pattern of axial and radial motion, then the lattice changes volume during contraction, driving fluid motion and assisting in the transport of molecules between the contractile lattice and the surrounding intracellular space. We first create an advective-diffusive-reaction flow model and show that the flow into and out of the sarcomere lattice would be significant in the absence of lattice expansion. Advective transport coupled to diffusion has the potential to substantially enhance metabolite exchange within the crowded sarcomere. Using time-resolved x-ray diffraction of contracting muscle, we next show that the contractile lattice is neither isovolumetric nor constant in spacing. Instead, lattice spacing is time-varying, depends on activation, and can manifest as an effective time-varying Poisson ratio. The resulting fluid flow in the sarcomere lattice of synchronous insect flight muscles is even greater than expected from constant lattice spacing conditions. Volume change and advective solute transport varies with the phase of muscle stimulation during periodic contraction but remains significant at all conditions. Nonetheless, advective transport varies will occur in all cases where the sarcomere is not isovolumetric. Akin to "breathing," advective-diffusive transport in sarcomeres is sufficient to promote metabolite exchange and may play a role in the regulation of contraction itself.

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Subcellular Processes

A mechanistic first--passage time framework for bacterial cell-division timing

How exponentially growing cells maintain size homeostasis is an important fundamental problem. Recent single-cell studies in prokaryotes have uncovered the adder principle, where cells on average, add a fixed size (volume) from birth to division. Interestingly, this added volume differs considerably among genetically-identical newborn cells with similar sizes suggesting a stochastic component in the timing of cell-division. To mechanistically explain the adder principle, we consider a time-keeper protein that begins to get stochastically expressed after cell birth at a rate proportional to the volume. Cell-division time is formulated as the first-passage time for protein copy numbers to hit a fixed threshold. Consistent with data, the model predicts that while the mean cell-division time decreases with increasing size of newborns, the noise in timing increases with size at birth. Intriguingly, our results show that the distribution of the volume added between successive cell-division events is independent of the newborn cell size. This was dramatically seen in experimental studies, where histograms of the added volume corresponding to different newborn sizes collapsed on top of each other. The model provides further insights consistent with experimental observations: the distributions of the added volume and the cell-division time when scaled by their respective means become invariant of the growth rate. Finally, we discuss various modifications to the proposed model that lead to deviations from the adder principle. In summary, our simple yet elegant model explains key experimental findings and suggests a mechanism for regulating both the mean and fluctuations in cell-division timing for size control.

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Subcellular Processes

A minimal model of plasma membrane heterogeneity requires coupling cortical actin to criticality

We present a minimal model of plasma membrane heterogeneity that combines criticality with connectivity to cortical cytoskeleton. Our model is motivated by recent observations of micron-sized critical fluctuations in plasma membrane vesicles that are detached from their cortical cytoskeleton. We incorporate criticality using a conserved order parameter Ising model coupled to a simple actin cytoskeleton interacting through point-like pinning sites. Using this minimal model, we recapitulate several experimental observations of plasma membrane raft heterogeneity. Small (r~20nm) and dynamic fluctuations at physiological temperatures arise from criticality. Including connectivity to cortical cytoskeleton disrupts large fluctuations, prevents macroscopic phase separation at low temperatures (T<=22°C), and provides a template for long lived fluctuations at physiological temperature (T=37°C). Cytoskeleton-stabilized fluctuations produce significant barriers to the diffusion of some membrane components in a manner that is weakly dependent on the number of pinning sites and strongly dependent on criticality. More generally, we demonstrate that critical fluctuations provide a physical mechanism to organize and spatially segregate membrane components by providing channels for interaction over large distances.

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Subcellular Processes

A model for the self-organization of vesicular flux and protein distributions in the Golgi apparatus

The generation of two non-identical membrane compartments via exchange of vesicles is considered to require two types of vesicles specified by distinct cytosolic coats that selectively recruit cargo and two membrane-bound SNARE pairs that specify fusion and differ in their affinities for each type of vesicles. The mammalian Golgi complex is composed of 6-8 non-identical cisternae that undergo gradual maturation and replacement yet features only two SNARE pairs. We present a model that explains how the distinct composition of Golgi cisternae can be generated with two and even a single SNARE pair and one vesicle coat. A decay of active SNARE concentration in aging cisternae provides the seed for a cis > trans SNARE gradient that generates the predominantly retrograde vesicle flux which further enhances the gradient. This flux in turn yields the observed inhomogeneous steady-state distribution of Golgi enzymes, which compete with each other and with the SNAREs for incorporation into transport vesicles. We show analytically that the steady state SNARE concentration decays exponentially with the cisterna number. Numerical solutions of rate equations reproduce the experimentally observed SNARE gradients, overlapping enzyme peaks in cis, medial and trans and the reported change in vesicle nature across Golgi: Vesicles originating from younger cisternae mostly contain Golgi enzymes and SNAREs enriched in these cisternae and extensively recycle through the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER), while the other subpopulation of vesicles contains Golgi proteins prevalent in older cisternae and hardly reaches the ER.

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Subcellular Processes

A model of HIV budding and self-assembly, role of cell membrane

Budding from the plasma membrane of the host cell is an indispensable step in the life cycle of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which belongs to a large family of enveloped RNA viruses, retroviruses. Unlike regular enveloped viruses, retrovirus budding happens {\em concurrently} with the self-assembly of retrovirus protein subunits (Gags) into spherical virus capsids on the cell membrane. Led by this unique budding and assembly mechanism, we study the free energy profile of retrovirus budding, taking into account of the Gag-Gag attraction energy and the membrane elastic energy. We find that if the Gag-Gag attraction is strong, budding always proceeds to completion. During early stage of budding, the zenith angle of partial budded capsids, α , increases with time as α∝ t 1/3 . However, when Gag-Gag attraction is weak, a metastable state of partial budding appears. The zenith angle of these partially spherical capsids is given by α 0 ≃( τ 2 /κσ ) 1/4 in a linear approximation, where κ and σ are the bending modulus and the surface tension of the membrane, and τ is a line tension of the capsid proportional to the strength of Gag-Gag attraction. Numerically, we find α 0 <0.3π without any approximations. Using experimental parameters, we show that HIV budding and assembly always proceed to completion in normal biological conditions. On the other hand, by changing Gag-Gag interaction strength or membrane rigidity, it is relatively easy to tune it back and forth between complete budding and partial budding. Our model agrees reasonably well with experiments observing partial budding of retroviruses including HIV.

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Subcellular Processes

A model of cell-wall dynamics during sporulation in Bacillus subtilis

To survive starvation, Bacillus subtilis forms durable spores. After asymmetric cell division, the septum grows around the forespore in a process called engulfment, but the mechanism of force generation is unknown. Here, we derived a novel biophysical model for the dynamics of cell-wall remodeling during engulfment based on a balancing of dissipative, active, and mechanical forces. By plotting phase diagrams, we predict that sporulation is promoted by a line tension from the attachment of the septum to the outer cell wall, as well as by an imbalance in turgor pressures in the mother-cell and forespore compartments. We also predict that significant mother-cell growth hinders engulfment. Hence, relatively simple physical principles may guide this complex biological process.

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Subcellular Processes

A model of chloroplast growth regulation in mesophyll cells

Chloroplasts regulate their growth to optimize photosynthesis. Quantitative data shows that the ratio of total chloroplast area to mesophyll cell area is constant across different cells within a single species, and also across species. Wild-type chloroplasts exhibit little scatter around this trend; highly irregularly-shaped mutant chloroplasts exhibit more scatter. Here we propose a model motivated by a bacterial quorum-sensing model consisting of a switch-like signalling network that turns off chloroplast growth. We calculated the dependence of the location of the relevant saddle-node bifurcation on the geometry of the chloroplasts. Our model exhibits a linear trend, with linearly growing scatter dependent on chloroplast shape, consistent with the data. When modelled chloroplasts are of a shape that grows with a constant area to volume ratio (disks, cylinders) we find a linear trend with minimal scatter. Chloroplasts with area and volume that do not grow proportionally (spheres) exhibit a linear trend with additional scatter.

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Subcellular Processes

A new model of filtration and macromolecules transport across capillary walls

Metabolic substrates, such as oxygen and glucose, are rapidly delivered to the cell through filtration across microvessels walls. Modelling this important process is complicated by the coupling between flow and transport equations, which are linked through the osmotic pressure induced by the colloidal plasma proteins. Microvessel wall is a composite media with the internal glycocalyx layer exerting a remarkable sieving effect on macromolecules, with respect to the external layer composed by endothelial cells. The physiological structure of microvessel is represented as the superimposition of two membranes with different properties; the inner membrane represents the glycocalyx, while the outer membrane represents the surrounding endothelial cells. Application of mass conservation principle and thermodynamic considerations lead to a model composed by two coupled second-order partial differential equations in the hydrostatic and osmotic pressures, one expressing volumetric mass conservation and the other, which is non-linear, expressing macromolecules mass conservation. Despite system complexity, the assumption that the properties of the layers are piece-wise constant allows us to obtain analytical solutions for the two pressures. This solution is in agreement with experimental observations, which contrary to common belief, show that flow reversal cannot occur in steady state unless luminal hydrostatic pressure drops below physiologically plausible values. The observed variations of volumetric and solute mass flux in case of a significant reduction of luminal hydrostatic pressure are in qualitative agreement with observed variations during experiments reported in the literature. On the other hand, homogenising microvessel wall into a single-layer membrane with equivalent properties leads to a different distribution of pressure across microvessel wall, not consistent with observations.

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Subcellular Processes

A nonequilibrium strategy for fast target search on the genome

Vital biological processes such as genome repair require fast and efficient binding of selected proteins to specific target sites on DNA. Here we propose an active target search mechanism based on "chromophoresis", the dynamics of DNA-binding proteins up or down gradients in the density of epigenetic marks, or colours (biochemical tags on the genome). We focus on a set of proteins that deposit marks from which they are repelled---a case which is only encountered away from thermodynamic equilibrium. For suitable ranges of kinetic parameter values, chromophoretic proteins can perform unidirectional motion and are optimally redistributed along the genome. Importantly, they can also locally unravel a region of the genome which is collapsed due to self-interactions and "dive" deep into its core, for a striking enhancement of the efficiency of target search on such an inaccessible substrate. We discuss the potential relevance of chromophoresis for the location of DNA lesions.

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Subcellular Processes

A phenomenological cluster-based model of Ca2+ waves and oscillations for Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) channels

Clusters of IP3 receptor channels in the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of many non-excitable cells release calcium ions in a cooperative manner giving rise to dynamical patterns such as Ca2+ puffs, waves, and oscillations that occur on multiple spatial and temporal scales. We introduce a minimal yet descriptive reaction-diffusion model of IP3 receptors for a saturating concentration of IP3 using a principled reduction of a detailed Markov chain description of individual channels. A dynamical systems analysis reveals the possibility of excitable, bistable and oscillatory dynamics of this model that correspond to three types of observed patterns of calcium release -- puffs, waves, and oscillations respectively. We explain the emergence of these patterns via a bifurcation analysis of a coupled two-cluster model, compute the phase diagram and quantify the speed of the waves and period of oscillations in terms of system parameters. We connect the termination of large-scale Ca2+ release events to IP3 unbinding or stochasticity.

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