Featured Researches

Quantum Algebra And Topology

Anyonic Lie Algebras

We introduce anyonic Lie algebras in terms of structure constants. We provide the simplest examples and formulate some open problems.

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Quantum Algebra And Topology

Anyonic Realization of the Quantum Affine Lie Superalgebra U_q(A(M,N)^{(1)})

We give a realization of the quantum affine Lie superalgebras U_q(A(M,N))^(1) in terms of anyons defined on a one or two-dimensional lattice, the deformation parameter q being related to the statistical parameter ν of the anyons by q = exp(i\pi\nu). The construction uses anyons contructed from usual fermionic oscillators and deformed bosonic oscillators. As a byproduct, realization deformed in any sector of the quantum superalgebras U_q(A(M,N)) is obtained.

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Quantum Algebra And Topology

Applications of braided endomorphisms from conformal inclusions

We give three applications of general theory about braided endomorphisms from conformal inclusions developed previously by us. The first is an example of subfactors associated with conformal inclusion whose dual fusion ring is non-commutative. In the second application we show that the Kac-Wakimoto hypothesis about certain relations between branching rules and S-matrices, which has existed for almost a decade, is not true in at least three examples. Finally we show that the fusion rings of subfactors associated with the conformal inclusions SU(n ) (n+2) ⊂SU(n(n+1)/2) and SU(n+2 ) n ⊂SU((n+1)(n+2)/2) are canonically isomorphic using a version of level-rank duality.

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Quantum Algebra And Topology

Applications of the lantern identity

The purpose of this note is to unify the role of the lantern identity in the proof of several finiteness theorems. In particular, we show that for every nonnegative integer m, the vector space (over the rationals) of type m (resp. T-type m) invariants of integral homology 3-spheres are finite dimensional. These results have already been obtained by [Oh] and [GL2] respectively; our derivation however is simpler, conceptual and relates to several other applications of the lantern identity.

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Quantum Algebra And Topology

Associative subalgebras of the Griess algebra and related topics

It is shown how certain idempotents in the Griess algebra generate the discrete series representations for the Virasoro algebra inside the Frenkel-Lepowsky-Meurman's moonshine module vertex operator algebra. It is also shown that each Niemeier lattice determines (in many ways) certain maximal associative subalgebras of the Griess algebra.

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Quantum Algebra And Topology

Asymptotics of Jack polynomials as the number of variables goes to infinity

In this paper we study the asymptotic behavior of the Jack rational functions as the number of variables grows to infinity. Our results generalize the results of A. Vershik and S. Kerov obtained in the Schur function case (theta=1). For theta=1/2,2 our results describe approximation of the spherical functions of the infinite-dimensional symmetric spaces U(∞)/O(∞) and U(2∞)/Sp(∞) by the spherical functions of the corresponding finite-dimensional symmetric spaces.

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Quantum Algebra And Topology

Automorphisms of the Weyl algebra and bispectral operators

In our previous paper q-alg/9605011 we proposed several algebraic methods for constructing new solutions to the bispectral problem. In the present note the corresponding eigenfunctions are explicitly constructed as multiple Laplace integrals.

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Quantum Algebra And Topology

BRST Algebra Quantum Double and Quantization of the Proper Time Cotangent Bundle

The quantum double for the quantized BRST superalgebra is studied. The corresponding R-matrix is explicitly constucted. The Hopf algebras of the double form an analytical variety with coordinates described by the canonical deformation parameters. This provides the possibility to construct the nontrivial quantization of the proper time supergroup cotangent bundle. The group-like classical limit for this quantization corresponds to the generic super Lie bialgebra of the double.

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Quantum Algebra And Topology

Bargmann representation for some deformed harmonic oscillators with non-Fock representation

We prove that Bargmann representations exist for some deformed harmonic oscillators that admit non-Fock representations. In specific cases, we explicitly obtain the resolution of the identity in terms of a true integral on the complex plane. We prove on explicit examples that Bargmann representations cannot always be found, particularly when the coherent states do not exist in the whole complex plane.

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Quantum Algebra And Topology

Bargmann representations for deformed harmonic oscillators

Generalizing the case of the usual harmonic oscillator, we look for Bargmann representations corresponding to deformed harmonic oscillators. Deformed harmonic oscillator algebras are generated by four operators a, a † ,N and the unity 1 such as [a,N]=a,[ a † ,N]=− a † , a † a=ψ(N) and a a † =ψ(N+1) . We discuss the conditions of existence of a scalar product expressed with a true integral on the space spanned by the eigenstates of a (or a † ). We give various examples, in particular we consider functions ψ that are linear combinations of q N , q −N and unity and that correspond to q-oscillators with Fock-representations or with non-Fock-representations.

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