Software: Practice and Experience | 2021

Introduction to the Special Issue on Software Engineering in Practice



The ever increasing complexity of software and rapidly changing development environments continues to drive the evolution of new technologies, techniques, and tools. This special issue, Software Engineering in Practice, provides the software engineering community with a valuable collection of current, high-quality research articles that explore topics driven by real problems in industry. The inspiration for this special issue has drawn upon the ICSE Software Engineering in Practice Track (ICSE SEIP 2020),1 part of the Industry Program at the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering2; it builds upon the success of the previous special issues with the same theme.1,2 The ICSE SEIP Track provides a premier venue for researchers and practitioners to discuss innovations and solutions to concrete software engineering problems. The Guest Co-editor team for this special issue is an international collaboration involving: the organizer of the ICSE SEIP 2020 Track, Moonzoo Kim; research scientist Heiko Koziolek; and two editors of the Journal of Software: Practice and Experience3 (JSPE), Judith Bishop and Kendra M. L. Cooper.

Volume 51
Pages 689 - 690
DOI 10.1002/spe.2932
Language English
Journal Software: Practice and Experience

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