Drug discovery today | 2019

Dual-peptide ligand masks: a proposed treatment approach to stop prion disease dementias.



Prion disease dementias are currently not treatable practically. However, a proposed treatment approach using specifically targeted dual-peptide ligand masks can mask prion surface proteins and treat specific prion diseases. Different approaches might be used to treat these prion diseases. One treatment introduces genetically modified cells into the gastrointestinal tract or other locations to produce dual-peptide ligand masks; and another treatment introduces only the dual-peptide ligand masks into the center of prion infections to mask prion surface proteins. An independent group introduced genetically modified therapeutic bacteria into large numbers of mammals, including several human volunteers, with safe and effective experimental results, without long-term colonization by the bacteria, which experimentally supports the feasibility of the first treatment. These approaches offer several advantages compared with theoretical treatments against prion diseases in humans.

Volume None
Pages None
DOI 10.1016/j.drudis.2019.09.012
Language English
Journal Drug discovery today

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