Archive | 2019
Improving effectiveness and efficiency of assembly line with a stopwatch time study and balancing activity elements
Background:The rapid industrial development requires companies, especially those engaged in manufacturing, to keep growing and compete to maintain their business. Generally, companies want a short work time to meet production targets and increase profitablity. However, some small and medium enterprises tend to overlook the time standards in their production activities, which causes time and labor waste. This research was conducted to determine the standard time and provide recommendations for achieving the balance of assembly lines. Methods: This study used work time measurement techniques using the time study method with stopwatch. Primary data collection is carried out directly to workers at assembly company. Data is processed by testing data uniformity and data adequacy. Furthermore, the data is used to determine the rating factor, normal time, standard time, and the recommended balance of assembly lines. Results: The results showed that the measurement of working time had a significant impact on the effectiveness and efficiency of production activities by reducing costs for workers by 6.67% and working time to 1.45 seconds faster, as well as achieving the amount of production exceeding the production target. Conclusion: Working time measurement techniques with the time study method using stopwatch can be further investigated and applied to both large industries and small and medium enterprises.