Archive | 2021

Religion, more than just protective



Serving as an introduction to the chapters in the ‘Suicide and Religion’ section, we here look beyond the field of suicidology, where emphasis is usually placed on structural indicators and epidemiological/statistical methods. Inspired by anthropological inquiry, suicide is placed firmly among the living and considered a relational phenomenon. Anthropologists have questioned whether suicide is in fact one thing, particularly since the meaning of self and personhood remains so different across the world. Drawing on examples from the chapters ahead, we see how suicide is interpreted and rationalized in teachings of some of the world’s largest religions. We also look closer at religion as a so-called protective factor against suicide much of the research pointing to religious community. By shifting focus towards life and the living, we are presented with the opportunity to observe historical and cultural means of resisting suicide.

Volume None
Pages 3-8
DOI 10.1093/MED/9780198834441.003.0001
Language English
Journal None

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