National Science Review | 2021

Lattice-based PKEs/KEMs



Theinventionofpublic-key cryptography (PKC) by Diffie and Hellman in 1976 is one of two milestones marking the beginning of modern cryptography.The security of a PKC system requires that it should be infeasible to compute the private key from a given public key, which in turn is typically guaranteed by the difficulty in solving some cryptographicfriendly mathematical problems. Among those problems, the integer factorization anddiscrete logarithmproblemsplay pivotal roles in the development of publickey cryptography. In particular, the assumption that there is no polynomial time (classical) algorithm that solves the above two problems constitutes the basis for the security of almost all currently used public-key cryptosystems, such as RSA and ElGamal. However, Shor [1] found an efficient quantum solving algorithm for the integer factorization and discrete logarithm problems in 1994, whichwoulddestroy the security basis for most real deployed PKC systems if largescale quantum computers become available. The rapid development of quantum technology in recent years suggests that we are getting closer to thequantumcrisis of current PKC systems. As a response to the quantum crisis, the research community has made many efforts to post-quantum cryptography (PQC) that are believed to resist quantumcomputer attacks. Latticebased cryptography is one of the main directions in this area, and has become the most promising PQC candidate for standardization. The research of lattice-based cryptography dates back to the seminal work of Ajtai [2], which first based the security of cryptographic primitives on the difficulty of solving some lattice problems such as the approximate shortest vector problem and the closest vector problem. After more than two decades of development, lattice-based cryptography has gained substantial progress. In theory, we have witnessed the construction of many powerful cryptographic primitives that were not known before. In practice, the public key size of lattice-based cryptosystems has been significantly reduced from several gigabytes to a few kilobytes. For current applications and standardization, key exchanges, public-key encryptions (PKEs) and signatures are the most desired lattice-based cryptosystems, where the first two are often used to ensure information secrecy, while the last provides information authentication. Note that public-key encryptions are equivalent to two-round key exchanges, also known as the key encapsulation mechanism (KEM). In the following, we focus on lattice-based PKEs/KEMs. The design principle of lattice-based PKEs/KEMs follows two approaches: a trapdoor one-way function and an approximate commutative one-way function. In thefirst approach, a trapdooroneway function f and its trapdoor f−1 are generated as the public key and private key. A plaintext m is encrypted as c = f(m), and the ciphertext is decrypted as m = f−1(c). The NTRU scheme and its variants follow such an approach. In the second approach, an approximate commutative function fs and a random input a are generated, the public key is (a, b = fs(a)) and the private key is s. A plaintext m is encrypted as c1 = gr(a), c2 = gr(b) + E(m), where r is a random element, g is an approximate commutative one-way function and E is the encoding of an error-correction code. The ciphertext (c1, c2) is decrypted as m = D(c2 − fs(c1)), where D is the decoding of an error-correction code. The correctness of decryption is guaranteed by the approximate commutative property (gr(b) = gr(fs(a)) ≈ fs(gr(a)) = fs(c1)) and the error-correction code. Learning with errors (LWE) problem-based PKE/KEM schemes and their variants follow such an approach. The standardization of PQC has received substantial support from national funding agencies, such as the European Union projects PQCrypto and SAFEcrypto. The USA National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) started the post-quantum standardization project in 2012, organized a worldwide ‘competition’ in 2016 and plans to deliver draft standards before 2024. After two rounds of evaluation, seven schemes were accepted as the round-three candidates on 22 July 2020, of which five are lattice-based schemes. In 2017, the International organization for standardization started a study project of post-quantum cryptography named SD8. Most LWE-based PKE schemes such as Kyber and LAC follow the

Volume 8
Pages None
DOI 10.1093/nsr/nwab090
Language English
Journal National Science Review

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