2019 First International Conference on Graph Computing (GC) | 2019

Short Paper: Graph Classification with Kernels, Embeddings and Convolutional Neural Networks



In the graph classification problem, given is a family of graphs and a group of different categories, and we aim to classify all the graphs (of the family) into the given categories. Earlier approaches, such as graph kernels and graph embedding techniques have focused on extracting certain features by processing the entire graph. However, real world graphs are complex and noisy and these traditional approaches are computationally intensive. With the introduction of the deep learning framework, there have been numerous attempts to create more efficient classification approaches. We modify a kernel graph convolutional neural network approach, that extracts subgraphs (patches) from the graph using various community detection algorithms. These patches are provided as input to a graph kernel and max pooling is applied. We use different community detection algorithms and a shortest path graph kernel and compare their efficiency and performance. In this paper we compare three methods: a graph kernel, an embedding technique and one that uses convolutional neural networks by using eight real world datasets, ranging from biological to social networks.

Volume None
Pages 88-93
DOI 10.1109/GC46384.2019.00021
Language English
Journal 2019 First International Conference on Graph Computing (GC)

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