Allergy | 2021

In this issue: Graphical abstracts.



In this Issue: Graphical Abstracts E X TR AC T AND MOLECUL ARBA SED E ARLY INFANT SENSITIZ ATION AND A SSOCIATED FAC TORS— A PRE VENTADALL STUDY – P. 2730 SAndrA g. tEdnEr, CillA SödErhäll, jon r. KonrAdSEn, KArEn E. S. BAinS, mAgnuS p. BorrES, KAihåKon CArlSEn, KArin C. l. CArlSEn, mArtin Färdig, SABinA W. gErdin, hrEFnA K. gudmundSdóttir, guttorm hAugEn, gunillA hEdlin, ChriStinE m. jonASSEn, inA KrEyBErg, CArolinEAlEKSi o. mägi, livE S. nordhAgEn, EvA m. rEhBindEr, Knut rudi, håvArd o. SKjErvEn, AnnE C. StAFF, riyAS vEttuKAttil, mAriAnnE vAn hAgE, Björn nordlund, AnnA ASArnoj • At three months of age, 7% of the infants are sensitized to food, few of them have detectable sIgE to food allergen molecules. • Very few infants, <1%, are sensitized to inhalant allergens. • Maternal food sensitization is associated with infants’ sensitization, odds ratio 3.64 (95% CI 1.53– 8.68). © 2021 EAACI and John Wiley and Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley and Sons Ltd. Abbreviations: OR, odds ratio; 95 % CI, 95% confidence interval. Abbreviations: AAVrh10, adenoassociated virus serotype rh.10; EoE, eosinophilic esophagitis; EOS, eosinophil. 2658 | IN THIS ISSUE: GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT IMPAC T OF E ARLY LIFE GEOHELMINTHS ON WHEEZE , A STHMA , AND ATOPY IN ECUADORIAN CHILDREN AT 8 YE ARS – P. 2765 philip j. CoopEr, irinA ChiS StEr, mArthA E. ChiCo, mAritzA vACA, yiSElA oviEdo, AuguSto mAldonAdo, mAuriCio l. BArrEto, thomAS A. E. plAttSmillS, dAvid p. StrAChAn • Maternal geohelminths protect 8yearold children from development of allergen skin prick test reactivity with strongest effects observed in infected children of infected mothers. • Early childhood infections with Trichuris trichiura protect against wheeze at 8 years. • Effects of geohelminths on wheeze/asthma and airways reactivity and inflammation at 8 years vary by parasite species and atopy. DISTINC TION BET WEEN PE ANUT ALLERGY AND TOLER ANCE BY CHAR AC TERIZ ATION OF BCELL RECEPTOR REPERTOIRES – P. 2753 AnnA m. EhlErS, ConStAnCE F. dEn hArtog jAgEr, André C. KnulSt, hEnny g. ottEn • 2S albuminspecific IgM+ B cells from peanutallergic patients show partly a high number of nonsilent mutations. • VH3family genes are predominantly used in 2S albuminspecific B cells of peanutallergic patients. • Certain public antibody sequences (HCDR3 sequence motifs) are associated with peanut allergy or tolerance in patients sensitized to Ara h 2 and/or 6. Abbreviations: BCR, Bcell receptor; HCDR3, heavy chain complementaritydetermining region 3; VH, variable (V) gene of the heavy chain. | 2659 IN THIS ISSUE: GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT LONG AC TING MUSC ARINIC ANTAGONIST REGUL ATES GROUP 2 INNATE LYMPHOID CELLDEPENDENT AIRWAY EOSINOPHILIC INFL AMMATION – P. 2785 tAKAhiro mAtSuyAmA, KEntAro mAChidA, yASutAKA motomurA, KoiChi tAKAgi, yoiChi doutAKE, ASAKo tAnouEhAmu, KiyotAKA Kondo, KEiKo mizuno, KAzuyo moro, hiromASA inouE • In a papaininduced model, tiotropium bromide decreases the production of type 2 cytokines and the numbers of eosinophils and ILC2s in the airways. • M3R is highly expressed in basophils. • Tiotropium suppresses the production of IL4 from basophils, and subsequently regulates ILC2 activation. REAL\xadLIFE\xadIMPACT\xadOF\xadCOVID-\xad 19\xad PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN ON THE MANAGEMENT OF PEDIATRIC AND ADULT A STHMA: A SURVE Y BY THE E A ACI A STHMA SEC TION – P. 2776 iBon EguiluzgrACiA, mAArtEn vAn dEn BErgE, CriStinA BoCCABEllA, mAttEo Bonini, CriStiAno CAruSo, mAriAnA Couto, FErdAonEr ErKEKol, mAiA ruKhAdzE, SilviA SAnChEzgArCiA, StEFAno dEl giACCo, mArEK jutEl, ioAnA AgAChE • During the first wave of COVID19 pandemic, 38% of new and 77% of followup consultations for pediatric and adult asthma patients were performed by phone calls. In 10% of cases, both types of consultations continued as facetoface visits, whereas in 6% of cases all consultations were canceled. • Forced spirometry was not conducted during the initial assessment and subsequent monitoring of 5662% of pediatric and adult asthma patients. Only 56% of HCP encouraged asthma patients to perform regular ambulatory peak expiratory flow measurement. • Lung function tests were conducted in only 29% of children and adults with asthma who reported a worsening of their clinical condition. Using a 1 (nothing) to 5 (very much) scale, HCP scored with 2.8 the deleterious impact of COVID19 lockdown on the health status of children and adults with asthma. Abbreviations: COVID19, coronavirus disease 2019; HCP, healthcare providers; PEF, peak expiratory flow. Abbreviations: ILC2, group 2 innate lymphoid cell; LAMA, longacting muscarinic antagonist; M3R, muscarinic 3 receptor. 2660 | IN THIS ISSUE: GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT IMMUNE CHANGES BE YOND TH2 PATHWAYS DURING R APID MULTIFOOD IMMUNOTHER APY ENABLED WITH OMALIZUMAB\xad–\xadP. \xad2809 monAli mAnohAr, diAnE dunhAm, ShEEnA guptA, zhEng yAn, WEnming zhAng, SAmAnthA minniCozzi, mAtthEW KirKEy, BryAn Bunning, roShni roy ChoWdhury, StEphEn j. gAlli, SCott d. Boyd, lAuriE ElizABEth KoSt, r. ShAron ChinthrAjAh, mAniShA dESAi, hAnS C. oEttgEn, holdEn t. mAECKEr, Wong yu, roSEmAriE h. dEKruyFF, SAndrA AndorF, KAri C. nAdEAu • Omalizumab (antiIgE) treatment alone for 8 weeks: decreased GPR15 in naïve γδ and effector memory Th2, decreased frequency of IL4+ pr CD4+ cells. • Desensitization at week 36 postomalizumabadjunctive multifood OIT: decrease in Th2 features: IL4, OX40, basophil activation, increase in IgG4/IgE. • Also at week 36: increase in skinhoming receptors CCR4 and CLA, decreased CD86 on antigenpresenting cells, decreased IL17 and proinflammatory cytokines. EFFEC T OF INTR ANA SAL CORTICOSTEROID TRE ATMENT ON ALLERGENINDUCED CHANGES IN GROUP 2 INNATE LYMPHOID CELL S IN ALLERGIC RHINITIS WITH MILD ASTHMA\xad–\xadP. \xad2797 yAnqing XiE, XiAotiAn ju, SuzAnnE BEAudin, lESlEy WiltShirE, john pAul olivEriA, jonAthAn mAClEAn, doron d. SommEr, ruth CuSACK, olgA li, prAjnA BAnErjEE, pAul K. KEith, pAul m. o’ByrnE, rEBECCA n. BAuEr, trACy StAton, gAil m. gAuvrEAu, romA SEhmi • In mild allergic rhinitis with asthma, pretreatment with intranasal corticosteroids attenuates allergeninduced increases in IL5/ IL13+ILC2s, CD4+ T cells, and terminal differentiation of EoP in the nasal mucosa with consequent reduction in eosinophilic inflammation. • Mucosal ILC2s express HLADR following allergen inhalation challenge; this is reduced by pretreatment with intranasal corticosteroid treatment. • Overnight culture with IL2, TSLP, or IFNγ upregulates HLADR expression on ILC2s, in vitro; an effect that is inhibited in the presence of steroids. Abbreviations: EoP, eosinophilic progenitor cell; HLADR, human leukocytes antigen DR; ILCs, innate lymphoid cells. Abbreviations: CCR4, chemokine receptor 4; CLA, cutaneous lymphocyteassociated antigen; GPR15, G proteincoupled receptor 15; OIT, oral immunotherapy; pr, peanutreactive (CD69+CD40L+). | 2661 IN THIS ISSUE: GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT SILENCING OF SARSCOV2 WITH MODIFIED SIRNAPEPTIDE DENDRIMER FORMUL ATION – P. 28 40 muSA KhAitov, AlEXAndrA niKonovA, igor ShilovSKiy, KSEniA KozhiKhovA, ilyA KoFiAdi, lyudmilA viShnyAKovA, AlEXAndEr niKolSKii, piA gAttingEr, vAlEriA KovChinA, EKAtErinA BArvinSKAiA, Kirill yumAShEv, vAlEriy Smirnov, ArtEm mAErlE, ivAn Kozlov, ArtEm ShAtilov, AnAStASiiA timoFEEvA, SErgEy AndrEEv, olESyA KoloSKovA, nAdEzhdA KuznEtSovA, dAriA vASinA, mAriA niKiForovA, SErgEi ryBAlKin, ilyA SErgEEv, dmitriy troFimov, AlEXAndEr mArtynov, igor BErzin, vlAdimir guShChin, AlEKSEy KovAlChuK, SErgEi BoriSEviCh, rudolF vAlEntA, rAKhim KhAitov, vEroniCA SKvortSovA • siR7 targeting SARSCoV2 RdRp inhibits viral replication in vitro. • LNAmodification and complexation with peptide dendrimer KK46 enhanced the antiviral capacity of siR7 in vitro. • Inhalation exposure of SARSCoV2infected Syrian Hamsters with siR7EM/KK46 reduces the virus titer and lung inflammation. AN E XHAUSTED PHENOT YPE OF TH2CELL S IS PRIMED BY ALLERGEN E XPOSURE , BUT NOT REINFORCED BY ALLERGENSPECIFIC IMMUNOTHER APY – P. 2827 Shuhung WAng, ulriCh m. ziSSlEr, mArEn BuEttnEr, SonjA hEinE, AlEXAndEr hEldnEr, SEBAStiAn Kotz, liSA pEChtold, joSEphinE KAu, mirjAm plASChKE, juliA t. ullmAnn, FErdinAnd guErth, mAdlEn oElSnEr, FrAnCESCA AlESSAndrini, Simon BlAnK, AdAm m. ChAKEr, CArStEn B. SChmidtWEBEr, ConStAnzE A. jAKWErth • This study shows that TH2 cells upregulate the exhaustionassociated surface markers CTLA4 and PD1 upon in vivo allergen exposure in OVAsensitized mice and grass pollenallergic patients. • This upregulation is reduced after AIT, in particular, in TH2 cells from local mouse lungs and AR patients with concurrent asthma. • The transcriptome of allergic mouse lungs shows enhanced expression of both markers. Abbreviations: AAI, allergic airway inflammation; AIT, allergenspecific immunotherapy; AR, allergic rhinitis; Baz1a, bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain 1A; CTLA4, cytotoxic Tlymphocyteassociated antigen4; Egr2, early growth response 2; Hif1a, hypoxiainducible factor 1 subunit alpha; Icos, inducible T cell costimulator; OVA, ovalbumin; PD1, program death protein1; Pdcd1, programmed cell death 1; Pilra, paired immunoglobin like type 2 receptor alpha; Tnfsf, TNF superfamily member; Tnfrsf, TNF receptor superfamily member; Tshz2, teashirt zinc finger homeobox 2. Abbreviations: GFP, green fluorescent protein; LNA, locked nucleic acid; LUC, luciferase; RISC, RNAinduced silencing complex; RdRp, RNAdependent RNA polymerase; SARSCoV2, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2; siRNA, small interfering RNA; siR7EM, LNAmodified small interfering RNA 7. 2662 | IN THIS ISSUE: GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT PRE VALENCE PAT TERNS AND E ARLY RISK FAC TORS OF ALLERGIC MULTIMORBIDIT Y IN SCHOOLCHILDREN— THE EUROPRE VALLIFA AM BIRTH COHORT – P. 2855 SigurvEig t. SigurdArdottir, KriStjAn jonASSon, miChAEl ClAuSEn, KriStin liljA BjornSdottir, Sigridur ErlA SigurdArdottir, grAhAm roBErtS, KAtE grimShAW, niKolAoS g. pApAdopouloS, pArASKEvi XEpApAdAKi, AnA FiAndor, SAntiAgo quirCE, AlinE B. SpriKKElmAn, liES hulShoF, mArEK l. KoWAlSKi, mArCin Kur

Volume 76 2
Pages \n 419-421\n
DOI 10.1111/all.14375
Language English
Journal Allergy

Full Text