Seminars in dialysis | 2021

Preventing potential pitfalls of a liberalized potassium diet in the hemodialysis population.



Emerging research suggests that a more liberalized diet, specifically a more plant-based diet resulting in liberalization of potassium intake, for people receiving hemodialysis is necessary and the benefits outweigh previously thought risks. If the prescribed hemodialysis diet is to be liberalized, the need to illuminate and prevent potential pitfalls of a liberalized potassium diet is warranted. This paper explores such topics as partial to full adherence to a liberalized diet and its consequences if any, the advantages of a high-fiber intake, the theoretical risk of anemia when consuming a more plant-dominant diet, the potential benefits against renal acid load and effect on metabolic acidosis with increased fruit and vegetable intake, the putative change in serum potassium levels, carbohydrate quality, and the healthfulness of meat substitutes. The benefits of a more plant-based diet for the hemodialysis population are multifold; however, the possible pitfalls of this type of diet must be reviewed and addressed upon meal planning in order to be avoided.

Volume None
Pages None
DOI 10.1111/sdi.13006
Language English
Journal Seminars in dialysis

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