Archive | 2019

Mandado de injunção e garantismo: a insuficiência das normas regulamentadoras. / Injunction writ and guaranteeism: the insufficiency of the regulatory rules



O presente artigo objetiva analisar a previsao legal do uso do mandado de injuncao quando a falta parcial da norma regulamentadora inviabiliza o exercicio de direitos e liberdades constitucionais, bem como investigar a partir do paradigma garantista os limites juridicos que o julgador esta adstrito na elaboracao da decisao judicial integradora. A metodologia de abordagem e analitica e critica realizada por meio da revisao bibliografica e pesquisa jurisprudencial em julgados do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Como resultado da pesquisa espera-se demonstrar que o mandado de injuncao consiste num instrumento indispensavel para a efetivacao dos direitos fundamentais por meio do qual se constroi para o caso concreto uma ponte normativa provisoria capaz de superar a omissao legislativa de forma legitima apenas quando em consonância com o paradigma garantista. Contudo, a ausencia completa de parâmetros juridicos decorrente da omissao legislativa coloca esse paradigma num grave dilema entre tolerar que o Poder Judiciario avance sobre questoes eminentemente politicas e construa a solucao ao caso concreto ou aceitar a falta de efetividade da Constituicao em decorrencia da omissao legislativa. Palavras-chave : Mandado de injuncao. Garantismo. Estado constitucional de direito. Omissao legislativa. Norma regulamentadora. Insuficiencia. Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze the legal provision for injunction writ in cases where the partial lack of the regulatory norm makes it infeasible to practice constitutional rights and constitutional freedoms, as well as investigate from the paradigm of Guaranteeism the legal limits that the judge has in drawing up the integrative judicial decision. The methodological approach is analytical and critical and it was performed through literature review and jurisprudential research on the Supreme Court trials. As a result of this research, it is hoped to demonstrate that the injunction writ is an instrument of enforcement of fundamental rights, through which a provisional normative “shortcut”capable of overcoming legislative omission is built \xa0in the light of sure case and according to the paradigm of Guaranteeism. However, the complete absence of legal parameters resulting from legislative omission places the paradigm of Guaranteeism in a serious dilemma between tolerating that the Judiciary advance on eminently political issues and constructing the solution to the sure case or accepting the lack of effectiveness of the Constitution as a result of legislative omission. Keywords: Writ of injunction. Guaranteeism. Constitutional State of Law. Legislative omission. Insufficiency of regulatory standard

Volume 12
Pages 208-229
DOI 10.12957/RQI.2019.31209
Language English
Journal None

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