journal of new results in science | 2019

Improving reading performance through the whole school approach: the sample of Hong Kong Tüm okul yaklaşımıyla okuma performansının artırılması: Hong Kong örneği



In the digital age, it is expected that students will not only have experience and passion for reading, but also will develop their reading skills to learn. Reading is one of the most important skills that develop the human and increase life-long learning capacity. Individuals can improve their personal, moral and emotional qualities to strengthen their sense of responsibility towards the family, society, nation and the world through reading. The individual can develop his personal, moral and emotional qualities in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility towards his family, society, nation and the world through reading. The life experiences of elementary school students are limited, but effective readings help to expand their horizons and perspectives. People can bring their knowledge and experiences together by reading. At the time of reading, students should have the ability to put out the deep meaning of the text, their learning experiences, and the ability to put new knowledge on their prior knowledge to build meaning. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) is one of the most comprehensive educational research at the international level. The PISA survey, conducted every three years since 2000, aims to measure students achievement in science, reading skills and mathematics. When our country s reading performance is compared with other countries, it is seen that it is ranked 50th among the 70 countries participating in the program in 2015. Hong Kong, which participated in the same program, appears to be the 2nd. The purpose of this research is to examine the whole school approach adopted by Hong Kong, performed high reading achievement in 2012 and 2015 PISA exams, during the learning and development of reading and the studies it has carried out based on it.\xa0 For this purpose, Hong Kong s Basic Education Program Guide will be reviewed. The sections in which the success of reading in the PISA examinations and the effects of the whole school approach on this success were examined by the researchers and translated into Turkish. The data obtained were reviewed with language experts. The content analysis of the data has been made and three themes have been created that reveal all aspects of the (whole school approach TO: (1) Identify the Whole school approach (WSA), (2) School responsibilities in Whole school approach (WSA) and (3) Stakeholders responsibilities in the Whole school approach (WSA). The results of the research show that there are responsibilities and responsibilities to school administrators, school program development experts, teacher-librarians, teachers, parents and students in improving reading performance with the whole school approach. It was concluded that the task and responsibility of gaining reading performance and habit should not be left to teachers only. In addition, success in improving reading performance with the whole school approach can be achieved in proportion of each stakeholder performing their duties. Extended English summary is in the end of\xa0 Full Text\xa0 PDF (TURKISH) \xa0file . Ozet Dijital cagda, bilgi temelli toplumdaki taleplerle basa cikabilmek icin, ogrencilerden yalnizca deneyimleri ve okuma tutkusuna sahip olmasi beklenmemekte, ayni zamanda ogrenmek icin okuma becerilerini de gelistirmesi beklenmektedir. Okuma, insani bir butun olarak gelistiren ve yasam boyu ogrenme kapasitesini artiran en onemli becerilerden biridir.\xa0 Birey okuma yoluyla ailesine, toplumuna, milletine ve dunyaya karsi sorumluluk duygularini guclendirmek icin kendi kisisel, ahlaki ve duygusal niteliklerini gelistirebilir. Yine okuma yoluyla farkli fikir, gorus, deger ve kulturlere acik goruslulukle yaklasmayi ogrenir. Ilkokul ogrencilerinin yasam deneyimleri sinirlidir, ancak etkili okumalar ufuklarini ve perspektiflerini genisletmeye yardimci olur. Insanlar okumalarla bilgilerini ve deneyimlerini bir araya getirebilir. Okuma sirasinda ogrencilerin, metnin derin anlamini cikarabilmeleri, anlam kurmalari icin onbilgilerinin uzerine ogrenme deneyimlerini ve yeni bilgiyi koyabilme becerisine sahip olmasi gerekir. Uluslararasi Ogrenci Degerlendirme Programi (PISA) uluslararasi duzeyde fen, matematik ve okuma alanlarinda yapilan onemli bir egitim arastirmasidir. 2000 yilinda baslamistir ve uc yilda bir tekrarlanan PISA arastirmasi, ogrencilerin fen, okuma becerileri ve matematik alanlarindaki basari durumu olcmeyi amaclamaktadir. Ulkemizin okuma alanindaki basarisi diger ulkelerle karsilastirmali olarak incelendiginde 2015 yilinda programa katilan 70 ulke arasinda 50. sirada yer alindigi gorulur. Ayni programa katilan Hong Kong’un ise 2. oldugu gorulmektedir. Bu arastirmanin amaci 2012 ve 2015 PISA sinavlarinda okuma alaninda yuksek basari gosteren Hong Kong’un okumanin ogrenilmesi ve gelistirilmesi surecinde benimsedigi “tum okul yaklasimi”ni ve buna dayali gerceklestirdigi calismalari incelemektir. Bu amacla Hong Kong’un Temel Egitim Program Kilavuzu incelenmistir. Kilavuzda PISA sinavlarinda okuma bolumunde elde edilen basarinin ve tum okul yaklasiminin bu basariya etkilerinin anlatildigi bolumler arastirmacilar tarafindan incelenmis ve Turkceye cevrilmistir. Elde edilen veriler dil uzmanlariyla tekrar gozden gecirilmistir. Verilerin icerik analizi yapilmis ve “ tum okul yaklasiminin” tum yonleriyle ortaya koyan uc tema olusturulmustur: (1) Tum Okul Yaklasimini (TOY) tanima, (2) TOY okulda yapilamasi gerekenler ve (3) TOY paydaslarin rolleri. Arastirma sonuclari tum okul yaklasimiyla okuma performansinin gelistirilmesinde okul yoneticilerine, okul program gelistirme uzmanlarina, ogretmen-kutuphanecilere, ogretmenlere, ebeveynlere ve ogrencilere sorumluluk ve gorevler dustugu gostermektedir. Okuma performansi ve aliskanliginin kazandirilmasi gorev ve sorumlulugu sadece ogretmenlere birakilmamasi gerektigi sonucuna varilmistir. Ayrica tum okul yaklasimiyla okuma performansinin artirilmasindaki basari, her paydasin uzerine dusen gorevleri yapmasi oraninda saglanabilir.

Volume 16
Pages 270-284
DOI 10.14687/JHS.V16I1.5644
Language English
Journal journal of new results in science

Full Text