Joyful Learning Journal | 2021




Matematika adalah ilmu abstrak yang membutuhkan benda konkret agar lebih mudah dipahami. Berdasarkan observasi ditemukan bahwa hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Pattimura Kebumen masih sangat rendah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan model discovery learning berbantuan alat peraga kubus satuan terhadap hasil belajar matematika materi volume bangun ruang siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Patimura Kebumen. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan desain penelitian menggunakan quasi experimental dan bentuk nonequivalent control group. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Patimura Kebumen. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan cluster sampling, dimana siswa kelas V SDN Peneket sebagai kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas V SDN Sidorejo sebagai kelas kontrol. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik tes dan non tes. Sedangkan teknik analisis data dengan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji hipotesis yang meliputi uji z, uji t dan uji N-gain. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketuntasan hasil belajar kelas eksperimen mencapai 75% sedangkan kelas kontrol tidak, rata-rata hasil belajar kelas eksperimen lebih dari kelas kontrol dan N-gain kelas eksperimen (0,68) > kelas kontrol (0,53). Simpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah model discovery learning berbantuan alat peraga kubus satuan lebih efektif\xa0 terhadap hasil belajar matematika siswa kelas V SDN Gugus Patimura Kebumen. Penelitian ini bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar matematika materi volume bangun ruang kelas V SDN Gugus Pattimura Kebumen. \nMathematics is an abstract science that requires concrete objects to be understood. The observation was found that learning outcomes mathematics of fifth grade students at Kebumen Pattimura cluster were very low. This study aimed to test the effectiveness of the discovery learning model assisted by the unit cubes props on mathematics learning outcomes of solid figures volume in the fifth grade at Kebumen Pattimura Cluster Elementary School. The type of this research was experimental research with quasi-experimental design and nonequivalent control group form. The population in this study were all the fifth grade students at Kebumen Pattimura Cluster Elementary School. The sampling technique used cluster sampling, where the fifth grade students of Peneket Elementary School as the experimental class and the fifth grade students of Sidorejo Elementary School as the control class. The data collection techniques used test and non-test techniques. While the data analysis techniques used the normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis testing which includes z test, t test and N-gain test. The results showed that the experimental class learning outcomes achieved 75% of the passing grade while the control class did not. The average learning outcomes of the experimental class were more than the control class and N-gain of the experimental class (0.68) > control class (0.53). The conclusion of this research was that the discovery learning model assisted by the unit cube props was more effective than the direct instruction model assisted by picture media on mathematics learning outcomes in the fifth grade at Kebumen Pattimura Cluster Elementary School. This research is useful to improve mathematics learning outcomes of solid figures volume in the fifth grade students at Kebumen Pattimura Cluster Elementary School.

Volume None
Pages None
DOI 10.15294/JLJ.V10I1.40076
Language English
Journal Joyful Learning Journal

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