Archive | 2019

Conflict Management among Selected Officials of State Universities and Colleges in the Philippines



ABSTRACT: The study concerns on dominant conflict management approach of officials of selected SUCs (State Universities and Colleges) in the Philippines. Related studies and literature on the importance of systems approach in organizational analysis along with theories and practices on the role of culture in conflict analysis and resolution along with the principles and theories in negotiation and conflict management system design are presented and utilized as the research theoretical framework. Kenneth W. Thomas & Ralph H. Kilmann (2017)’s conflict behavior survey instrument was also used. The results show that the dominant conflict management style of officials from the selected SUCs in the Philippines is that of “collaborator”. The respondents open to other conflict management styles in responding to conflicts, including compromiser, accommodator, controller, and avoider. While the sex and administrative positions of the respondents (university officials) do not have any statistical significant difference in their preference of conflict management styles. So, more than majority of the respondents are using several conflict management styles as they address interpersonal conflicts in various contexts. KEY WORD : Conflict Management Style; University Officials; Interpersonal Conflicts .\xa0 ABSTRAKSI : “Manajemen Konflik diantara para Pejabat Terpilih pada Universitas dan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Filipina”. Studi ini mengenai pendekatan manajemen konflik yang dominan dari para pejabat SUCs (Universitas dan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri) tertentu di Filipina. Terkait dengan studi dan literatur tentang pentingnya pendekatan sistem dalam analisis organisasi bersama dengan teori dan praksis tentang peran budaya dalam analisis dan resolusi konflik bersama dengan prinsip-prinsip dan teori dalam negosiasi dan desain sistem manajemen konflik disajikan dan digunakan sebagai kerangka teori penelitian. Instrumen survei perilaku konflik dari Kenneth W. Thomas & Ralph H. Kilmann (2017) juga digunakan. Hasil kajian menunjukan bahwa gaya manajemen konflik dari pejabat yang dominan dalam SUC terpilih di Filipina adalah kolaborator . Responden terbuka terhadap gaya manajemen konflik lainnya dalam menanggapi konflik, termasuk kompromi, akomodator, pengontrol, dan penghindar. Manakala jenis kelamin dan posisi administratif responden (pejabat universitas) tidak memiliki perbedaan statistik yang signifikan dalam preferensi mereka terhadap gaya manajemen konflik. Jadi, lebih dari mayoritas responden menggunakan beberapa gaya manajemen konflik ketika mereka menangani konflik interpersonal dalam berbagai konteks. KATA KUNCI : Gaya Manajemen Konflik; Pejabat Universitas; Konflik Antarpribadi. About the Authors: Ronald Allan S. Mabunga,\xa0 Ph.D. is a Director, Center for Planning & Quality Assurance PNU (Philippine Normal University), Taft Avenue, Manila 1000, the Philippines. Maria Eljie M. Mabunga, M.A. is a Professor in Peace Education at the PNU, Taft Avenue, Manila 1000, the Philippines. For academic interests, the authors are able to be contacted via e-mails address at: [email protected] \xa0and [email protected] Suggested Citation: Mabunga,\xa0Ronald Allan S. & Maria Eljie M. Mabunga. (2019). “Conflict Management among Selected Officials of State Universities and Colleges in the Philippines” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan , Volume 4(1), Maret, pp.1-20. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online). Article Timeline: Accepted (October 28, 2018); Revised (December 27, 2018); and Published (March 30, 2019).

Volume 4
Pages 1-20
DOI 10.17509/MIMBARDIK.V4I1.16967
Language English
Journal None

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