Texto Livre: Linguagem e Tecnologia | 2019

Novas maneiras de ressignificar, de participar e de colaborar na era da mobilidade informacional / New ways of resignifing, participating and colaborating in the information mobility era



RESUMO : As cidades desplugadas, na era da supermodernidade, impelem-nos a discutir, no presente artigo, o termo mobilidade informacional, com a finalidade de desnaturatiza-lo e trazer, a baila, as adversidades subjacentes a essa nova forma de subjetivacao, de individuacao e de mobilidade. Para lograr exito nes s e processo hermeneutico e investigativo, sera utilizado como procedimento metodologico a revisao de literatura, embasada nos seguintes autores: Lemos ( 2007a , 2007b, 2008, 2009), Riviere ( 2006) e Tuan ( 2003). A intencao e de nao so discutir as implicacoes entre mobilidade versus comunicacao de massa, o processo de configuracao e a reconfiguracao do territorio informacional, mas tambem empoderar o coenunciador a tornar-se um “bricoleur” da transmodernidade, com o intuito de discutir o conceito de identidade na contemporaneidade e, assim, ressignificar o seu olhar no momento em que participa, colabora no processo de construcao de novas maneiras de estabelecer vinculos e lacos de pertencimento . PALAVRAS - CHAVE : m obilidade i nformacional; c idades desplugadas; i ndividuacao; s ubjetivacao . ABSTRACT : The unplugged cities, in the age of Supermodernity, lead us to discuss the term informational mobility in this article, aiming at denaturalizing it and bringing up underlying adversities to this new manner of subjectivation, individuation and mobility. In order to succeed in this hermeneutic and investigative process, the literature review will be used as methodological procedure, based on the following authors: Lemos (2007a, 2007b, 2008, 2009), Riviere (2006) and Tuan (2003). The intention is not only to discuss the implications between mobility and mass communication, the configuration process and informational territory’s reconfiguration, but also to empower the co-enunciator to become a “bricoleur” of the transmodernity, make possible to discuss the concept of identity in the contemporary society and, thus, to resignify his look at the time he is part of, collaborating in the building process of new ways of establishing links and the belonging feeling . KEYWORDS : informational mobility; unplugged cities; individuation; subjectivation .

Volume 12
Pages 112-122
DOI 10.17851/1983-3652.12.1.112-122
Language English
Journal Texto Livre: Linguagem e Tecnologia

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