Journal of Health Science | 2019

The Effectiveness and Benefit of Therapy Taping ® Method in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder-T.E.A



Abstract The Autism Spectrum Disorder - TEA encompasses changes in communication: verbal\xa0 and/or non-verbal language, social interaction and behavior. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of applications of \xa0Therapy Taping ® Method in children and adolescents diagnosed with TEA. Five students were selected, between 9 and 13 years, divided into two groups (internal and external rotation of the hip). The data were collected by means of motor assessment, photos and footage, before and after 12 applications. The application of the bandage was on the skin of the ischial tuberosity until half of the thigh, following the Therapy Taping method®. The participants (100%) presented biomechanics alteration in limbs, two (40%) applied for positioning of the hip in internal rotation and three (60%) for external rotation of the hip. In the final evaluation photos and videos were analyzed and obtained positive results in three (60%), and in moments that remained with the bandage adhered to the skin, providing external support to the body and improvement in the limbs positioning, however, when they were without the bandage, there was no significant change due to muscular hypotonia, structured global postural changes and difficulty\xa0 maintaining the bandage adhered to the skin, due to sensory changes and behavior.\xa0 The applications were suspended in two participants (40%), due to family\xa0 withdrawal. After the applications of the\xa0 Therapy Taping Method® positive results were achieved with participants who kept the bandage adhered to the skin, in relation to the sensorial system, and thus there were significant results, since four participants showed good adhesion of the bandages, not presenting difficulty, because of sensory disorder.\xa0Keywords: Language. Lower Extremity. Athletic Tape.\xa0ResumoO Transtorno do Espectro Autismo - TEA engloba alteracoes da comunicacao: linguagem verbal e/ou nao verbal, interacao social e comportamento. Objetivo desse estudo foi avaliar efeito das aplicacoes do Metodo Therapy Taping ® em criancas e adolescentes diagnosticados com TEA. Foram selecionados cinco alunos, entre 9 e 13 anos, divididos em dois grupos (rotacao externa e interna de quadril). Os dados foram coletados por formulario de avaliacao motora, fotos e filmagens, antes e apos 12 aplicacoes. A aplicacao da bandagem foi na pele da tuberosidade isquiatica ate metade da coxa, seguindo o Metodo Therapy Taping®. Os participantes (100%) apresentavam alteracao biomecânica nos Membros Inferiores, dois (40%) aplicado para posicionamento do quadril em rotacao interna e tres (60%) para rotacao externa do quadril. Na avaliacao final foi analisado fotos e videos e obtivemos resultados positivos em tres (60%), sendo nos momentos que mantiveram com a bandagem aderida a pele, proporcionando apoio externo ao corpo e melhora no posicionamento dos membros inferiores, porem, quando estavam sem a bandagem, nao houve mudanca significativa por apresentarem hipotonia muscular global, alteracoes posturais estruturadas e dificuldade em manter a bandagem aderida a pele, devido alteracoes sensoriais e do comportamento.\xa0 As aplicacoes foram suspensas em dois participantes (40%), por desistencia familiar. Apos as aplicacoes do Metodo Therapy Taping® alcancamos resultados positivos com os participantes que mantiveram a bandagem aderida a pele, em relacao ao sistema sensorial, tivemos resultados significativos, ja que quatro participantes apresentaram boa adesao das bandagens, nao apresentando dificuldade, devido desordens sensoriais.\xa0Palavras-chave: Apraxias. Extremidade Inferior. Fita Atletica.

Volume 21
Pages 291-291
DOI 10.17921/2447-8938.2019V21N3P291
Language English
Journal Journal of Health Science

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