Sport Science and Health | 2021

Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Variasi Permainan Karate yang dikemas Dalam Articulate Storyline



Abstract: Current learning conditions, prevalence of the corona outbreak has resulted in education in Indonesia being affected by this virus outbreak, so that formal education that has been carried out so far is replaced by education through an online system, the distance education in question is education carried out by means of online. With the current online learning model, the tools needed by educators so that learning continues well and can be accepted by students, one of which is learning media in the form of applications. The purpose of this research is to develop learning karate martial arts in the form of an articulate storyline application and can help facilitate teachers in the learning process of karate martial arts in Sukun District, Malang City. The development method used leads to development research according to Lee and Owens. The results of evaluation learning experts were obtained 74 percent, the results of evaluation the media experts were obtained 97 percent, the results of expert analysis the games were obtained 96 percent, the results of analysis the PJOK experts were obtained 75 percent, the results of analysis the karate experts were obtained 75 percent, the results of small group trial were obtained 86 percent and the results large group trials obtained 88 percent. Based on these results, it is concluded that the products produced are stated to have accuracy, attractiveness, suitability, ease, clarity, and effectiveness for use. \nAbstrak: Kondisi pembelajaran saat ini, maraknya wabah corona mengakibatkan pendidikan di Indonesia terdampak akibat wabah virus ini, sehingga pendidikan formal yang dilakukan selama ini diganti dengan pendidikan melalui sistem dalam jaringan, pendidikan jarak jauh yang dimaksud adalah pendidikan yang dilakukan dengan cara online atau daring. Dengan model pembelajaran daring saat ini, alat bantu yang diperlukan pendidik agar pembelajaran tetap berlangsung dengan baik dan dapat diterima oleh siswa salah satunya media pembelajaran yang berupa aplikasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran bela diri karate dalam bentuk aplikasi articulate storyline dan dapat membantu memudahkan guru dalam proses pembelajaran materi bela diri karate di Kecamatan Sukun Kota Malang. Metode pengembangan yang digunakan mengarah pada penelitian pengembangan menurut Lee dan Owens. Hasil evaluasi ahli pembelajaran diperoleh 74 persen, hasil evaluasi ahli media diperoleh 97 persen, hasil analisis ahli permainan diperoleh 96 persen, hasil analisis ahli PJOK diperoleh 75 persen, hasil analisis ahli karate diperoleh 75 persen, hasil uji coba kelompok kecil diperoleh 86 persen dan hasil uji coba kelompok besar diperoleh 88 persen. Berdasarkan dari hasil tersebut disimpulkan bahwa produk yang dihasilkan dinyatakan memiliki ketepatan, kemenarikan, kesesuaian, kemudahan, kejelasan, dan keefektifan untuk digunakan.

Volume None
Pages None
DOI 10.17977/um062v3i62021p404-418
Language English
Journal Sport Science and Health

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