Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi | 2021

Covid-19 Pandemi Sürecinden Geçerken Sağlık Çalışanlarında Dini Başa Çıkma ve Psikolojik Sağlamlık İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Araştırma



Oz: COVID-19 tum dunyaya yayilan yeni tip bir koronavirus olup toplumun her kesimini etkileyen kuresel bir salgina yol acmistir. Bu hastalikla mucadele sirasinda koronavirus tanisi alan hastalarin tani, tedavi ve bakimlariyla yakindan ilgilenen saǧlik calisanlari fiziksel olduǧu kadar psikolojik olarak da aǧir bir yukun altina girmislerdir. Salgin surecinde saǧlik calisanlarinin ruh saǧliǧini korumaya iliskin yapilan yayinlarda salgindan olumsuz etkilenmeyi onlemek amaciyla saǧlik personelinin desteklenmesi gerektiǧi vurgulanmaktadir. Ancak COVID19 salgini, dunya capindaki tum saǧlik calisanlari uzerinde daha once benzeri gorulmemis bir yuk olusturmasi nedeniyle yeni duruma uygun stratejiler gelistirmeyi gerektirmektedir. Bu doǧrultuda on saflarda hizmet sunan saǧlik calisanlarinin ruh saǧliklarinin korunmasina yonelik etkili yaklasimlarin belirlenmesi ve psikolojik saǧlamlik gibi koruyucu faktorlerin arttirilmasi onem tasimaktadir. Olumlu dini basa cikma icerikleri ise saǧlik calisanlarinin psikolojik saǧlamliǧini etkileyen koruyucu faktorler arasinda gorulebilir. Allah a siǧinma, dua etme, Kur an okuma gibi dini pratikleri iceren olumlu dini basa cikma davranislari, yasamin getirdiǧi sikintilara goǧus gererken manevi yonden guc kazandiran, ayni zamanda kontrol, huzur ve guven hissi saǧlayan uygulamalardir. Bu arastirmada da COVID-19 pandemi surecinden gecen saǧlik calisanlarinda dini basa cikma ile psikolojik saǧlamlik arasindaki iliski incelenmek istenmektedir. Arastirmanin yayinlanmasi icin Ataturk Universitesi Sosyal ve Beseri Bilimler Etik Kurul Baskanliǧi ndan (12.04.2021 tarih ve 88656144-000.E.2100103436 sayili) etik onay alinmistir. Arastirmada nicel arastirma yontemlerinden betimsel tarama yontemi ve korelasyonel/iliskisel yontem kullanilmistir. Arastirmanin evrenini ulke genelinde faaliyet gosteren saǧlik tesislerinde calisan personel olusturmaktadir. Orneklem ise bu saǧlik kurumlarinda gorev yapan doktor, hemsire, eczaci, ebe ve diǧer saǧlik calisanlarindan olusmaktadir. Kartopu ornekleme yonteminin kullanildiǧi arastirmada 40 dan fazla ilde 293 saǧlik calisanina ulasilmistir. Bu kisilere internet uzerinden erisim saǧlanmistir. Veri toplama araci olarak Kisisel Bilgi Formu, Dini Basa Cikma Olceǧi ve Kisa Psikolojik Saǧlamlik Olceǧi kullanilmistir. Uygulanan olcme araclariyla olumlu ve olumsuz dini basa cikma ile psikolojik saǧlamliǧin cinsiyet ve yas deǧiskenine gore farklilasip farklilasmadiǧi tespit edilmek istenmistir. Ayrica olumlu ve olumsuz dini basa cikma ile psikolojik saǧlamlik arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Demografik deǧiskenlere iliskin analizlerde T-Testi ve ANOVA uygulanmistir. Deǧiskenler arasindaki iliskiyi test etmeye yonelik analizlerde ise korelasyon ve regresyon analizleri kullanilmistir. Arastirmadan elde edilen bulgular saǧlik calisanlarinin dini basa cikma ve psikolojik saǧlamlik duzeylerinin demografik ozelliklere gore farklilastiǧini ortaya koymustur. Buna gore, olumlu dini basa cikma yontemlerini kullanmalari bakimindan kadinlarla erkekler arasinda anlamli bir fark gorulmezken, erkeklerin kadinlara gore olumsuz dini basa cikma yontemlerini daha sik kullandiklari anlasilmaktadir. Ayni zamanda sonuclar, yas arttikca olumlu dini basa cikma yontemlerinin daha sik kullanildiǧini gostermektedir. Psikolojik saǧlamlik da yasa baǧli olarak artmaktadir. Korelasyon analizinde ise olumlu dini basa cikma ile psikolojik saǧlamlik arasinda anlamli bir iliski olduǧu ortaya cikmistir. Deǧiskenler arasindaki iliskide olumlu dini basa cikmanin etkisini saptamak amaciyla yapilan regresyon analizi sonucunda olumlu dini basa cikmanin psikolojik saǧlamliǧin anlamli bir yordayicisi olduǧu gorulmustur. Bu sonuca gore, olumlu dini basa cikma psikolojik saǧlamliǧi etkileyen onemli bir deǧiskendir. Arastirma bulgulari isiǧinda saǧlik personelinin psikolojik saǧl mliǧini arttirarak bu zorlu sureci daha rahat atlatmasina yardimci olabilecek dini/manevi icerikli bir mudahale programi gelistirilmesi onerisinde bulunulmustur. Ayrica bu arastirmada ulasilan sonuclarin pandemi doneminde ve sonrasinda saǧlik personeline yonelik gerceklestirilebilecek diǧer rehabilitate calismalara katki saǧlayabileceǧi dusunulmektedir. Bunun yaninda arastirma, COVID-19 pandemisinde saǧlik calisanlariyla ilgili yapilabilecek muhtemel akademik calismalara bilimsel veri sunmasi bakimindan onemlidir.Alternate abstract:COVID-19 is a new type of coronavirus that has spread all over the world and has caused a global epidemic that affected all parts of society. Healthcare professionals that are involved in the diagnosis, treatment, and care of patients diagnosed with coronavirus have been under a heavy burden both physically and psychologically during the fight against this disease. Articles published on protecting the mental health of healthcare professionals during the epidemic have stated that healthcare professionals should be supported to prevent the negative effects of the epidemic on them. This new situation requires developing appropriate strategies for coping with the COVID-19 pandemic, due to the given heavy burden by healthcare professionals. Therefore, the determination of effective approaches for the protection of mental health of healthcare professionals and increasing their protective factors, such as psychological resilience, has got great importance. Positive religious coping contents can be seen among the protective factors that affect the psychological resilience of healthcare professionals. Positive religious coping behaviors, such as refuge in Allah, praying, and reading Qur an, not only provides a spiritual strength against the troubles of life but also provides a sense of control, peace, and security. This research aims to examine the relationship between religious coping and psychological resilience in healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethical approval for this research was obtained from Ataturk University Social and Human Science Ethics Committee (12.04.2021 dated and 88656144000.E.2100103436 numbered). Descriptive research and correlational methods were used in the study. The population of the research consists of personnel working in health facilities operating throughout the country. The sample consists of doctors, nurses, pharmacists, midwives, and other health workers working in these health institutions. The Snowball sampling method was used in this study. For this aim, a Google Forms was established and 293 health workers in more than 40 provinces have filled this form. Personal Information Form, Religious Coping Scale, and Brief Psychological Resilience Scale were used as data collection tools. These data collection tools were used to determine whether positive and negative religious coping and psychological resilience differs according to gender and age. In addition to the above-mentioned aim, the relationship between positive and negative religious coping and resilience was examined in this study. T-test and ANOVA were applied in the analysis of demographic variables. Correlation and regression analysis were used to test the relationship between the variables. Findings obtained from this study have revealed that the levels of religious coping and psychological resilience of healthcare professionals differ according to their demographic characteristics. Results have shown that while there is no significant difference between women and men in terms of using positive religious coping methods, men use negative religious coping methods more frequently than women. Results have also revealed that positive coping methods are used more frequently as age increases and psychological resilience increased with age. Correlation analysis has shown that there is a significant relationship between positive religious coping and psychological resilience. Results of regression analysis have shown that positive religious coping is a significant redictor of psychological resilience. This result shows that positive religious coping is an important variable that affects psychological resilience. Results have suggested that there is a need to develop a program with religious/spiritual content that can help healthcare professionals to overcome this difficult process more easily by increasing their psychological resilience. Results obtained from this study may not only contribute to other rehabilitative studies that can be carried out for healthcare professionals during and after the pandemic but also provide scientific data for possible academic studies on this subject.

Volume None
Pages None
DOI 10.18505/cuid.884399
Language English
Journal Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi

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