Historia y Memoria | 2019

Resistencia política en la oficina salitrera de Chacabuco (1973–1975), región de Antofagasta, Chile



espanolEste articulo se ocupa de la resistencia politica, a proposito de los campos de concentracion implementados en la dictadura chilena civico militar (1973 – 1990). Al respecto, las nociones de resistencia politica y de campos de concentracion, son precisadas desde una perspectiva interdisciplinaria atendiendo a las complejidades y debates que comprenden tanto el contexto historico politico como el marco espacial en que se producen y que corresponde, en este caso, a la oficina salitrera de Chacabuco (1924 – 1938) actual sitio patrimonial, cuyo funcionamiento operativo fue entre noviembre de 1973 y abril de 1975. Estos antecedentes, permiten formular como principal supuesto, que la resistencia politica comprende estrategias de sobrevivencia que no solo mantienen la dignidad y los derechos humanos, sino tambien formas de reorganizacion social y ofensivas que contemplan acciones politicas, sociales y culturales. Como metodologia, se consideran entrevistas semiestructuradas y revision de material testimonial, ya publicados, de sobrevivientes. Las fuentes secundarias son de tipo academicas y de prensa. Son de especial interes, los relatos de quienes actualmente se autodenominan “Chacabucanos”, detenidos oriundos de Concepcion, trasladados desde el Estadio Regional a Chacabuco, que tenian una historia de vinculacion politica previa, que definio estrategias de resistencia aun vigentes. EnglishThis article is about the political resistance, regarding the concentration camps established by the Chilean civil-military dictatorship (1973-1990). With respect to this, the notions of political resistance and concentration camps are observed from an interdisciplinary perspective, according to the complexities and debates understood in a historical and political context as well as in the spatial framework in which they took place, in this case, the saltpetre works of Chacabuco (1924 – 1938), which is currently a heritage site, the operational functioning of which was between November 1973 and April 1975. This background allows us to formulate a main hypothesis that political resistance includes survival strategies that not only maintain a person’s dignity and human rights, but also forms of social reorganization and retaliations that contemplate political, social and cultural actions. The methodology used was that of semi-structured interviews and the testimonial material of survivors, which had previously been published. The secondary sources are of an academic nature and from the press. The narrations of those who currently call themselves Chacabucanos is of special interest. These are people who had been detained, who are originally from Concepcion, and were taken from the Regional Stadium to Chacabuco, as they had a previous political link which defined resistance strategies, which are still in existence today.

Volume None
Pages 309-344
DOI 10.19053/20275137.N19.2019.9200
Language English
Journal Historia y Memoria

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