Nutricion Hospitalaria | 2019

Education for health. Nutrition and gastronomy in the Autonomous Cities of Melilla and Ceuta



espanolSe trato de analizar la situacion de sobrepeso y obesidad de la poblacion escolar en el nivel educativo de Infantil y Primaria, primero en la ciudad de Melilla (2005) y, dos anos mas tarde, en la de Ceuta, dependientes administrativamente, lo mismo que los centros espanoles en el extranjero, del Ministerio de Educacion y Cultura (MEC). El estudio comenzo con la toma de medidas antropometricas y encuestas sobre los habitos alimentarios y gastronomicos de los escolares y sus familias con la finalidad de detectar y modificar aquellos que no fuesen saludables y fomentar la adopcion de habitos saludables en los escolares y, a traves de ellos, influir en sus familias, buscando su colaboracion e implicacion en este aprendizaje, complementandolo con la practica de la actividad fisica. Para ello se realizaron las siguientes actuaciones: – Formacion de profesores a traves de los CEP en educacion para la salud. – Introducir en el curriculum escolar las materias Educacion para la Salud y Ejercicio Fisico no Competitivo dentro de los contenidos de las materias de Educacion para la Ciudadania y Educacion Fisica, respectivamente. – Desarrollar actividades extraescolares conjuntas con alumnos y padres de talleres de cocina y actividad fisica. – Implantar en los centros educativos de Infantil y Primaria (CEIP) el consumo de desayunos saludables. Se distribuyeron durante un trimestre desayunos en los centros de Infantil y Primaria consistentes en: fruta fresca, tostada de pan integral con aceite de oliva virgen y yogur natural no azucarado. Se prohibieron las maquinas expendedoras de zumos y bolleria en los centros educativos. – Analizar y corregir los menus de los comedores escolares. EnglishThe aim of this research was to analyze overweigh and obesity among student population of childhood and primary education levels, in a first stage at the city of Melilla (2005), and two years later in Ceuta. From an administrative point of view both cities depend on the Ministry of Education and Culture, alike the Spanish education centers in foreign countries. This research begun gathering anthropometric measures of students and surveys about gastronomic and dietary habits of their families, with the objective of detecting and modifying those that were not healthy, and foster the adoption of healthy habits among students, who could influence their families through their cooperation and engagement. Once students adopted healthy nutritive behaviors, those were complemented with physical activity. To achieve these aims, the following steps were taken: – Education on health for teachers through CEPs. – Include in the scholar curriculum a new matter: Education for Health and Non-Competitive Physical Exercise, as part of the existing programs Education for Citizenship and Physical Education. – Develop extracurricular activities together with parents and students: cooking workshops and physical exercise. – Implement at the childhood and primary schools a program of Healthy Breakfasts: during a quarter breakfasts composed by fresh fruit, whole meal bread toast with virgin olive oil, and sugar free yoghourt were delivered. Vending machines of juices and industrial baking were forbidden at educational centers. – Analyze and correct the menus delivered at school canteens.

Volume 36
Pages 135-138
DOI 10.20960/NH.02728
Language English
Journal Nutricion Hospitalaria

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