Archive | 2021




Effect of the Trichoderma sp Application on Yield and Moler s Disease Suppression of Shallot On Dry Lands in the Rainy Season . The high intensity of disease attacks is one of the obstacles in shallot cultivation during the rainy season. Trichoderma sp is one of the biological agents used to control plant pathogenic microbes. This study aims to determine the effect of the application of Trichoderma sp in suppressing moler disease (Fusarium oxysporum) as well as the growth and yield of two high yielding shallot varieties on dry land in the rainy season (off season). The research was conducted in the rainy season from April to June 2018 on dry land in Pappolo Village, Tanete Riattang Sub District, Bone District - South Sulawesi. The research used a factorial randomized block design and it was repeated three times. The first factor was variety (V), namely V1 = Trisula and V2 = Bima Brebes. The second factor was the\xa0 dose of Trichoderma sp for disease control\xa0 (P), namely P1 = Trichoderma dose of 10 kg/ha, P2 = Trichoderma 20 kg/ha, P3 = Trichoderma 30kg/ha and P4 = chemical method. The results showed that the interaction between varieties and dose of Trichoderma sp for disease control had no significant effect on the growth, yield and the suppression of shallots moller disease in the rainy season. Bima Brebes variety showed\xa0 a tuber yield of 7 t/ha which was 38% higher and significantly different than the Trisula variety (4.34 t /ha). Application of Trichoderma sp at a dose of 10, 20, 30 kg /ha was able to suppress the development of Moler disease until the age of 25 days after planting. Key words : shallot, varieties, Trichoderma, off season ABSTRAK Tingginya intensitas serangan penyakit menjadi salah satu kendala dalam budidaya bawang merah pada musim hujan. Trichoderma sp merupakan salah satu agen hayati yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan mikroba patogen tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi Trichoderma sp dalam menekan penyakit moler (Fusarium oxysporum ) dan hasil dua varietas unggul bawang merah pada lahan kering di pertanaman off season (musim penghujan). Penelitian dilaksanakan pada musim hujan Bulan April - Juni 2018 di lahan kering Kelurahan Pappolo, Kecamatan Tanete Riattang, Kabupaten Bone- Sulawesi Selatan. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan Acak Kelompok yang disusun secara faktorial dan diulang tiga kali. Faktor pertama adalah varietas (V), yaitu V1= Trisula dan V2 = Bima Brebes. Faktor kedua adalah dosis Trichoderma sp untuk pengendalian penyakit (P), yaitu P1= Trichoderma dosis 10 kg/ha, P2 = Trichoderma 20 kg/ha, P3= Trichoderma 30kg/ha dan P4= sintetik (kimia) (sebagai kontrol). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan interaksi antara varietas dan dosis Trichoderma sp untuk pengendalian penyakit tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil serta penekanan penyakit moler bawang merah pada musim penghujan . Varietas Bima Brebes menunjukkan hasil umbi yaitu 7 t/ha lebih tinggi 38% dan berbeda nyata dibandingkan varietas Trisula (4,34 t/ha). Aplikasi Trichoderma sp dosis 10, 20, 30 kg/ha dapat menekan perkembangan penyakit moler hingga umur 25 hari setelah tanam. Kata k unci: bawang merah, varietas, Trichoderma, musim penghujan

Volume 24
Pages 1-11
DOI 10.21082/JPPTP.V24N1.2021.P1-11
Language English
Journal None

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