Social Science Research Network | 2021

İnternet İletişiminin Engellenebilirliğinin Hukuki Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi (Legal Assessment of the Prevention of Internet Communication)



Turkish Abstract: Insanlik, 20. yuzyilda, bilimin ve teknolojinin hemen her alaninda buyuk ilerlemeler ve basarilar elde etmis, bu ilerlemeleri de aninda gunluk yasamina yansitmistir. Bu bilimsel ilerlemeler ve teknolojik gelismeler 20. yuzyil basindan itibaren artan bir hizla devam etmistir ve 21. yuzyilda da artarak devam etmektedir. Ancak bu arastirmalar insanlarin daha iyi sartlarda, daha rahat ve daha uzun yasamasi icin yapildigi kadar; birbirlerini yok edecek askeri teknolojinin gelistirilmesi icin de yapilmistir. Bu calismalarda elde edilen bilgiler teknolojiye uygulanmis ve gunluk yasama girmistir. \n \nEnglish Abstract:: In the 20th century, humanity achieved great advances and achievements in almost every field of science and technology, and these advances were immediately reflected in their daily life. These scientific advances and technological developments have continued with an increasing speed since the beginning of the 20th century and increasingly continue in the 21st century. However, as much as these researches are done for people to live in better conditions, more comfortable and longer; It was also made for the development of military technology that would destroy each other. The information obtained in these studies has been applied to technology and entered daily life.

Volume None
Pages None
DOI 10.2139/SSRN.3790517
Language English
Journal Social Science Research Network

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