Archive | 2019

Calidad de vida de los pacientes con asma seguidos en la consulta de neumología del Hospital Infantil Dr. Robert Reid Cabral durante el período abril-mayo 2018, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.



espanolAntecedentes: la calidad de vida en pacientes asmaticos es de interes particular, y es uno de los aspectos que se ve afectado por la enfermedad. Los ninos con asma no solo padecen las consecuencias fisicas de la enfermedad, sino tambien el impacto en la esfera social, emocional y educativa. Objetivo: determinar la calidad de vida en pacientes con asma seguidos en la Consulta de neumologia del Hospital Infantil Dr. Robert Reid Cabral, periodo abril –mayo 2018. Metodo: estudio descriptivo para determinar la calidad de vida en pacientes con asma entre 6-17 anos de edad seguidos en la consulta de neumologia del Hospital Infantil Dr. Robert Reid Cabral, periodo abril –mayo 2018. Se utilizo el cuestionario PAQLQ por sus siglas en ingles (Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire) Resultados: se evaluaron 43 pacientes, 59% masculinos; 93% entre edad de 7-12 anos. 65% no practican deporte por molestias como tos (58%), aparicion de episodio agudo (49%), falta de aire o silbido (39.5%) y sensacion del “pecho apretado” en 37%. 77% sintio cansancio en algun momento de las actividades diarias, 60.4% sintio dificultad para respirar, 39.6% presento falta de aire, 32.6% desesperacion nocturna y 32.5% problemas para dormir. 56% se sintio incomodo en algun momento, 49% refirio algun grado de preocupacion, 37% presento mal humor, 30% enojo, 28% asustado y 11% refirio haber sentido algun grado de decepcion. Conclusion: se destaca un porcentaje significativo de pacientes con alguna alteracion de la calidad de vida. English Background: the quality of life in patients with asthma is of particular interest and one of the aspects that are affected by the disease. Children with asthma not only suffer the physical consequences of the disease, but also the impact in the social, emotional and educational sphere. Objective: to determine the quality of life in patients with asthma followed in the pulmonology clinic of the Dr. Robert Reid Cabral Children’s Hospital in the period of April-May 2018. Method: a descriptive study was conducted to determine the quality of life in patients with asthma between 6-17 years of age followed in the pulmonology clinic of the Dr. Robert Reid Cabral Children’s Hospital in the period April-May 2018. The PAQLQ questionnaire was used (Pediatric Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire). Results: 43 patients were evaluated, 59% male sex; 93% between the age ranges of 7-12 years. 65% do not practice sports due to discomfort such as cough (58%), appearance of acute episode (49%), shortness of breath or whistle (39.5%) and feeling of “tight chest” in 37%. 77% felt tired at some point of daily activities, 60.4% felt difficulty breathing, 39.6% had shortness of breath, 32.6% nighttime desperation and 32.5% sleep problems. 56% felt uncomfortable at some point, 49% reported some degree of concern, 37% presented a bad mood, 30% angered, 28% scared and 11% reported having felt some degree of disappointment. Conclusion: it highlights a significant percentage of patients with some alteration of the quality of life.

Volume 3
Pages 37-41
DOI 10.22206/CYSA.2019.V3I1.PP37-41
Language English
Journal None

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