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ion of information helps to create information. Other characteristics of conversational knowledge management include the fact that it is fast, stored in different locations, and does not require sophisticated technologies in order to be accomplished (Wagner, 2004). Conversational technologies encompass a wide range of systems and software, many of which are familiar, including e-mail, instant messaging, Web pages, discussion forums, video and audio content/streaming, wikis, and Weblogs. While there are specific aspects that are of interest in terms of the more mature technologies, the ones that will be given attention in this article are the issues, impacts, and applications relating to IM, blogs, wikis, and podcasts. These are technologies that are newer, have a growing base of users, and are starting to become recognized as viable tools for education. Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2019, No 7 (91) 209 It is unlikely that there would be many college students who are unfamiliar with the use of IM. Allowing for interactive and real-time synchronous communications with instant response, instant messenger is truly conversational in that it allows for “chat” and communications between both individuals and groups. The major instant messaging systems in use include AOL (AIM), MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, and ICQ. IM is a means for users to “chat” and communicate in real-time. While originally the domain of personal users, over time the unique benefits and effectiveness of this medium were realized, and IM started to become accepted as a form of communication in businesses (particularly high-tech firms), and now has been studied and tested as an educational tool (Kinzie, Whitaker, & Hofer, 2005). The important features of IM include both its synchronous nature and its ability to support both chat and phone-like interaction. While real-time interaction allows for rapid communications to occur, there is also no need to enter an interaction “space” as with chat rooms. Instead, the main usage of IM is in one-on-one communications, which can be more formally termed as a dyadic “call” model, which more closely resembles phone call interaction. It should be noted that even though much of the communication is done between two individuals, there are some systems that support multiparty instant messaging. An important difference between IM and e-mail is the tendency for instant messenger interaction to be more casual and informal than e-mails, which helps to bring about a more “friendly” communication atmosphere. This may in part be due to a reduction in the formalities that are typically involved when using e-mail or phone. In particular, IM has been considered more suitable for such tasks as scheduling meetings, asking or answering quick questions, and for other kinds of tasks that are brief, require a prompt response, or are less formal. It is perceived to be far simpler to IM someone to ask a quick question, for example, or to confirm a meeting or lunch, rather than to e-mail or call (Nardi & Bradner, 2000). Blogs started as a means for expressive individuals to post online diaries of themselves. Complete with text and photos, these logs were essentially an individual’s online narrative or diary, with events, stories, and opinions. While its original use was for personal expression, recently its effectiveness as a tool for education has been discovered, including its use as an extension of “learning logs”, which are created online (Barger, 1997). One of the earliest blogs, as we know and use them today, was Dave Winer’s Scripting News, which was put online in 1997. While the use of Weblogs can be considered generally new, the concepts of keeping a “log” or “learning log” is not. The concept of “learning logs” has been in use since before the advent of the Weblog. The concept of this is to enable someone to document his or her learning, and also to do some critical reflection (Fulwiler, 1987) and selfanalysis. The use of a learning log or journal is related to action research Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2019, No 7 (91) 210 learning strategies (Cherry, 1998) and attempts to link previous knowledge and new information learned. Blogs are a natural extension of learning logs/journals in that they are electronic and can be made available (“published”) more easily (Armstrong, Berry, & Lamshed, 2004). The use of electronic Weblogs as educational tools offers the benefits of increased information sharing, simplified publication of information, and improved instructor monitoring and review (Flatley, 2005; Wagner, 2003). The use of blogs has been expanding, as Perseus Development reported that there were some 10 million blogs in 2004, and the number is ever increasing (Nussbaum, 2004). The growth in this area is expected to increase in the years to come. However modern technologies engage students with different kinds of stimuli involve in activity based learning. Technology makes material more interesting. It makes students and teachers more media literate. Technology is a means to justify the end of composition outcomes and has become a seamless extension of the curriculum in the magister training process. Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge captures the qualities of this new hybrid educator who must find his or her place between the intersections of these qualities. To most effectively teach technology, we must model that technology within our disciplines and classes. Voice Thread is a web service that allows users to upload PowerPoint slides, videos, photos, et al. and add voice narration to create a multimedia presentation and use it in the master’s training process. Voice Thread is an application that runs inside your web browser and it allows you to transform collections of media, like images, videos, documents, and presentations, into a place for a conversation. These conversations are not live, but take place whenever it’s convenient for the people to participate. They are also secure, with simple controls that let you dictate who can participate and what they can do. Educators use Voice Thread for many different reasons, from extending and documenting classroom conversations, online tutoring, virtual class spaces, professional development training, and a thousand things in between. The advantages of the voice thread are as follows. It starts students-the future managers of the education institution driven discussions with better understanding. It is a great way to deliver projects and solicit feedback. The information about voice threads is available on the following links. Blogging is a public post. Blogging for study sessions is to be practiced. Students can post case studies in a class blog. Students-the future managers of the education institution can be asked to post notes on class blog within the master’s training process. You can analyze, evaluate and create the material. Blogging causes you to reflect. Teachers naturally think back on what has happened in the master’s training process, and often wonder what they could have done better. Blogging can help with this process, enabling teachers to keep an ongoing personal record of their actions, decisions, though processes, Педагогічні науки: теорія, історія, інноваційні технології, 2019, No 7 (91) 211 successes and failures, and issues they have to deal with. Blogging can crystallize your thinking. As we write, we invest a part of ourselves into the medium. The provisionally of the medium makes blogging conducive to drafting and redrafting. The act of composing and recomposing ideas can enable abstract thoughts to become more concrete. Your ideas are now on the screen in front of you; they can be stored, retrieved and reconstructed as your ideas become clearer. You don’t have to publish if you want to keep those thoughts private. Save them and come back to them later. The blog can act as a kind of mirror to show you what you are thinking. Sometimes we don’t really know what we are thinking until we actually write it down in a physical format. Prezi–Your Presentations is a new way to do the presentations in the master’s training process of the future manager of the education institution. Prezi is a versatile app that lets you make professional-looking presentations. It’s like a free, pared-down version of PowerPoint. Prezi lets you make presentations that are as casual or as professional as you want them to be. It allows you to add information to a prezi, organize it in a logical way, embellish it with audio and video and then share it with the people you need to reach. Prezi makes making a presentation very easy. The whole app flows very easily even without looking at the intro or help; you can dive into a new presentation competently. It is worth looking at the help and online resources to get the most out of it, but even taking Prezi in isolation, it’s very usable. Before Prezi, there was PowerPoint, and to a large extent, that was it. PowerPoint is a great piece of software, don’t get us wrong, but there was definitely room for a change. Prezi feels fresh and easy, but still produces nice looking presentations. It’s also capable of dealing with feature rich and complex material and making it look good. Another modern technology is Social Bookmarking. Bookmarking is the simple process of saving the address of a website in the favorite folder of your web browser so that you can find it again later. Social bookmarking takes these process two steps further. Firstly, instead of saving the bookmarks to your favorite folder, it saves them online. The great advantage of this is that you can then access them from any computer, not just the one you saved them on, simply by logging into your social bookmarking account. This enables you to access your favorite sites from wherever you are, rather than wherever you bookmarked the site. The second advantage is the social part. Saving bookmarks online enables

Volume None
Pages 206-214
DOI 10.24139/2312-5993/2019.07/206-214
Language English
Journal None

Full Text