Revista De La Facultad De Agronomia De La Universidad Del Zulia | 2019

Calidad de poroto (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) almacenado en silobolsa en condiciones de intemperie en relación a la presencia de materias extrañas y granos partidos



espanolEl objetivo del trabajo fueestudiarel deterioro del poroto blanco alubia almacenado en silobolsa conlapresencia de materias extranasy granos partidos. Se evaluaronsilobolsas con diferentes contenidos iniciales de humedad,materias extranas,granos partidosy granos manchados. Se midio la evolucion de estos parametrosy la concentracion de dioxido de carbono. Se registro humedad relativa y temperatura del aire intergranario. Se utilizo la actividadacuosa como parametro de actividad microbiana.Los resultados indican queel manchadode los granos aumentocon altos contenidos iniciales demanchado, humedad y materias extranas, que coincidio con el incremento de microorganismos. Estos ultimos se localizaron segunla ubicaciondel material finoen la base de la bolsa,oen puntos humedos del estrato superior producto delacondensacion. Bajosvaloresde humedad y materias extranas evidenciaroncontrol microbianopor humedad relativa EnglishThe aim of this work was to study the spoilage process in bean s quality stored in silobags with foreign matters and broken grains. Conventional silo bags were evaluated. They had different initial contents of: grain moisture, foreign matters, broken grains and spotted grains.This parameters evolution was evaluated and the carbon dioxide concentration too. The inter grain relative humidity and temperature air were registered. The water activity was used as amicrobiological activity parameter. Results shows an important increase of the spotted grains percentage with high initial contents ofspotted grains, humidity and foreign matters. That increase coincided with the microorganisms’ increase.The microorganisms were located according to the location of the thin material in the base of the bag, or in upper layer damp points, product of condensation. Low values of moisture and foreign matters had showed microorganisms control because the intergranular air relative humidity reached percentages lower than 70%. An interaction between effects of foreign matters and broken grains was observed. Thisinteraction generated spotted grains and was favored by long storage periods and high temperatures. The effect of the broken grains showed a strong relationship with the grain moisture content. The effect of foreign matters gained importance through the storage time. The moisture stratification was observed. The carbon dioxide concentration increased with temperature s increase. The water activity increase was related with the high percentages of foreign matters and broken grains, and it high moisture contents. The grain moisture has a positive effect on microorganisms as well. Those factors determinate of the microbiological activity increase.

Volume 118
Pages 016-016
DOI 10.24215/16699513e016
Language English
Journal Revista De La Facultad De Agronomia De La Universidad Del Zulia

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