Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica | 2019

Nyelvi tájkép, nyelvi sokszínűség (Linguistic Landscape, Linguistic Diversity) Erika-Mária Tódor–Enikő Tankó–Zsuzsanna Dégi (eds) (vols. 1–2) Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár: Scientia Publishing House, 2018



In recent years, the study of linguistic landscape and linguistic diversity has become an established field of research, comprising not only the linguistic landscape of street signs but also the inscriptions found in educational institutions, in the different settings of economic life, also including the realm of communication taking place in virtual space . The two-volume publication entitled Nyelvi tájkép, nyelvi sokszínűség (Linguistic Landscape, Linguistic Diversity) and edited by Erika-Mária Tódor, Enikő Tankó, and Zsuzsanna Dégi enriches this line of interest and publications focusing on this topic . It comprises studies presented during the conference organized on 22–23 September 2017 by the Department of Human Sciences of Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Romania, in collaboration with the Research Institute for Linguistics and the Regional Committee in Cluj-Napoca of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences . The conference hosted researchers from five countries, including Finland, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine, and, naturally, Romania . Accordingly, the studies also accommodate a wide range of topics and research interests and bring together the linguistic realities of the Carpathian Basin. The two volumes contain 32 studies in Hungarian language, reflecting on the linguistic landscapes of the region, on the specific features of language use as well as on the current topics of language education . The studies also show that the linguistic landscape can be studied not only for its own sake but also related to contemporary language use, thus offering a nuanced image of linguistic diversity . The editors grouped the studies into thematic subchapters. The first volume subtitled Language Use, Linguistic Landscape, and Economic Life contains three ActA UniversitAtis sApientiAe, philologicA, 11, 2 (2019) 167–171

Volume 11
Pages 167 - 171
DOI 10.2478/ausp-2019-0019
Language English
Journal Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Philologica

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