Jurnal IPTA | 2019




The local community always took for granted the establishment of a tourist village as a rural tourism product. Likewise prevailed in Pinge Tourism Village, Tabanan Regency, Bali. In the context of developing rural tourism products in the Pinge Tourism Village, the participation of local communities is required to ensure the sustainability of tourism in rural areas. This paper aims to build a model for developing local community-based rural tourism products in Pinge Tourism Village. Community-based tourism (CBT) approaches are used to formulate models for rural tourism product development. The required data is collected through observation and interviews and then analyzed descriptively. The results of the analysis indicate local community-based rural tourism products are tourist pull factors in rural areas in the form of environmental characteristics and the practice of rural communities. The uniqueness of rural character and rural community routines are tourism capital posses by local communities. In addition to physical and socio-cultural uniqueness, rural tourism products are also determined by conformity with the target market. The existence of this rural tourism product model can increase local community participation in decision making and sharing of tourism benefits. Abstrak: Masyarakat lokal cenderung menerima begitu saja pengembangan desa wisata sebagai produk wisata pedesaan. Demikian juga berlaku di Desa Wisata Pinge, Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali. Dalam konteks pengembangan produk wisata perdesaan di Desa Wisata Pinge, partisipasi masyarakat lokal diperlukan untuk memastikan keberlanjutan pembangunan pariwisata. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk membangun model pengembangan produk wisata perdesaan berbasis masyarakat lokal di Desa Wisata Pinge. Pendekatan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat digunakan untuk merumuskan model pengembangan produk wisata perdesaan. Data yang dibutuhkan dikumpulkan melalui observasi dan wawancara dan kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil analisis menunjukkan produk pariwisata perdesaan berbasis masyarakat lokal adalah faktor penarik kunjungan dalam bentuk karakteristik lingkungan perdesaan dan kehidupan keseharian masyarakat perdesaan. Keunikan karakter perdesaan dan rutinitas masyarakat perdesaan adalah sumber daya pariwisata yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat lokal. Selain keunikan fisik dan sosial-budaya, produk pariwisata perdesaan juga ditentukan oleh kesesuaian dengan pasar yang disasar. Keberadaan model produk pariwisata perdesaan ini dapat meningkatkan partisipasi masyarakat lokal dalam pengambilan keputusan dan pembagian manfaat pariwisata secara adil. keywords : product, cbt, market, pinge tourism village. Jurnal IPTA p-ISSN : 2338-8633 Vol. 7 No. 1, Juli 2019 e-ISSN : 2548-7930 84 INTRODUCTION The participation of local community in the development of tourism products in rural areas is the main requirement to ensure the sustainability of rural tourism development (Bramwell, 2010; Byrd et al., 2009; Zou et al., 2014). The local community can involve in the development of tourism products in form of decision-making and the sharing of benefits (Garrod et al., 2001; Timothy and Boyd, 2003). Engaging in decision making means that the community has the opportunity to voice their hopes, desires, and concerns about the development of tourism products, which in turn is an input in the tourism product planning process (Gunn and Var, 2002). Murphy (1985) also mentions the importance of involving the community in tourism planning. The involvement of the community in the tourism planning process is a determinant of the sustainability of tourism development. Whereas participation in the sharing of tourism benefits contains the intention that the community has the right to obtain economic benefits, quality of life, and environmental services from the development of tourism products in the vicinity. Community-based tourism products can be developed on the basis of tourism resources that posses by local communities and suitable with targeted markets (Gunn and Var, 2002; Singh, et al., 2003; Reid, et al., 2009). The tourism resources in this context are the form of a pull factor, which is actually owned by the local community. While the suitability of the market means making selections on tourists who actually visiting the destination. This selection is significant for getting tourists who are in accordance with the attractions that are offered or well known as quality markets. This study aims to formulate a local community based rural tourism product development model in Pinge Tourism Village. The model in question is a community-based tourism product development program. The local government in 2004 has established this tourism village. Until now it still has problems in providing quality rural tourism products. To achieve the objectives of the study, several research questions have been set up as the target of research, specifically: what rural tourism resources do local communities have? what are the actual and potential markets for rural tourism? and how are community-based rural tourism product development programs in Pinge Tourism Village? METHOD The community-based tourism (CBT) approach is utilized to answer several research questions. Reid, et al. (2009) stated that community-based rural tourism products were identified based on tourism resources or the uniqueness of local communities and the compatibility to the targeted markets. Based on this approach, figured two research variables that are the variety of tourism resources and market characteristics in Pinge Tourism Village. Data related to research indicators were collected in primary and secondary to obtain qualitative and quantitative data. Data requirements gathered through a variety of techniques, hat is observation, tourist surveys, and interviews. The collected data will be grouped and interpreted according to the research target, then analyzed and synthesized descriptively to achieve the research objectives. RESULT AND DISCUSSION Tourism Resources Pinge Tourism Village has a variety of resources that can be developed as rural tourism products based on local communities. Ranging from physical environmental resources to a variety of social and cultural elements (Adikampana et al, 2017). 1. Environment resources Administratively, Pinge Tourism Village is located in Marga District, Tabanan Regency, Bali Province. This tourism village has a unique form of territory that is linear extending along the road with an area of 240.75 Ha. Most of the land is used as agricultural land, while the remainder is for housing and communal facilities. The area of rice fields in Pinge Tourism Village is 105 Ha or around 44% of the total village area. Moreover, local people also cultivate horticulture plants: vegetables and flowers. The results of these fields are mostly to meet the daily needs of the local community (subsistence). Apart from the results of rice fields, local communities also fulfill their needs from the results of the moors and yards. Space utilized for moors and yards is usually in backyard area or around the residence. The moors and Jurnal IPTA p-ISSN : 2338-8633 Vol. 7 No. 1, Juli 2019 e-ISSN : 2548-7930 85 yards in Pinge Tourism Village are mostly planted with a variety of fruits. 2. Socio-cultural resources Social-cultural resources in tourism are social systems, cultural systems, and systems of work that are produced and implemented in the form of people s daily life (Feighery, 2008). Thus the sociocultural resources in the Pinge Tourism Village can be composed into rural tourism products in the form of temples and archaeological remains, village patterns, the spatial design of settlement, arts, and the banjar as smallest traditional organizations unit in Bali.

Volume 7
Pages 83-88
DOI 10.24843/ipta.2019.v07.i01.p11
Language English
Journal Jurnal IPTA

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