Archive | 2021




This research is intended for redesign the flexible pavement on the Pantura Road for the Cikampek-Pamanukan section using three flexible pavement design guidelines that apply in Indonesia, namely Flexible Pavement Thickness Planning (2002), Road Pavement Design Manual (2013), and Road Pavement Design Manual (2017), as well as analyzing responses Structural that occurs in the form of horizontal and vertical strains, which are the main components in calculating the repetition value of permits to fatigue failure (Nf) and to rutting failure (Nd), are processed using the KENPAVE program. Primary data in the form of traffic volume is obtained from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) and LHR0 starting in 2020 with a plan age of 20 years. The results of this study indicate that the 2002 method produced the largest pavement thickness, followed by the 2013 method and finally the 2017 method which produced the smallest pavement thickness. However, the 2002 method produced the largest repetition of permits to fatigue failure (Nf) and to rutting failure (Nd). So it can be concluded that the 2017 method produces the most optimal design, because it is in accordance with the original plan design. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mendesain ulang perkerasan lentur pada Jalan Pantura ruas Cikampek-Pamanukan menggunakan tiga pedoman desain perkerasan lentur yang berlaku di Indonesia yaitu Perencanaan Tebal Perkerasan Lentur (2002), Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan (2013), dan Manual Desain Perkerasan Jalan (2017), serta menganalisis respons struktral yang terjadi berupa regangan horisontal dan vertikal, yang merupakan komponen utama dalam menghitung nilai repetisi izin terhadap kerusakan fatik (Nf) dan kerusakan retak alur (Nd), diolah menggunakan program KENPAVE. Data primer berupa volume lalu lintas didapat dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) dan LHR0 dimulai pada tahun 2020 dengan umur rencana 20 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa metode 2002 menghasilkan tebal perkerasan terbesar, kemudian dilanjutkan metode 2013, dan 2017 yang menghasilkan tebal perkerasan terkecil. Namun metode 2002 menghasilkan repetisi izin terhadap kerusakan fatik (Nf) dan kerusakan retak alur (Nd) terbesar. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode 2017 menghasilkan desain paling optimal, karena sesuai dengan desain rencana awal.

Volume 4
Pages 33-42
DOI 10.24912/JMTS.V0I0.10488
Language English
Journal None

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