Archive | 2019




ABSTRACT In this article, smart services are considered in the social and health care context. It is argued that new tools and information will help professionals, managers, and decision makers solve problems. Artificial intelligence, personalized medicine, social innovations, and the responsible use of social and health care data will create new services and improve access to all services. Organizational intelligence, smart services, and smart care are just some examples of the rhetoric that strengthens today’s discussions on social and health care in Finland. In conclusion, it is argued that developing and using smart services in social and health care have to be based on the user’s active role in smart service design processes. Management structures should support and encourage practices where the user’s involvement and participation is self-evident. Keywords: Smart social and health care. Services. Wellbeing. RESUMO Neste artigo, os servicos inteligentes sao analisados no contexto social e de saude. Argumenta-se que as novas ferramentas e informacoes ajudarao os profissionais, os gerentes e os tomadores de decisao a resolverem problemas. A inteligencia artificial, a medicina personalizada, as inovacoes sociais, bem como o uso responsavel de dados sociais e de saude criarao novos servicos e melhorarao o acesso a todos os servicos. A inteligencia organizacional, os servicos inteligentes e o atendimento inteligente sao apenas alguns exemplos da retorica que fortalece as discussoes atuais sobre a assistencia social e de saude na Finlândia. Em conclusao, argumenta-se que o desenvolvimento e o uso de servicos inteligentes em servicos sociais e de saude devem se basear no papel ativo do usuario nos processos de desenho de servicos inteligentes. As estruturas de gestao devem apoiar e encorajar praticas onde o envolvimento e a participacao do usuario sejam evidentes. Palavras-chave: Assistencia social e saude inteligente. Servicos. Bem-estar.

Volume 3
Pages 67-79
DOI 10.25112/rpr.v3i0.1978
Language English
Journal None

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