Archive | 2019

A Literature Review of Control and Prevention of Obesity – A Global Epidemic



Obesity is among the most common and costly chronic disease worldwide. A lack of effective options for long term weight reduction magnifies the enormity of this problem, individuals who successfully complete behavioral and dietary weight loss programs eventually regain most of lost weight. The basic science, clinical and epidemiological literature to assess current knowledge regarding mechanism excess body fat accumulation, the biological defense of excess fat mass and the tendency for lost weight to be regained. A major area of emphasis is the science of energy homeostasis, the biological process that maintains weight stability by actively matching energy intake to energy expenditure over time. The ongoing study of how genetic development and environmental forces affects the energy homeostasis system, growing evidence suggests that obesity is disorder of the energy homeostasis system, rather than simply arising from the passive accumulation of excess weight. Obesity is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by an increase of body fat stores. It is a gateways to ill health and has become one of the leading causes of disability and health problems that affect not only adults but also children and adolescents worldwide. It is important to highlight the available treatment for obesity and to assess their effectiveness, although obesity is an ancient disease, studies are constantly being conducted to improve treatment effectiveness that reduces side effects of any currents medications and identify new therapeutic targets. Because the treatment of obesity is a constantly evolving that treatment can be quite challenging. Ajay Kumar Sahu, Barsha Rani Kar, Kirankumar B, Mojedh Jamali Hessari, Priyanka Patil, Manjunath Gowda. S 1. Dept. of microbiology, Bangalore university, Karnataka, Bangalore 2. Dept. of Biotechnology, AMIT college, Utkal university, Odisha 3. Dept. of Biotechnology, Reva university, Bangalore 4. Dept. of Biotechnology, Bangalore university, Bangalore Submission: 28 February 2019 Accepted: 3 March 2019 Published: 30 March 2019 Citation: Ajay Kumar Sahu et al. Ijppr.Human, 2019; Vol. 14 (4): 187-202. 188 INTRODUCTION Obesity is a potentially life threatening and chronic disease, as the most metabolic disorder affecting human body, it requires multidisciplinary, long term treatment is essential because obesity has been linked to the onset of many other chronic disease.[1] The currently obesity number reveal properties indicate of worldwide epidemic, obesity is medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulate to the extent that it may have an adverse effect on health that leading to reduce life expectancy and that are increased health problems, according world health organization there will be about 3.3 billion overweight people aged 16 years and above over 800 million obese people worldwide in 2016.[2] An exhaustive body of literature has emerged to show that overweight and obesity are major causes, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and various cancers and health problems which can be lead to morality and mobility. [3] Citation: Ajay Kumar Sahu et al. Ijppr.Human, 2019; Vol. 14 (4): 187-202. 189 In Europe, up to 10.5 billion Euros was spent on obesity-related healthcare and the reported relative economic burdens ranged from 0.008% to 0.006% of national GDP. In China, the total medical cost attributes to overweight and costly the obesity was estimated at about 2.54 billion us dollars and these accounted for 3.6% of national total medical cost in 2004. The total cost of medical attributes to overweight and obesity in Canada has been estimated to be 0.6 billion us dollars cost of which is 66% of the attributes of obesity. [4] Body mass index Weight status Below 18.5 underweight 18.5-24.8 normal 25.0-29.8 overweight 30.0-34.5 obese class 1 35.0-39.9 obese class 2 40.0 >>>>> extreme obese class 3 BMI provides a reasonable estimate of body fat; however, BMI doesn’t directly measures body fat. So some people such as muscular athletes may have a BMI in the obese category even though they don’t have excess body fat.[5] Risk factors of obesity ● Genetics – genes may affect the amount of body fat you store and where that fat is distributed. Genetics may also play a role in how efficiently your body converts food into energy and however body burns calories during exercise. ● Family lifestyleobesity tends to run in families and if one or both of your parents are obese your risk of being obese is increased that not just because of genetics. Citation: Ajay Kumar Sahu et al. Ijppr.Human, 2019; Vol. 14 (4): 187-202. 190 ● Inactivity – if a person not very active and don’t burn as many calories with a sedentary lifestyles. it can easily take in more calories every day than you burn through exercise and routine daily activities that having medical problems such as arthritis. ● Unhealthy dietsA diets that is high in calories lacking in fruits and vegetable full of fast food and laden with high calories beverage and oversized. ● Medical problems – in some people obesity can be traced to a medical cause such as prader wily syndrome, Cushing syndrome and other conditions, medical problems such as arthritis also can be lead to decreased activity.[6] ● Certain medicationssome medication can be lead to weight gain if you don’t compensate through diet or activity. These medications include some antidepressants and anti seizure medications. ● Social and economic issuesResearch has linked social and economic factors to obesity that avoiding obesity is difficult if you don’t have safe ares to exercise. May not have been taught healthy ways of cooking or may not have to buy healthier foods. ● Ages— obesity can occur at any ages even in young age’s children but as hormonal changes and a less active lifestyle increase risk of obesity. In addition, the amount of muscle in your body tends to decrease with ages, this lower muscles mass leads to a decrease with Citation: Ajay Kumar Sahu et al. Ijppr.Human, 2019; Vol. 14 (4): 187-202. 191 age in metabolism. These changes also reduce calories needs and can make it harder to keep off excess weight.[7] ● PregnancyDuring pregnancy a women weight necessarily some women find this weight difficult to lose after the baby is born, this weight gain may be contributing to the development of obesity in women. ● Quitting smokingquitting smoking is often associated with weight gains, and for some it can lead to weight gain that the people become obsess in the long run. ● Lack of sleepnot getting enough sleep or getting enough sleep can changes in hormone that increase your appetite, may also crave foods high in calories and carbohydrates.[8] Complication of obesity ✓ High triglycerides and low high density lipoprotein ✓ Types 2 diabetes ✓ High blood pressure ✓ Metabolic syndrome ✓ Heart disease ✓ Strokes Citation: Ajay Kumar Sahu et al. Ijppr.Human, 2019; Vol. 14 (4): 187-202. 192 ✓ Cancer including cancer of uterus, cervix, ovaries, breast, colon, rectum, liver, kidney ✓ Breathing disorder, including sleeping apnea, a potentially sleep disorder in which cause breathing problems ✓ Gallbladder disease ✓ Gynecological problems, irregular periods ✓ Osteoarthritis [9] Various stages of obesity In adults obesity can be defined as condition of abnormal of fat accumulations in adipose tissues, to extent that healthy may be impaired body mass which is consider most useful populations levels of obesity. It is simple index to classify underweight and overweight of obesity in adults, the WHO has classified overweight and underweight in obesity of an adults based on BMI cutoff basis of obesity in classified the population. There are ethnic variation in association of the obesity between adiposity and health care that of Asian population are generally more susceptibility to development of obesity related illness and morbidity.[10] Citation: Ajay Kumar Sahu et al. Ijppr.Human, 2019; Vol. 14 (4): 187-202. 193 In children and adolescents Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is complicated s height is still increasing and body composition changes over time. Different measures and refer such as weight for height, BMI has been increasingly accepted as a valid indirect measure of adiposity in children and adolescent that should be weight of gain is observed obesity.[11] From 2004 WHO released two new sets of growth standards for infants and young children and school aged children and adolescent respectively. The standard for infants and young children was developed based fed children from around the world.

Volume 14
Pages 187-202
DOI 10.25166/IJPPR.2019.V14I04.014
Language English
Journal None

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