Archive | 2019

Pengaruh Senam Lansia terhadap Tigkat Kebugaran Fisik pada Lansia Berdasar atas Uji Jalan 6 Menit



Lanjut usia merupakan proses alami pada individu berusia 60 tahun ke atas. Proses penuaan pada lansia menyebabkan berbagai perubahan pada tubuh sehingga diperlukan upaya meningkatkan kebugaran dengan berolahraga. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui pengaruh senam terhadap tingkat kebugaran fisik pada lansia. Dilakukan penelitian Quasi experiment dengan pre test dan post test two group design menggunakan teknik purposive sampling pada bulan Mei–Juli 2018 di Posbindu Kabupaten Majalengka. Diperoleh 80 orang tiap-tiap kelompok 40 orang. Penilaian tingkat kebugaran dilakukan sebanyak dua kali pada kelompok lansia rutin senam melakukan senam 12 kali dalam satu bulan dan kelompok lansia tidak rutin senam, penilaian menggunakan uji jalan 6 menit. Hasil jarak yang ditempuh dikonversi menjadi VO 2 maks dan dikategorikan berdasar atas tingkat kebugaran. Analisis data menggunakan Uji Wilcoxon dan Uji McNemar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa senam lansia meningkatkan nilai VO 2 maks lebih tinggi pada kelompok lansia rutin senam 3,1 mL/kg/menit dibanding dengan kelompok lansia tidak rutin senam 1,95 mL/kg/menit. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna secara signifikan antara lansia rutin senam\xa0 dan\xa0 lansia\xa0 tidak\xa0 rutin\xa0 senam\xa0 (p<0,05).\xa0 Simpulan\xa0 terdapat pengaruh senam lansia terhadap tingkat kebugaran fisik pada lansia. EFFECT OF ELDERLY GYMNASTICS ON THE LEVEL OF PHYSICAL FITNESS AMONG THE ELDERLY BASED ON 6 MINUTE WALKING TEST Elderly is a natural process among individuals aged 60 years or more. The aging process among the elderly leads to various changes in the body. Thus, the efforts to increase fitness by exercising is necessary. This study aims to determine the effect of elderly gymnastics on the level of physical fitness among the elderly. This was a quasi experiment study with pre test and post test two group design. This study used a purposive sampling technique conducted in May–July 2018 in the Integrated Development Posts in Majalengka District. The study samples were 80 people with 40 people in each group. Assessment of fitness level was carried out twice in the group of elderly who performed routine gymnastics of 12 times in one month and the group of elderly with non routine gymnastics. Assessment was conducted using a 6-minute walking test. The results of the distance traveled were converted to VO 2 max and categorized based on the fitness level. Data analysis used Wilcoxon test and McNemar test. The results showed that elderly gymnastics could increase VO 2 max values higher in the routine gymnastics group of 3.1 mL/kg/minute compared to the non-routine gymnastics group of 1.95 mL/kg/minute. The results of the statistical analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the elderly with routine gymnastics and they with non routine gymnastic with a p value of <0.05. It can be concluded that there are an effect of elderly gymnastics on the level of physical fitness among the elderly.

Volume 1
Pages 121-126
DOI 10.29313/JIKS.V1I2.4633
Language English
Journal None

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