Archive | 2021

PLS-SEM Analysis to Know Factors Affecting The Interest of Buying Halal Food in Muslim Students



Article history: Received : 29-03-2021 Reviced : 14-04-2021 Accepted : 16-04-2021 The increase of halal food products has led to increase in culinary tourism in recent years. One of the districts that has experienced a rapid increase in culinary tourism is Sidoarjo Regency. The development of culinary tourism in the last few years in Sidoarjo Regency generally targets are the students. This study will aim to determine the factors that influence the interest in buying halal food and what factors have the greatest influence on the interest in buying halal food. The analysis technique uses the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that of the 5 predictor variables used in the analysis process, there are 4 variables that have a significant effect on Purchase Interest (Y). It can be concluded that increasing of Halal Awareness (X1), Halal Certification (X2), Health (X3) and Value Perception (X5) will further increase Purchase Interest (Y). Meanwhile, based on value of coefficient on each variable, it is known that Health (X3) has the largest coefficient value (0.260), so it can be concluded that Health (X3) has the greatest influence on Purchase Interest (Y). Keyword: Halal Food; Muslim Student; PLS-SEM This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license. DOI: ——————————\uf075—————————— A. INTRODUCTION Islam is religion that regulates everything related to life of its adherents. All kinds of things are considered both in terms of benefits and harms, including those related to food. Food is a meaningful thing for the continuity of human life (Ali, 2016). Food provides energy for humans so that humans can carry out activities. For that in Islam we know the terms halal and haram food. Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest Muslim population in the world, this has led to an increase in demand for processed halal food products. The increase in demand for processed halal food products has led to an increase in culinary tourism destinations in recent years, both in big cities and small cities in Indonesia. One of the districts that has experienced a rapid increase in culinary tourism is Sidoarjo Regency. The rapid development of culinary tourism in the last few years in Sidoarjo Regency generally targets the student target market. Majority of students being Muslim in Sidoarjo Regency, consuming halal food is a huge market potential. Several culinary tours in Sidoarjo Regency have implemented the concept of halal tourism. With the concept of halal tourism, culinary tourism in Sidoarjo Regency needs to introduce halal culinary tourism as well. However, the interest of Muslim students in buying halal food has never been measured. Halal food is defined as something that is allowed by the Shari ah to be consumed unless there is a prohibition from Allah SWT and Prophet Muhammad SAW (Listyoningrum & Albari, 2012). However, the procedures and standards of halalness are not limited to following the written teachings. There is also supervision in terms of cleanliness and quality. Starting from the raw materials and equipment used must comply with sharia law and meet the requirements. The food production process needs to be monitored and 142 |Jurnal Varian| Vol.4, No.2, April 2021, Hal. 141-152 supervised by competent Muslim supervisor. The behavior of a product depends on the consumer s interest in buying. Interest is consumer interest in a product (Nurrachmi, 2017). Someone who has a positive attitude towards a product will have an interest in buying that product (Nulufi & Murwartiningsih, 2015). Several previous studies on halal food stated that the variables of halal awareness, health and perceived value had a significant positive effect on buying interest in halal processed food products (Nurhasanah et al., 2017). In addition, other research states that the variables of halal certification, product ingredients and purchase intention have a significant effect on purchasing decisions (Yuwono, 2017). Based on this, this research will focus on knowing what factors influence the interest in buying halal food and which factors have the greatest influence on the interest in buying halal food in Muslim students in Sidoarjo Regency. While the analysis technique used Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis. B. LITERATURE REVIEW 1. Halal Culinary Tourism Halal culinary tourism has experienced a high increase in recent years, this is because we are in an Indonesian country which has a majority Muslim population. The existence of halal culinary tourism has a positive effect on the selection of Halal tourist destinations (Komalasari et al., 2020). One area that has experienced an increase in halal culinary tourism destinations is Sidoarjo Regency. In general, the target market for halal culinary tourism in Sidoarjo Regency is Muslim students, so knowing the characteristics of Muslim students as consumers of halal culinary tourism is considered very important. Consuming halal food is an obligation for every Muslim (Soon et al., 2017). Halal can be defined as something that is allowed or often refers to food that is allowed for Muslims. Certification is an important aspect that must be completed by owners of halal culinary tours, because it is one of the factors that can increase consumer buying interest (Aniqoh & Hanastiana, 2020). The Halal certificate is issued by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) after certain tests and analyzes carried out by the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) Food, Drug and Cosmetics Assessment Institute (LPPOM MUI) to see whether the product meets the requirements set by LPPOM MUI (Setyaningsih & Marwansyah, 2019) . The marketing of a food processed product depends on the consumer s interest in buying. Product marketing has an effect on consumer buying interest (Anggriani et al., 2020). Purchase interest can be defined as consumer interest in a product. Someone who has an interest in a product will arise an interest in buying that product. Another factor that can influence consumer behavior in buying or choosing a product is based on experience in using or consuming a product. Several other variables, namely health, halal awareness and perceived value in previous research on halal food, stated that these variables have a significant positive effect on buying interest in halal processed food products)(Peristiwo, 2019). The results of the study (Sufi Fauzia et al., 2019) show that the variables of halal certification, product ingredients and purchase intention have a significant effect on purchasing decisions. Furthermore, research (Shahnaz & Wahyono, 2016) shows that reputation and trust variables have a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. In addition, other research results show that the variables of halal certification, food ingredients and purchase intention have a significant effect on purchasing decisions (Nafis, 2019). This study aims to classify the characteristics of Muslim students as consumers of halal culinary tourism in Sidoarjo Regency. There are several factors used in the classification process, including halal awareness, halal certification, health, food ingredients, perceived value and interest in buying halal food. 2. Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) In this study, the data analysis technique used Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLSSEM) with the SmartPLS 3.0 program. The advantage of PLS SEM analysis is able to map all paths in structural model to all response variable, in same research model as well as to analyze all paths in the structural model simultaneously. The PLS SEM analysis also does not require multivariate normal assumptions. In the PLS SEM structural model, the predictor variables can be reflective and formative. The initial stage was the measurement of the reflective model. There are 4 stages of inspection, namely Internal Consistency Reliability (using CR), Reliability Indicator (using Outer Loading), Convergent Validity (using Cindy Cahyaning Astuti, PLS-SEM Analysis to...143 AVE) and Discriminant Validity (using the Former Larcker Criterion). Internal consistency reliability can be measured by composite reliability (CR). In order to meet the criteria, the CR value must be greater than 0.7. The reliability indicator can be measured by looking at the outer loading value, if outer loading> 0.7 then the indicator is used. If there is an outer loading between 0.4 to 0.7 then it needs to be rerun to see the effect of removing indicators on AVE and CR (if AVE and CR increase above the threshold then indicators with outer loading between 0.4 to 0.7 need to be removed, otherwise it remains used). If outer loading <0.4 then the indicator is discarded. Convergent validity value can be measured using AVE. If the AVE value is> 0.5, the criteria for convergent validity are met. Discriminant Validity can be measured using the Fornell-Larcker Criterion. A latent variable shares more variance with the underlying indicator than with other latent variables. This is what underlies the Fornell-Larcker Criterion. The root value of AVE (diagonal matrix) must be greater than all values both to the left and down (Hair et al, 2017). The second stage is a formative examination. There are two stages, namely collinearity issues which can be checked using the Outer VIF value and the Significant Outer Weight which can be seen from the P-Value. The Outer VIF value must be less than 5 while the Outer Weight P-value must be less than 0.05 to be concluded as significant. After the examination of the outer model is complete, it is followed by an assessment of the measurement results of the structural model (inner model). There are 5 stages, namely Collinierity Assessment (using VIF), Structural Model Path Coefficients (using the t test), Coefficient of Determination (using R2), Effect Size (using

Volume 4
Pages 141-152
DOI 10.30812/VARIAN.V4I2.1141
Language English
Journal None

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