Archive | 2019




Penetapan sekolah sebagai perintisan di bidang pemanfaatan TIK untuk pembelajaran di daerah 3T didasarkan atas hasil studi penjajagan dan kelayakan ke beberapa sekolah di wilayah yang sama yang dilakukan Pustekkom sebelumnya. Di masing-masing propinsi dipilih satu Sekolah Dasar (SD) atau yang sederajat dan satu Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) atau yang sederajat di antara beberapa sekolah yang memenuhi persyaratan yang ditetapkan. Kemudian, sekolah yang terpilih dilengkapi dengan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS), fasilitas/peralatan pemanfaatan TIK untuk pembelajaran (antena parabola, laptop, TV 35 inci, LCD, dan layar), dan pelatihan para guru di bidang pemanfaatan TIK untuk pembelajaran (baik guru maupun teknisi). Pada tahap awal pemanfaatan TIK untuk pembelajaran, Pustekkom melakukan penelitian untuk mengetahui tanggapan awal kepala sekolah, guru, peserta didik dan orangtua, serta tokoh masyarakat melalui wawancara, angket, observasi, focus group discussion (FGD) di SD Satap Sabulmil dan SMP Satap Sabulmil di Kabupaten Belu-Propinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan informasi, tanggapan awal para responden (Kepala Sekolah, guru, orangtua, dan tokoh masyarakat) sangat positif. Informasi yang diharapkan dari responden peserta didik adalah mengenai kebiasaan belajar mereka sehari-hari. Informasi yang dihasilkan dari studi ini dinilai sangat bermanfaat untuk keberlangsungan kegiatan perintisan. The arrangement of schools that are designated as pilot projects of ICT implementation for learning in frontier, remote and less developed areas based on the exploratory and feasibility studies conducted before in several schools by Pustekkom (ICT Center for Education). Within every province, one primary school/suited; one junior high school/suited that were able to fulfil the requirements had been designated among other schools. The previous constraints faced by the school principals, such as the inavailability of electricity and the equipments needed for ICT implementation for learning at schools had been overcome by providing pilotting schools with complete equipments needed for the ICT implementation, such as: (1) solar cell power-based for electricity, (2) five units of laptop and one local server laptop, (3) parabolic anthenna to receive learning and education programs from TV Edukasi, (4) a 35 inch television set, and (5) one LCD projector. Technical team with trained personnels for maintaining all equipments above was provided by Pustekkom to deliver guidance for the ICT implementation. In this preliminary step of ICT implementation for learning, Pustekkom conducted a research to identify early responses of school principals, teachers, parents as well as community leaders through interview, questionnaire, observation, and focus group discussion (FGD) in Satap Sabulmil Primary School (SD) and Junior High School Satap Sabulmil (SMP) in Lamakras Village-Lakmanen Subdistrict, Belu District-East Nusa Tenggara Province. Information gathered from students is about their daily learning habbits. The information resuled from this study is a worthwhile for the sustainability of the pilot project.

Volume 17
Pages 073-083
DOI 10.32550/TEKNODIK.V17I4.579
Language English
Journal None

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