Archive | 2021




ABSTRACT THE EFFECTIVENESS OF LEMON THERAPHY AND BITTER ORANGE AROMAS ON THE INSTENSITY OF ACTIVE PHASE I LABOR Background : Labor pain is a pain that is often felt by mothers during childbirth in Stage I. Labor pain is felt by all mothers who give birth. One of the mother s loving care is comfort, namely the reduction of pain that the mother feels. with the provision of non-pharmacological therapy is very helpful for mothers in undergoing the labor process, where there are no side effects from the use of non-pharmacological therapies. Purpose : This study aims to determine the effectiveness of lemon and bitter orange aromatherapy on the intensity of first stage labor pain in women who give birth. Methods : The type of research used is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. Sampling technique using accidental sampling technique, the number of samples in this study were 32 mothers Results : The results showed that the lemon group was effective in reducing pain (0,000). in the bitter orange group it is also effective in reducing labor pain (0.000). The results of the independent sample T test analysis showed no comparison of effectiveness between the two groups (0.061), where the two groups were equally effective in reducing labor pain in laboring mothers Conclusion: Aromatherapy of lemon and bitter orange are both effective in reducing the pain of first stage labor in the mother. Suggestion: It is hoped that health workers can provide care for the mother s love by reducing pain during labor . Keywords: Aromatherapy, Labor Pain ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Nyeri persalinan merupakan nyeri yang sering dirasakan ibu pada saat persalinan di Kala I. Nyeri persalinan dirasakan oleh semua ibu bersalin. salah satu asuhan sayang ibu adalah kenyamanan yaitu pengurangan rasa nyeri yang ibu rasakan. dengan pemberian terapi nonfarmakologi sangat membantu ibu dalam menjalanin proses persalinan, dimana tidak ada efek samping dari penggunaan terapi non farmakologi. Tujuan : penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandiangan efektifitas aromaterapi lemon dan bitter orange terhadap intensitas nyeri persalinan kala I pada ibu bersalin. M etode : jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu quasi eksperimen dengan densain pretest- posttest control group desain . tehnik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Tehnik accidental Sa m pling, jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini yaitu 32 ibu bersalin. Hasil : Hasil penelitian didapat pada kelompok lemon efektif dalam pengurangan rasa nyeri (0,000). pada kelompok bitter orange juga efektif dalam pengurangan nyeri persalinan (0,000). hasil analisis independent sa m pel T Test menunjukan tidak ada perbandingan efektifitas antara kedua kelompok (0,061), dimana kedua kelompok sama-sama efektif dalam pengurangan nyeri persalinan pada ibu bersalin. Kesi m pulan :Aromatherapi lemon dan bitter orange sama-sama efektif dalam pengurangan nyeri persalinan kala I pada ibu bersalin. Saran :Diharapkanuntuk para tenaga kesehatan untuk dapat memberikan pelayanan asuhan sayang ibu dengan pengurangan rasa nyeri pada saat ibu bersalin. Kata Kunci\xa0 : Aromaterapi, Nyeri Persalinan

Volume 7
Pages 1-5
DOI 10.33024/JKM.V7I1.3253
Language English
Journal None

Full Text