Meanjin | 2019




Abstract Sri Agung Village, which is located in Batang Asam District West Tanjung Jabung Regency is the only one location that has a high technology cattle manure process ing to be a biogas. Th e aim of this research was to find out the process description, cost and income of that cattle manure processing . The results of this research was indicated that the manure was collected manualy by only two workers. The processing of livestock waste carried out manually. The products (except biogas) were sold out \xa0within 3 month . The re were 4 types of product in this livestock farm e.g. fresh catle manure, biogas , dry and wet of biogas by product. Biogas processing was started by inserting a mixing of manure and water (1:1). The appearance Methane gas es then would be flow ed to the stove as fuel. While \xa0its by product such as its dry and wet waste were sold respectively as Rp.1000/Kg and Rp. 10.000/liter. In quarterly \xa0periode,\xa0 re venues received in this catle livestock farm by product amounts to Rp 9.270.000 and total costs as Rp 1.105.391,58 \xa0so that the income was Rp 8.159.509,64. Keyword : biogas, manure, by product Abstrak Desa Sri Agung yang terletak di Kecamatan Batang Asam, Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Barat adalah satu-satunya lokasi yang memiliki teknologi pengolahan limbah ternak sapi menjadi biogas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan proses, biaya dan pendapatan\xa0 dalam pengolahan kotoran sapi. Hasil penelitian ini \xa0\xa0pengumpulan kotoran sapi dilakukan secara manual oleh\xa0 2 orang pekerja. Penjualan hasil produksi dilakukan dalam 3 bulan sekali. Terdapat 4 jenis hasil pengolahan limbah usaha ternak sapi yaitu kotoran segar, biogas, limbah biogas kering, dan limbah biogas cair. Pengolahan biogas diawali dengan memasukkan campiran kotoran ternak sapi dengan air (1:1). Gas metan yang terbentuk akan mengalir ke kompor sebagai bahan bakar. Sedangkan limbah biogas dalam bentuk cair dan kering dijual masing-masing dengan harga Rp.1000/kg dan Rp 10.000/liter. Dalam periode triwulan penerimaan pada produk sampingan dari usaha peternakan sapi ini adalah sebesar Rp 9.270.000 dan total biaya dalam triwulan sebesar Rp 1.105.391,58 maka pendapatan yang diterima dalam triwulan sebesar Rp 8.159.509,64.

Volume 4
Pages 1-9
DOI 10.33087/MEA.V4I1.45
Language English
Journal Meanjin

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