Journal of Fatwa Management and Research | 2021

Isu Tuntutan Harta Intelek Sebagai Harta Sepencarian:Analisis Kritis dari Perspektif Syariah dan Undang-Undang



Jointly acquired property is the property obtained during the marriage of a husband and wife as a result of their shared resources or efforts. However, in this era of digitilization, the claim form of jointly acquired property has changed from a purely physical property to an intellectual property. Therefore, the claim for jointly acquired property also involves the intellectual property of the married couple gained during the marriage period. Although jointly acquired property is an exclusive right of the husband and wife in a marriage, but this property claim can also be made by third parties other than the marriage couple. In fact, there is a fatwa (Islamic legal ruling) in the state of Kelantan that allowed such claim. \xa0As a sequence from this issue, this research aims to study the issue of intellectual property claim as a husband and wife jointly acquired property and analyze the issue of intellectual property claim as husband and wife jointly acquired property according to Islamic and legal perspective. This research is a qualitative \xa0research where the data were collected through the books of classical and contemporary Islamic jurisprudence literatures related to jointly acquired property in Islam, jointly acquired property fatwa (Islamic legal ruling) in the state of Kelantan and jointly acquired property cases in the Shariah Court. These data were then analyzed using a content analysis approach. The results of the research found that the Shariah Court took into account the facts and evidences of the case by the Plaintiff in deciding the claim and the rate of division of claims against jointly acquired property. In fact, it was also found that until now, there have been no cases related to intellectual property claims as jointly acquired property reported by the Syariah Court in Malaysia. The results of the research may provide guidance to the parties involved in the process of claiming jointly acquired property such as muftis, Sharie lawyers and judges in the Shariah Court in deciding the law related to intellectual property for cases involving jointly acquired property claims in Malaysia. \n\xa0Abstrak \nHarta sepencarian adalah harta yang diperolehi dalam masa perkahwinan seorang suami dengan isterinya hasil daripada sumber-sumber atau usaha mereka bersama. Namun begitu, pada era digitalisasi ini, bentuk tuntutan harta sepencarian telah berubah daripada harta yang bersifat fizikal semata-mata kepada harta yang berbentuk intelek. Oleh yang demikian, tuntutan harta sepencarian juga turut melibatkan harta intelek pasangan yang diperolehi dalam tempoh perkahwinan tersebut. Walaupun harta sepencarian adalah hak eksklusif suami isteri dalam perkahwinan, tetapi tuntutan harta sepencarian juga boleh dibuat oleh pihak ketiga selain daripada pasangan kepada perkahwinan tersebut. Malah, terdapat fatwa di negeri Kelantan yang membenarkan tuntutan sebegini. Urutan daripada ini, kajian ini bertujuan mengkaji isu tuntutan harta intelek sebagai harta sepencarian suami isteri dan menganalisis isu tuntutan harta intelek sebagai harta sepencarian suami isteri mengikut perspektif syarak dan undang-undang. Kajian ini adalah kajian berbentuk kualitatif di mana data dalam kajian ini dikumpul melalui kitab-kitab fiqh klasik dan kontemporari berkaitan harta sepencarian dalam Islam, fatwa harta sepencarian di negeri Kelantan dan kes-kes harta sepencarian di Mahkamah Syariah. Data-data ini kemudiannya dianalisis menggunakan pendekatan analisis kandungan. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa Mahkamah Syariah mengambil kira fakta kes dan pembuktian kes oleh Plaintif dalam memutuskan tuntutan dan kadar pembahagian tuntutan terhadap harta sepencarian. Malah, didapati juga bahawa sehingga kini, tiada kes berkaitan tuntutan harta intelek sebagai harta sepencarian yang dilaporkan oleh Mahkamah Syariah di Malaysia. Hasil kajian yang dikemukakan dapat memberikan panduan kepada pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam proses tuntutan harta sepencarian seperti mufti, peguam syarie dan hakim di Mahkamah Syariah dalam memutuskan hukum berkaitan harta intelek bagi kes-kes yang melibatkan tuntutan harta sepencarian di Malaysia.

Volume None
Pages None
DOI 10.33102/jfatwa.vol24no2.350
Language English
Journal Journal of Fatwa Management and Research

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