Archive | 2021




Patients with end-stage chronic renal failure required hemodialysis to survive for a long time. One of the complications of hemodialysis therapy is pruritus. Pruritus interfered with the patient s activities and sleep quality so that it has an impact on the quality of life. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the length of hemodialysis therapy and pruritus in patients with chronic kidney failure. The research design is cross sectional. The population of all chronic kidney failure patients at Panti Waluya Hospital Malang during November 2020 who underwent hemodialysis was 56 people. Simple random sampling was used as the sampling technique, so that a sample of 45 people met the inclusion criteria. Analysis test with Mann Whitney, the result of the mean length of time patients undergoing hemodialysis is 2 years 5 months. The median score for patients with pruritus was 5 (moderate category – itching indicated frequent scratching). The results of the analysis test showed that there was a relationship between duration of hemodialysis and pruritus (p value = 0.033). Nurses in the hemodialysis room need to provide health education related to non-pharmacological management of pruritus as a result of hemodialysis therapy for patients with chronic renal failure. This is an effort to minimize the severity of pruritus that causes sleep disturbances so that it indirectly reduces the activity and quality of life of patients with chronic kidney failure. Keywords : Chronic renal failure, Hemodialysis, Pruritus ABSTRAK Pasien gagal ginjal kronis stadium akhir untuk mempertahankan hidupnya, membutuhkan hemodialisa dalam kurun waktu yang lama. Salah satu komplikasi terapi hemodialisa adalah pruritus. Pruritus mengganggu aktivitas serta kualitas tidur pasien sehingga berdampak terhadap kulitas hidup. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mengetahui hubungan lama terapi hemodialisa dengan pruritus pada pasien gagal ginjal kronis. Desain penelitian cross sectional. Populasi\xa0 semua pasien gagal ginjal kronis di Rumah Sakit Panti Waluya Malang selama bulan November tahun 2020 yang menjalani hemodialisa berjumlah 56 orang. Simple random sampling sebagai teknik sampling yang digunakan, sehingga didapatkan sampel 45 orang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Uji analisis dengan Mann Whitney , didapatkan hasil nilai tengah lama pasien menjalani Hemodialisa adalah 2 tahun 5 bulan. Nilai tengah pasien mengalami pruritus adalah\xa0 5 (kategori sedang-terdapat rasa gatal ditunjukkan sering menggaruk). Hasil uji analisis menunjukan ada hubungan lama menjalani hemodialisa dengan pruritus (nilai p = 0,033). Perawat di ruang hemodialisa perlu melakukan penyuluhan kesehatan terkait penatalaksanaan non farmakologis pruritus sebagai dampak terapi hemodialisa pasien gagal ginjal kornis. Hal tersebut sebagai upaya meminimalisir keparahan dari pruritus yang menyebabkan gangguan tidur sehingga secara tidak langsung\xa0 menurunkan aktivitas dan kualitas hidup pasien gagal ginjal kronis. \xa0Kata kunci : Gagal ginjal kronis, Hemodialisa, Pruritus

Volume 9
Pages 197-207
DOI 10.33366/JC.V9I2.2311
Language English
Journal None

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