Archive | 2019

Crimes Against Women in India using Regression



1460 Published By: Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication Retrieval Number: F12970486S419/19©BEIESP DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.F1297.0486S419 Abstract— Women security is one of the biggest concerns of the country right now. Crimes against women in the form of murders, rapes, dowry threats, have been on the up in the past decade. It has existed in the past but only in the last decade, has it become a source of discussion and concern. Several analyses have been done in the field of crime detection and prediction; few have been done about crime against women in India and almost none with regards to different crimes against women. This paper describes an in-depth analysis of crimes against women from the year 2002 to 2011. This study uses regression as well as visualization for analyzing the crime patterns over the previously mentioned years and helps predict the possible age group to target with the awareness drives, the frequency of different crimes in different states and thus, evaluate the effectiveness of the current security measures in all the states of the country. The knowledge gained from these then can be given to the police and the various crime agencies to help them take better decisions regarding prevention of crimes against women in India. This approach can be quite effective and can be used globally.

Volume None
Pages None
DOI 10.35940/ijitee.f1297.0486s419
Language English
Journal None

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