Archive | 2019

Os enfrentamentos históricos da formação e desenvolvimento profissional em educação física



Objetivo : Analisar os enfrentamentos da formacao e desenvolvimento profissional em educacao fisica, presentes desde inicio do seculo XX e, ainda, hoje, alguns nao superados. Vislumbra-se despertar para um olhar critico das determinantes: educacao fisica, universidade, formacao, mundo do trabalho e sociedade brasileira. Metodos : Para tanto, realizou-se revisao critica da literatura pertinente ao assunto e por intermedio da sociologia do conhecimento pautou-se a discussao do problema em questao. Resultados : Constatou-se avanco significativo da area em termos cientificos, recentes estudos apontam os beneficios da pratica orientada de exercicios fisicos para o tratamento de algumas doencas como obesidade, depressao, diabetes, Alzheimer, entre outras. No entanto, ainda e questionavel a postura, intervencao profissional e praxis pedagogica. Ha mais de 100 anos, enfrentamos o sentimento de “outsiders”, estigmatizados por atributos associados a desvalorizacao do ser professor, com baixa remuneracao financeira, reconhecimento cultural, status cientifico e profissional da educacao fisica, questionaveis na figuracao escolar e social brasileira. Enfim, com as poucas aulas semanais de educacao fisica escolar, dificilmente a educacao do corpo brasileiro acontecera por intermedio do processo de escolarizacao. Conclusao : Consequentemente, o projeto nacional de conscientizacao e mudanca em prol de habitos saudaveis nao se concretizara, resultando em menores indices de qualidade de vida e mais gastos financeiros pessoais e governamentais. ABSTRACT. The confrontations of training and professional development in physical education .\xa0 Objective : To analyze the confrontations of the formation and professional development in physical education, present since the beginning of the 20th century and until today, some of them have not yet been overcome. Methods : There has been an awakening glimpse for a critical view of the determinants: physical education, university, training, the world of work and the Brazilian society. Results : For this purpose, it has been carried out a critical review of the literature pertinent to the subject and it was taken account the discussion of the relevant problem through the sociology of knowledge method. It was found a significant progress of this area in scientific terms, recent studies have pointed the benefits of oriented practice of the physical exercises for some disease treatment such as obesity, depression, diabetes, Alzheimer, among others. However, it is still questionable the attitude, professional intervention and pedagogical praxis. We have faced the feeling of “outsiders” stigmatized by attributes associated to the depreciation of being a teacher, who has low payment, low cultural recognition, the physical education scientific and professional status questionable in the school and social Brazilian environment for more than a hundred years. Finally, with only the very few weekly PE classes, there is little chance the Brazilian body education and training will happen by means of an education process. Conclusion : Therefore, the national project of awareness and change on behalf of healthy habits will not be achieved, resulting in lower levels of life quality and more personal and governmental financial expenditures

Volume 17
Pages 237-244
DOI 10.36453/2318-5104.2019.V17.N1.P237
Language English
Journal None

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