Archive | 2019

Atitudes e condutas emocionais dos técnicos de basquetebol: a percepção dos atletas de duas equipes do campeonato da FGB



Objetivo : Investigar as possiveis diferencas na percepcao dos atletas de duas equipes participantes do campeonato promovido pela Federacao Gaucha de Basquete (FGB), em relacao aos comportamentos, atitudes, condutas, fluencia da comunicacao e estados emocionais dos tecnicos. Metodos : Foram sujeitos deste estudo 25 atletas adolescentes, na faixa etaria entre 14 e 15 anos. A investigacao baseou-se com delineamento ex-post-facto, de carater descritivo comparativo, e teve como instrumento o questionario Coaching Behavior Questionnaire com perguntas objetivas em uma escala de Likert de 1 a 4. Para verificar as questoes mais e menos valorizadas, estratificados, por dimensoes, foi utilizada a estatistica descritiva, apresentando as medias e o desvio padrao. Resultados : Fica evidente que existiram diferencas entre as filosofias dos dois clubes pesquisados, devido, principalmente, aos comportamentos e condutas apreendidas dos atletas em relacao aos seus educadores. Os atletas da equipe A possuem medias superiores em relacao aos atletas da equipe B. Conclusao : A percepcao de uma equipe e distinta da outra, mostrando o papel fundamental que o treinador tem no seu trabalho profissional e pedagogico. ABSTRACT . Emotional attitudes and behaviors of basketball coaches: the perception of the athletes of two FGB championship teams. Objective : To investigate the possible differences in the perception of the athletes of two teams participating in the championship promoted by the Gaucho Federation of Basketball (FGB), in relation to behaviors, attitudes, behaviors, communication fluency and emotional states of the coaches. Methods : 25 adolescents, aged 14 to 15 years, were subjects of this study. The research was based on an ex-post facto design, with a comparative descriptive character, and had as instrument the Coaching Behavior Questionnaire with objective questions on a Likert scale of 1 to 4. To verify the more and less valued, stratified issues, by means of descriptive statistics, using the means and the standard deviation. Results : It is evident that there were differences between the philosophies of the two clubs studied, mainly due to the behaviors and behaviors seized of the athletes in relation to their educators. The athletes of team A have superior means in relation to the athletes of team B. Conclusion : The perception of one team is different from the other, showing the fundamental role that the coach has in his professional and pedagogical work.

Volume 17
Pages 57-64
DOI 10.36453/2318-5104.2019.V17.N2.P57
Language English
Journal None

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