Journal of Scientific Research | 2021

Session Key based Image Cryptographic Algorithm using Logistic-Sine Map and Crossover Operator for IoT



260 DOI: 10.37398/JSR.2021.650133 Abstract: Due to the increasing demand for IoT applications in various fields such as healthcare, smart city, smart grids, industrial internet, etc. The privacy and security become a major issue in front of various researchers working in this field. This work proposed a novel image encryption algorithm based on a logisticsine map and crossover operator of a genetic algorithm. Various 1D chaotic maps are discussed in the literature review, but in some cases, hybrid 1-D chaotic maps have higher performance than simple 1-D chaotic maps. So 1-D chaotic map along with a crossover operator is used in this work. Here logistic-sine maps and crossover are used to generate the random session key for each image encryption. Also, a crossover operator is used in encryption rounds for increasing confusion and diffusion. Here in this work, for each image encryption, a new session session key is generated. The proposed algorithm is tested on various parameters for effective randomness. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performance is better than existing algorithms in terms of randomness and secure enough to resist all the existing cryptanalytic attacks.

Volume 65
Pages 260-265
DOI 10.37398/JSR.2021.650133
Language English
Journal Journal of Scientific Research

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