International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences | 2019

Perception locale des contraintes à la culture de Vitellaria paradoxa C.F.Gaertn. et essai d’amélioration de sa croissance juvénile par fertilisation minérale et organique



Le karite ( Vitellaria paradoxa ) est un arbre indigene d’Afrique sub-saharienne d’interet ecologique, alimentaire et economique. L’etude a pour but d’identifier les contraintes qui pesent sur la domestication du karite au Benin et d’evaluer l’effet de la provenance des graines et de la fertilisation sur la croissance juvenile des plants de karite. Le karite est vulnerable selon l’UICN et semi-domestique compte tenu des contraintes qui entravent sa domestication. Il s’agit entre autre de la lenteur de sa croissance juvenile et la longueur de son cycle vegetatif. L’etude menee en pepiniere a porte sur la croissance des plantules obtenues des graines issues de deux provenances a savoir Parakou et Banikoara. Ces deux provenances presentent une difference climatique et appartiennent a deux differents parcs a karite-nere du Benin. Au total quatre traitements (temoin, engrais NPK avec deux doses (10 g/pot/mois, 20 g/pot/mois) et dejection de boeuf) ont ete appliques sur les plantules des deux provenances pour evaluer leurs croissances aeriennes. Les resultats issus de cette etude montrent que la provenance n’a pas d’effet sur le diametre au collet des plantules et sur la longueur des feuilles (P>0,05), mais l’on note une difference significative entre les provenances en ce qui concerne la hauteur et le nombre de feuilles (P<0,05). La fertilisation a un effet significatif sur la croissance des plantules (P<0,05); mais l’impact de l’engrais NPK sur la croissance des plantules de karite n’est pas substantiel. © 2019 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved Mots cles: karite, provenance, croissance juvenile, engrais mineral, engrais organique English Title: Local perception of the constraints to the culture of the Vitellaria paradoxa C.F. Gaertn. and test of improvement of young growth by mineral and organic fertilization English Abstract The shea tree ( Vitellaria paradoxa ) is a native tree of sub-Saharan Africa with an ecological, alimental and economic interest. The study aims to identify the constraints that weigh on the domestication of shea tree in Benin and to evaluate the effect of seed source and fertilization on the juvenile growth of shea plants. It is vulnerable according to the IUCN, and semi-domesticated taking into consideration some constraints such as a\xa0 slow growth at a young and its long growth cycle. In order to be able to domesticated Vitellaria paradoxa it is necessary to master its forestry and end up with its taming’s constraints. The study conducted in a nursery studied the growth of the seedlings produced from two provenances which are Parakou and Banikoara. These two provenances present a climatic difference and belong to two difference parks of shea tree and African locust beans previously described in Benin. Four treatments (Control, fertilizer NPK with two doses (10 g/pot/month; 20 g/pot/month) and cow manure) were applied to the seedlings to evaluate their early growth. The results from this study show that no provenance influence was noticed on the diameter growth and the length of leaves. But there was a significant difference between provenances as far as height growth and numbers of leaves are concerned. Fertilization influenced V. paradoxa early growth but NPK’s impact was hardly perceptible. © 2019 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved Keywords: Shea tree, provenance, early growth, mineral fertilizer, organic fertilizer

Volume 13
Pages 925-936
DOI 10.4314/ijbcs.v13i2.28
Language English
Journal International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences

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