Archive | 2021




Abstrak Implementasi, Pertanggungjawaban Presiden, Sistem Ketatanegaraan dan Amandemen UUD NRI 1945. Tujuan Penelitian: Untuk Mengetahui pertanggungjawaban Presiden pasca amandemen UUD 1945 serta untuk Mengetahui akibat hukum pertaanggungjawaban Presiden pasca amandemen UUD 1945. Metode Penelitian: Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian Yuridis Normatif dengan mempelajari peraturan-peraturan di bidang Sistem ketatanegaraan dan pasal-pasal dalam undang-undang serta kaitannya sebagai bahan Hukum Primer dan buku-buku ilmiah sebagai bahan Hukum Sekunder Hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa pertanggungjawaban Presiden mempunyai dua macam arti , yaitu pertanggungjawaban dalam arti politik dan pertanggungjawababn dalam hukum. Pertama, Pertanggugjawaban dalalm arti politik terjadi ketika Presiden mencalonkan diri untuk masa jabatan kedua. Kalau dia tidak terpilih lagi, berarti pertanggungjawabannya tidak diterima dan Pertanggungjawaban dalam hukum terjadi, apabila DPR berpendapat Presiden telah melakukan pelanggaran hukum berat. Dalam hal ini,DPR meminta Mahkamah konstitusi untuk memerikasa, mengadili dan memutus. Sistem pertanggungjawaban hukum Presiden dapat dikatakan mengarah ke pranata impeachment, yaitu meminta pertanggungjawaban Presiden karena adanya dugaan pelanggaran hukum. Sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa bentuk pertanggungjawabannya adalah pertanggungjawaban hukum. Namun, tidak tertutup kemungkinan adanya pertanggungjawaban politis, berupa pidato Presiden dihadapan DPR sehubungan dengan fungsi pengawasannya. Abstract Implementation, Accountability of the President, State Administration System and Amendments to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. Research Objectives: To determine the responsibility of the President after amendment to the 1945 Constitution and to determine the legal consequences of the responsibility of the President after the amendment of the 1945 Constitution. Research Methods: The\xa0research method used is the juridical normative research method by studying regulations in the field of constitutional systems and articles in law and their relation as primary law material and scientific books as secondary law material. The results showed that the responsibility of the President has two kinds of meanings, namely accountability in the political sense and accountability in the law. First, accountability in a political sense occurs when the President runs for a second term. If he is not reelected, it means that his accountability is not accepted and accountability in law occurs, if the DPR is of the opinion that the President has committed a serious violation of the law. In this case, the DPR asks the Constitutional Court to examine, hear and decide. It can be said that the President s legal accountability system leads to impeachment institutions, namely holding the President accountable for alleged violations of the law. So it can be said that the form of accountability is legal responsibility. However, it is possible to have political accountability, in the form of a speech by the President before the DPR in connection with his oversight function.

Volume 4
Pages 365-380
DOI 10.47313/NLJ.V4I1.1112
Language English
Journal None

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