Archive | 2021

PASHMINA: Pelayanan Kesehatan Remaja Enam Pos Secara Holistik Berbasis Pemberdayaan Masyarakat



Abstrak \n\xa0Remaja adalah asset berharga suatu bangsa. Kesehatan remaja yang holistic harus diupayakan semaksimal mungkin agar terwujud remaja sehat di masa depan. Salah satu layanan kesehatan remaja berbasis pemberdayaan masyarkaat adalah layanan remaja sehat milik Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (PASHMINA). Tujuan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan praktik layanan kesehatan remaja yang komprehensif sehingga tercapai remaja yang sehat secara optimal. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Tunjungsari Kecamatan Siwalan Kab Pekalongan dengan model pendampingan layanan pashmina kepada anak-anak sekolah dasar (SD). Hasil kegiatan yang didapat secara kualitatif dari remaja adalah sebagai berikut: remaja merasa puas dengan layanan pashmina, remaja senang karena memiliki tempat konsultasi terkait masalah remaja yang dialami. Lebih lanjut, remaja semangat mengikuti kegiatan pashmina selanjutnya. Perlu dilakukan pendmapingan lebih lanjut agar kegiatan pashmina dapat terus berjalan.\xa0\xa0\xa0 \nKata kunci: PASHMINA, pelayanan remaja holsitik, kesehatan remaja, pemberdayaan perempuan masyarakat \n\xa0Abstract \n\xa0Adolescent is a valuable asset of a nation. Holistic adolescent health should be addressed as much as possible in order to create healthy adolescents in the future. One of the community empowerment-based adolescent health services is the healthy youth service owned by Nasyiatul Aisyiyah (PASHMINA-abbreviaton from Pelayanan Remaja Sehat Milik Nasyiatul Aisyiyah). The purpose of this community service was to provide comprehensive adolescent health service practices so that optimally healthy youth can be achieved. This activity was carried out in Tunjungsari Village, Siwalan District, Pekalongan Regency with a model of assisting pashmina services to elementary school (SD) children. The results of the activities obtained qualitatively from adolescents were as follows: adolescents were satisfied with pashmina services, adolescents were happy because they have a place for consultation regarding adolescent problems they were experiencing. Furthermore, they were enthusiastic about participating in the next pashmina activities. Further mapping needs to be done so that PASHMINA activities could be continued. \nKeywords: PASHMINA, holistic service for adolescents, adolescent health, women empowerment

Volume 1
Pages 15-22
DOI 10.48144/BATIKMU.V1I1.576
Language English
Journal None

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